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日期:2024-09-23 08:59:57来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:英语单词怎么组合成句子【一】1 . _______________(令人惊讶地, MrsHall did not know her guest’s name2 . Lucretia Mott’s i...


1 . _______________(令人惊讶地, MrsHall did not know her guest’s name

2 . Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States

3 . challengingmissing equipmentembarrassedconcentratemysterious introductionadventure(suncomfortableSurprisingly donated generations supposed, punished; fault; adults; garbage; scene;; behaviour; explanation; argument; forbiddendestroyed, chatting ; boring Interest devote satisgaction athlete

4 . Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact

5 . 与这些生理变化同时发生,还有很多理上的变化。(along with

6 . Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers

7 . 茶 tea

8 . Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律保护。

9 . 儿子 son

10 . 愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。


1 . 愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今回忆温馨,愿你今天的想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!

2 . 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让

3 . descendant 后代

4 . 弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。

5 . contentment 满意;满足

6 . hardship 艰难险阻

7 . 遛 walk the dog

8 . 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比。

9 . anecdote 轶

10 . 向右转 turn right


1 . theteacherwhoteachesusmathsisayoungman

2 . industry 工业;行业

3 . 一些 several

4 . Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually

5 . joint effort 共同努力

6 . 让我与你的朋友们一道共庆你生日快乐,今天属于你,祝你欢欢喜喜!

7 . Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in , how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century

8 . 叔叔;舅舅 uncle

9 . The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken

10 . burden 负担


1 . skyscraper 摩天大楼

2 . They are working hard preparing themselves for the coming final examination

3 . ingenuity 独创性

4 . outcome 产物

5 . 如此;这样 so

6 . 照相 take pictures

7 . zeal 热

8 . 教师办公室 teacher’s office

9 . popularization 普及

10 . 再找个喜欢的人在一起,这样晚上八点到早晨六点就是开心的,这就是生活


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