日期:2022-12-09 19:30:45来源:人气:我来评论
1、一层层的浪涛向远处扩展延伸,慢慢平息下去,像是喘一口气似的,留下一片转瞬即逝的泡沫,还有摇晃着的海藻的霉腥味。 A layer of waves extended to the distance, slowly subsiding, breathing like a sigh of relief, leaving a fleeting bubble, and the mildew smell of swaying seaweed. 2、有时太阳走进了云堆中,它的光线却从云里射下来,直射到水面上。这时候要分辨出哪里是水,哪里是天,倒也不容易,因为我就只看见一片灿烂的亮光。 Sometimes the sun comes into the clouds, and its rays shoot down from the clouds and shoot directly into the water. It was not easy to tell where the water was and where the sky was, for all I saw was a brilliant light. 3、大海、一望无垠,就是乎永远游不到尽头一样;大海、湛蓝湛蓝,就是乎一位生气的老师脸色发青。 The sea, the vast view, is that you can never swim to the end of the same; the sea, azure blue, is that an angry teacher looks blue. 4、大海,你我之间路途遥远,但我从记事起便对你充满了无尽的渴望。热爱、感激、崇敬之情交织在一起,甚至连做梦时都在倾听你那或激昂或沉稳的迷人的声音。 The sea is far between you and me, but I am full of endless desire for you from memory. Love, gratitude, reverence are intertwined, and even in dreams listen to your passionate or sedate voice. 5、我爱海,爱它那波涛汹涌、磅礴的气势;爱它那无边无际的胸怀;爱它那深不见底的宝藏;更爱它那蓝蓝的,咸咸的,深深的,永不停息的海水。 I love the sea, love its turbulent and majestic momentum; love its boundless mind; love its unseen treasure; love its blue, salty, deep and never-ending sea. 6、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子,望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。 Like its quiet appearance, roaring appearance, looking at the past that vast open sea, vigorous and vast, the city's narrow, crowded, noisy all despair beyond the sky. 7、斜雨霏霏的时日,苍茫浩渺的时日,海风肆虐的时日,我们依然都还是要坚持着出海。一叶小舟,一根长蒿,一个脆弱而笃定的生命就可以了。 We still insist on going to sea in the rainy days, the vast days, and the sea breeze. A small boat, a long Artemisia, a fragile and determined life. 8、海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。 The sea is so blue, people feel that the color of jadeite is too light, the color of sapphire is too deep, even if a master master, it is difficult to describe. 9、傍晚,你要在海边散步,你会完全投入到大海美丽的景象中。一阵风袭来,大海像发怒了一样,泛起了波涛,海浸湿到你的裤脚时,你才会意识到。 In the evening, you have to take a walk along the beach, and you will be totally absorbed in the beautiful scenery of the sea. A gust of wind came, and the sea was like a rage, and there were waves, and when the sea got wet to your pants, you realized it. 10、海,爱你的纯洁的清流,海,爱你的神秘的魅力;海,爱你的善良,高尚,海,也爱你的深藏若虚。 The sea, loves your pure clear current, the sea, loves your mysterious charm; the sea, loves your kindness, nobility, the sea, also loves your deep hidden if empty. 11、你听,海不就是在唱歌吗?时而雄壮,时而舒缓,浪花也时不时的拍岸响应,我闭上眼睛,和着海风滑过耳际的声音,恍惚间,如入无蓬莱之境,安若天堂。 Do you hear that the sea is singing? Sometimes majestic, sometimes soothing, the waves also from time to time shore response, I closed my eyes, and the sea breeze slipped through the ears of the voice, vague, as into no Penglai, as if heaven. 12、滔滔白浪从天际滚滚而来,银白皎亮的波涛推涌追逐,渐渐由远而近,越近越高,越高越响,宛如千军万马挟着雷鸣一般的轰然巨响奔腾而至。 The white waves rolled from the sky, the silver and bright waves surged in pursuit, gradually from far to near, the closer the higher, the higher the louder, like thousands of horses with thunderous roar and rush to. 13、诗文中,常常见到大海的倩影。然而真正领略大海风情的却很少。唯独这一次当我背上背包,亲自去青岛海边打算拾贝壳时,才感觉到什么叫做大海的魅力! Poetry often sees the shadows of the sea. But there are few truly appreciating the sea. Only this time when I carried my backpack and went to Qingdao to pick up shells, did I feel the charm of the sea! 14、阳光照在波光细细的湖面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。 The sun shone on the thin, wavy surface of the lake, like a layer of shining silver, like crumpled green satin. 15、大海啊!大海,天使也不知道,我为何对你如此迷恋,未来的未来,我还要为你献上我对海的祝福。 The sea! The sea, angels do not know why I am so obsessed with you, the future, I also want to offer you my blessing to the sea. 16、很远很远就听见在海呼呼的声响,这雄伟与剥落的声响使人们感到一种具有音乐感的豪放美与雄壮美。 The voice of the sea was heard from a long distance, and the grandeur and exfoliation made people feel a kind of magnificent beauty and majesty with a sense of music. 17、海,真的海,同北方高原那片苍茫的土地一样,凝聚着一种无法言说的神秘的生命力,给人一种超越自然的深刻! The sea, the real sea, like the vast land of the northern plateau, condenses an unspeakable mysterious vitality, giving people a profound transcendence of nature! 18、没有月亮,海更增加了几分妩媚与神秘,天与海完全融合成一体:一个深蓝近乎于黑黑的世界。唯有那一排排相继涌来的浪花,给海镀上了一道道如雪的花边。 Without the moon, the sea added a little more charm and mystery, and the sky and the sea merged into one: a dark blue almost black world. Only those rows of spray came to the sea with a snowy lace. 19、海,是平凡的,是普通的,但海又是那么富有气魄,有着一种神韵而又有着与世无争的感觉。 The sea, is ordinary, is ordinary, but the sea is so bold, has a charm and has a feeling of no competition with the world. 20、大海是生命的母体;海水是生命的洗礼玉液;而面向大海,沐浴海风,感受滚滚红尘间千种风情乃人生一大乐事。 The sea is the mother of life; the sea is the baptism of life; and facing the sea, bathing in the sea breeze, feeling the thousands of customs is a great joy of life. 21、大海,她有气吞山河之势,有包容万物之量;她承载历史,托起巨轮,孕育生命,传承文明。可是,又有谁能知道,大海也和人一样,有喜怒哀乐,也有悲欢忧愁。 The sea, she has the momentum to swallow mountains and rivers, has the capacity to contain all things; she carries the history, lifts the giant wheel, gestates life, inherits civilization. However, who can know that the sea is like human beings with joy, sadness, joy and sorrow. 22、海,能容纳百川,它胸怀的博大;海,有潮起潮落,它沸腾的理想;海,有波峰涛谷,它引傲的作品;海,有惊涛骇浪,它对生命极限的考验。 The sea can accommodate a hundred rivers, and it has a broad mind; the sea, the tide rises and falls, it boiling ideals; the sea, there are waves and valleys, it proud works; the sea, there are waves and waves, it tests the limits of life. 23、大海像一位幽默智慧的老人;大海像一位害羞的小姑娘;大海、像一位伟大的母亲;大海、像一位发怒的壮汉;大海、像一位神秘的魔术师。 The sea is like an old man with humor and wisdom; the sea is like a shy little girl; the sea is like a great mother; the sea is like an angry strong man; the sea is like a mysterious magician. 24、向前几步,一排白花花的浪头向我跑来,抱住我的脚丫,又退回去,接着又是一排,就像妈妈的手抚摸着我稚嫩的小脚。而那浪头更有着战国时冲锋陷阵时的情景,气势磅礴。 A few steps forward, a row of white-flowered waves ran towards me, hugged my feet, retreated, and then a row, like my mother's hand touching my tender little feet. And the wave was more powerful when the Warring States came into power. 25、浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。 Spray is a wonder of the sea, but she is more like a dancer, she can make people put aside worries, enjoy. 26、我爱你大海,爱你的浩瀚无际,也爱你的美丽,更爱你的神秘感。大海你是一位宽容的母亲。大海,你的宽容大度,是我们学习的榜样。 I love you, the sea, I love your immense boundless, I also love your beauty, and I love your mystery. Sea, you are a tolerant mother. The sea, your tolerance is our example. 27、平静的大海是一个蓝色的世界,无风无浪,心平气和,而又有谁知道这平静之中隐藏着危机呢平静是大海虚假的一面。 The calm sea is a blue world, windless, calm, and who knows that the calm hidden in the crisis is calm the sea is a false side. 28、海是那样美,那样静,可是,总能让人发现她不一样的美,让我们共同感受大自然的美!将来,海会更加蓝,草会更加绿,我们将生活在美的世界。 The sea is so beautiful, so quiet, but always let people find her different beauty, let us feel the beauty of nature together! In the future, the sea will be more blue, the grass will be greener, and we will live in the beautiful world. 29、英虞湾的天光海色浑然相融,熠熠生辉。海面上漂浮着的珍珠筏银光闪闪,像钢琴的钢丝弦一样。 The sky and sea in Ying Yu Wan are shining brightly and brightly. The Pearl raft on the sea is shining like the wire string on the piano. 30、仰望蓝天,远眺那无边无际的大海,分不清天涯还是海角,全然一片蓝色的世界。成群的海鸥,追逐着一浪赶着一浪的浪花,另几艘渔轮也载着勤劳的渔民正在远处撒网捕鱼。 Looking up at the blue sky, overlooking the boundless sea, can not tell the end of the world or the corner of the sea, a completely blue world. Crowds of seagulls chased waves of spray, and several other fishing boats, carrying industrious fishermen, were casting nets in the distance. 31、海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。 The sea was full, and under the sunset, the waves leaped like naughty children, and the water was golden. 32、我爱大海,爱它的宽广、浩瀚,爱它的博大、无私,爱它的沉稳、宽容。大海,你是我永远的梦。 I love the sea, love its breadth and vastness, love its generosity and selflessness, and love its calm and tolerant. The sea, you are my forever dream. 33、到秋天,山是浅黄或绛紫色的,河水是碧蓝碧蓝的,柞树的叶子火一样红,素馨花雪一样白,野艾的瓦灰,菅草的姣绿,野**的藕荷色,形成了色彩斑斓的图画。 In autumn, the mountains are light yellow or purple, the river is blue and blue, the oak leaves are as red as fire, the jasmine flowers are as white as snow, the ash of wild Ai, the green of the mimosa, the lotus of wild chrysanthemum, forming a colorful picture. 34、是啊!满视野的蓝色。无暇、透明,纯洁、安静,足以融化自己的一种颜色,那是自然唯一赋予大海的颜色。 Yes! Blue in full view. No time, transparency, purity, quietness, enough to melt one of their own color, that is the only color given to the sea by nature. 35、远天,归鸟盘旋海面,翅膀仿佛擦过晚霞,此时正是落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色的美景。啊!海边的黄昏,真是令人流连往返。 In the distant sky, the returning bird hovered over the sea, and its wings seemed to brush the sunset. At this time, the sunset and the solitary birds flew together, and the autumn water covered the whole sky. Ah! The dusk at the seaside is really a continuous journey. 36、海,一切平静、安详;有时却像咆哮的雄狮,在狂暴的发怒着,风平静时,只听见那浪花亲吻着沙滩上的石头的声音。 The sea was calm and serene, but sometimes it was like a roaring lion, and when the wind was calm and furious, only the sound of the spray kissing the rocks on the beach was heard. 37、大海有时像一头咆哮的猛虎,汹涌澎湃,掀起阵阵狂澜,汹猛的海浪不时拍打着礁石,它,溅起一片片晶莹的浪珠;有时又像一位温柔的妈妈,让海浪欢快的跳跃。 Sometimes the sea is like a roaring tiger, surging, set off a series of raging waves, raging waves from time to time slapping the rocks, it splashed a piece of crystal beads; and sometimes like a gentle mother, let the waves jump happily. 38、海,神秘,美丽,神乎其神,海,爱你的纯洁的清流,海,爱你的神秘的魅力;海,爱你的善良,高尚,海,也爱你的深藏若虚。 The sea, mysterious, beautiful, pine, the sea, love your pure flow, the sea, love your mysterious charm; the sea, love your good, noble, the sea, also love your hidden if empty. 39、太阳把大海映红了,好像得大海披上了一层红纱。海面上闪烁着一串一串五彩缤纷的光圈,就像我在家用肥皂沫沫吹的小泡泡。 The sun shone the sea, as if the sea was covered with red gauze. The sea was sparkling with a series of colorful diaphragms, like bubbles I had blown from household soap foam. 40、无边无垠的海水里,朵朵欢快的浪花们轻快优美的舞姿,那是大海开心的时刻里展露出来的欢乐笑颜。 In the boundless sea, sprays of joy and grace danced lightly and gracefully. It was the joyful smile of the happy moment of the sea. 标签:英语 大海 |
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