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日期:2022-12-08 04:11:55来源:人气:我来评论

导读:1、恭喜恭喜!祝愿你们百年相守共白头,爱意深,永不忘,姻缘千里今日牵,此生缠绵情常青! Congratulations! Wish you a hundred years together, love deeply, never forget, marriage thousands of miles today...


Congratulations! Wish you a hundred years together, love deeply, never forget, marriage thousands of miles today pull, this life lingering love evergreen!


Acquaintance, acquaintance, love, love each other, you have the same boat, we must cherish the blessings of this life.


On your wedding day, may your love and love be everlasting and grow with each passing day.


A happy family, congratulations and blessings, happy marriage! Congratulations!


The red and red characters, the red hall, the red bride, the red bridegroom. Traditional wedding, happy you, may your marriage life be sweet forever.


In the days when the flowers are full of flowers, you two are always together. Happy new marriage!


You were born to make a pair of the earth, and now we have to forgive and take care of each other. Bless you!


Three great things in life, dear colleagues, on your wedding day, let me sincerely wish you a happy marriage.


Please send your sincere wishes to the breeze and let the clouds bring sincere affection.


The bride, groom, and family are all new, respectful, loving and caring for each other, heart-to-heart, mutual encouragement and conversation, and confidence and determination are always new.


A harmonious union lasting a hundred years! Happy wedding, sweet honey! Have a lovely baby early!


The bride is virtuous and virtuous, and the school has taught female students.


What never fade is mutual concern, which is endless and deep love. Love is also warmer and better because of the fusion of this moment. I wish you all the best!


May you two love kindness, love, love, love, and love.


I wish my dearest friend, from now on, Love River Yongbath ten years to repair the same boat, a hundred years to repair the sleeping together!


One life, love for life. A lifelong love affair. Two people, two hearts. Two hearts to eternity. I wish you every happiness. Love for a hundred years!


May love fill your sweet life and make every day as brilliant and joyful as it is today!


Congratulations on entering the hall of love.


Happy wedding! You were born a pair, a pair of earth, and now together, more need to be tolerant and care for each other in the future, bless you!


I will never be stingy enough to bless you for the true feelings of people like you. I sincerely wish you all the same: happy forever!


I wish you a pair of Luan Feng, the sky and the sky, a pair of wings. Congratulations to you! A good marriage has been concluded in the world, bless you!


In the name of the years, I wish you all the best. I hope that the old age will never change.


The cold wind whispers, looking back a hundred years, waiting for you to blossom, just take the good fortune of this life, hope it is not an empty night, rain and wind break heart.


The red line that the old man dragged will tie the two hearts and get our heartfelt blessing.


Looking at the bridegroom and bride, the warmth and happiness are the same. Show happiness true face, only body in blessing. I wish you a happy marriage and happiness forever!


In this beautiful day, it seems that the air is full of intoxicating sweetness. I would like to wish my dearest friend, from the future, to love forever.


After twenty years of living, you've finally finished being single, and you've lost your freedom, but you're happy. Congratulations on your new marriage.


Bless you and laugh for you, because today my heart is as joyful and joyful as you are! I wish you all the best! Reach old age!


May love fill your sweet life and make every day as brilliant and joyful as it is today!


Flowers blossom and tie lotus, marriage line pull, acquaintance for a moment, know each other for a hundred years; love, such as Luan Fengbi, than the wings in the world, Guan Lang two strong feelings, happiness forever.


The bride is beautiful like a flower, the groom is like grass, flowers is in the grass vibrant, let flowers and grass shine, let small flowers and grass spread over the mountains.


May you two love each other and sympathize and care for each other and share the pain and happiness in the future. I wish you all the best.


May your love life be like the fig tree's fruit maturing and the grape tree's flower fragrant. May the Lord bless you and may you have a happy life.


Happy gongs and drums, double sticks, red plum blossoms and new wives. Rolls-Royce's red carpet, salute, and joy.


Happy new year, the moon is like a hook. Love is constant, love is not chaos, it is mutual defense. It's a blessing and a new heart for Bai Shouyong.


Congratulations! Farewell to bachelor, but also that you really found true love, as a friend of yours, is really very happy, wish you sweet and happy!


One hundred years of repair, the same boat crossing, a thousand years to sleep together. Meeting in the vast sea of human beings is clearly a part of a thousand years ago. Congratulations on your wonderful marriage!


The bridegroom is handsome as a little boy, and the bride is beautiful.


Hand in your passbook, collect your first love letter smoothly, and give all the bachelors the greatest encouragement with the feat of marriage!


In the ten year, we repaired the same boat. To find each other in the vast sea of human beings is clearly a part of a thousand years ago.


My heart rejoices with you when I give birth to a noble son, and when the text message rings, I wish you a lifetime of love and affection.


There are no gorgeous words, no expensive gifts, only sincere wishes, wish you a happy marriage, a happy family, old age, all the same.


A lifetime of good fortune, a hundred years of good couple forever, only wish this life often accompanied by love, this life often keep the marriage, happy new marriage.


The sea is dry, the rocks rot and the heart knot forever. The sky is higher than the wings. The pearl wall and the cave room are warm in spring. The moon and the fish are deep in water.


With sincere wishes, I send you my best wishes for your new marriage, my dear friend. May your life be filled with joy and prosperity.


There is no ban on eating ancient tea. Congratulations to the couple.


I wish you a happy new marriage, a happy life, a passion forever, and a long life together.


Three great joy in life, dear friend, let me sincerely wish you a happy marriage on your wedding day!


Two diamond rings, a red balloon, and a rose wine. Love years, hand in hand, happy days have every day, remember to let me rub rice!


Knowing that today's spring breeze is happy, old friends are already new men. May your happiness be long and long, like a spring of spring never ending!


I wish you love and sweetness, husband and wife together white head; 2 wish you more prosperous than wings flying together; 3 wish you give birth to noble children early, generation stronger than generation!


See you in the joyful paradise, covered with sparkling stars, I just want to sincerely wish you a happy new marriage, love and happiness forever!


Treasure this love, such as treasure, gently into this emotional temple, to feel every moment of the wonderful time.


Loving each other is a good companion. The flowers and candles greet the birds, and the bridal chamber likes to open the plum trees. Happy wedding!


Today is a wonderful day for you to get married. On behalf of my family, I congratulate you on your happiness and happiness, on your early birth of a noble son, on your eyebrows, and on your life together.


Partners of the past, today's bride, my deep wedding blessing to you, I wish you happiness, I wish you happiness!


A flower is a rose, and a flower door is not open.


Happy birthday, happy new year, bless you marriage is indestructible, love is unbreakable! Peace and beauty, grow old together.


Best wishes for the two newlyweds. Everything goes well, everything goes smoothly, and hand in hand and share happiness.


The flowers and candles are neck and neck, and they are proud of each other. They love each other and love two.

标签:英语 祝福语 婚礼

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