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日期:2024-06-28 12:37:05来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:疑问句的英语单词怎么写【一】1 . 故事书 story-book2 . I had better say a few words by way of __________( 解释 3 . 七十 se...


1 . 故 story-book

2 . I had better say a few words by way of __________( 解释

3 . 七十 seventy

4 . 碧云,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。——南唐•李璟《浣溪沙》

5 . That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists

6 . 傍晚;晚上 evening

7 . consultation 咨询

8 . 色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声。——王士祯《江上》

9 . 地铁 subway

10 . 电视,这项从迅速变化和成长为标志的最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代,这将重塑我们的生活世界


1 . 《长安秋望》——【唐】杜牧

2 . 科学 science

3 . 苗 sprout

4 . The boy felt _____________(窘迫 in front of such a big crowd

5 . gallery 美术馆

6 . 那么 then

7 . charecteristic 特征

8 . 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。

9 . 我们憧憬明天的美好,却常在今天踌躇不前,你抱怨时光为什么不等等,却不知道是你辜负了时光,人要懂得珍惜时光,不能丢了白天的太阳,又丢了夜晚的星星

10 . 晴空一鹤排云上,


1 . outcome 产物

2 . 冬季 winter

3 . infrastructure 基础设施

4 . 八 eight

5 . 和……讲 speak to

6 . In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable

7 . 石头不会腐烂,所以以前的(石器工具能保存下来,虽然它们的制造者已经消失的无影无踪。

8 . When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous

9 . 很多事,不是我想,就能做到的。很多东西,不是我要,就能得到的。很多人,不是我留,就能留住的,个人也很好。时光如,总是无言。你若安好,便是晴天。

10 . 说 say


1 . digestion 消化吸收

2 . 我们坚持了好久,却还是输给了天长地久。

3 . 骑自行车走都算,学校运动也算。(so…)

4 . 洛阳城里见秋

5 . Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。

6 . interference 干涉

7 . prerogative 特权

8 . popularity 普及;流行

9 . 它(他她)们 them

10 . snow


1 . The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives

2 . Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

3 . 在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率。

4 . 女人三大弱点在中害惨自己:不矜持,不拒绝,不清醒。

5 . feature 特点

6 . 冬天 winter

7 . 我爱你,不是因为你能带给我什么而爱你,而是因为爱你而准备接受你所带来的一切。真爱就是不指望你让我能在人前夸耀,但在我的内深处有这样的把握:即使所有的人不与我为伍,你也会依然站在我身边。

8 . tempatation 诱惑

9 . I am truly grateful to you for what you have done我深深地感激您所做的一切。

10 . 什么 what


1 . capacity 能力

2 . tutor 导师

3 . They are the best team in the country They certainly deserve to win the match

4 . 地铁站 subway station

5 . 倒垃圾 empty the trash

6 . satisfaction 满足

7 . 短裤 shorts

8 . comfort 舒适

9 . was so strange for a while and then caught him

10 . reliability 可心度


1 . It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around

2 . matricide n弑母

3 . endeavor 努力做

4 . 如此;这样 so

5 . 使用精心挑选的无意义词汇,可以检验语言学科里许多基本的假定。

6 . industry 工业;行业

7 . reward 奖赏;报酬

8 . 出租汽车 taxi

9 . I look back on my time in the UK with ____________(满意), and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again

10 . Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others


1 . punishment 惩罚

2 . stereotype 成见

3 . 有没有一个人,你想见,却又见不到;有没有一个人,你想爱,却又不敢爱;有没有一个人,你想忘,却又不舍忘。

4 . 大象 elephant

5 . They all thought that it was my first visit to the city As a matter of fact, I had lived here for two years

6 . distraction 干扰

7 . 真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便。

8 . self-discipline 自律

9 . 每天 every day

10 . 伞 umbrella


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