日期:2022-12-07 18:52:53来源:人气:我来评论
1、身体是**的本钱,注意劳逸结合,千万别累坏了。记得我们的约定啊,多联系! The body is the capital of revolution. Pay attention to work and rest. Do not be tired. Remember our appointment, contact more! 2、看不到未来的人总是喜欢回忆,活在回忆里面的人精彩只会越来越少。我们应该要创造新的记忆,精彩的记忆! People who can't see the future always like to remember. The people who live in memories will be fewer and fewer. We should create new memories and wonderful memories. 3、当你手中抓住一件东西不放时,你只能拥有一件东西,如果你肯放手,你就有机会选择更多。 When you hold on to something, you only have one thing, and if you let go, you have a chance to choose more. 4、希望你能珍惜现在的一切,我不求你大富大贵,只求你好好把身体健康过上好日子,好吗? I hope you can cherish everything now. I don't want you to be rich and noble. I just want you to live a good life in good health. OK? 5、雨水轻柔,汇成暖流,融化冰雪,除去忧愁,淅淅沥沥,洋洋洒洒,滋润花草,寄托思念,雨水节里,祝君平安。 The rain is gentle and warm, melting the ice and snow, removing the sorrow, pattering, sprinkling, moistening flowers and plants, pinning miss, rain festival, I wish you peace. 6、寒风冷萧萧,雪花长飘飘。寒风吹来快乐,雪花飘来祝福,祝愿你,在这个寒冬季节里一切安好! The cold wind is cold and Xiao Xiao is snowy. The cold wind is blowing happily, and the snowflakes are floating to bless. I wish you all the best in this cold winter season. 7、周末到了,悠闲去过。睡个懒觉,伸个懒腰;爬山运动,强身健体;朋友相聚,情谊厚增。周末愿您心情顺顺畅畅! The weekend is here. Sleep in, stretch your arms, climb mountains and strengthen your health; friends gather together, and friendship grows thicker. May you have a good mood on the weekend! 8、开一瓶啤酒让你解愁,泡一杯茶水为你减压,送一份祝福给我亲爱的朋友,愿你:心想事成,日子乐悠悠! Open a bottle of beer to relieve your worries, make a cup of tea to relieve your stress, send a blessing to my dear friends, I hope you can achieve what you want, happy days! 9、世上的鲜花会相继盛开,壮丽而不朽的事物会接踵而来!又是新的一月,努力吧! Flowers in the world will bloom one after another, and magnificent and immortal things will follow. It's another month. Try hard! 10、天气变得真快,出门注意防晒,睡觉被子要盖,多吃水果蔬菜,好好保持心态,这样才会可爱,你好我才愉快。 The weather gets really fast, go out to pay attention to sunscreen, sleep quilt to cover, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep a good attitude, so that it will be lovely, hello, I am happy. 11、如果世界到处都是冰雪,我将坚守最后一片叶子,我的思念将绿色涂满你的日子,等待春天! If the world is full of ice and snow, I will stick to the last leaf, my thoughts will be green painted your day, waiting for spring! 12、彩云飘在空中,自然得意洋洋,但最多只能换取几声赞美;唯有化作甜雨并扎根于沃壤之中,才能给世界创造芳菲。 Clouds float in the air, naturally proud, but at most can only be exchanged for a few praises; only into a sweet rain and rooted in fertile soil, can the world create Fangfei. 13、梦想无论怎么模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到梦想成为事实。晚安! No matter how vague the dream is, it always lurks in our hearts, so that our mind will never be quiet until the dream becomes reality. Good night! 14、成功经验的总结多是浮躁的,失败教训的总结才是深刻的,祝你成功! The conclusion of successful experience is impetuous, and the conclusion of failure is profound. Wish you success! 15、即使冰天雪地,即使风霜飞舞,朋友,不要害怕,记得有我在默默地祝福你,记得有我给你无时无刻的温暖! Even if the snow, even if the wind and frost flying, friends, do not be afraid, remember that I silently bless you, remember that I give you the warmth of all the time! 16、愿健康快乐像阳光普照大地般环绕在你身边,愿幸运幸福像春雨滋润万物般飘洒在你左右。 May health and happiness surround you like the sun shining on the earth, and may luck and happiness drift around you like the spring rain moistening all things. 17、短信一条,立秋来报,今日立秋,莫要烦恼,酷暑离去,烦躁远离,心静体宽,心愿实现,心中所想,心想事成。 A short message, the beginning of autumn to report, today the beginning of autumn, do not worry, the heat to leave, irritability away, calm and broad-minded, wish to achieve, in mind what you want to achieve. 18、是你吗?今天的你一定很漂亮,开心吗?其实今天并不重要,重要的是你的心情,只要你快乐开心。 Is that you You must be beautiful today. Are you happy? Actually, today is not important. What matters is your mood, as long as you are happy and happy. 19、蓝天吻着海洋,海洋偎着蓝天,我把祝福写在蓝天碧波上。 The blue sky kisses the ocean, the ocean nestled against the blue sky, and I write the blessing on the blue sky and blue waves. 20、欢欢喜喜迎新年,万事如意平安年,扬眉吐气顺心年,梦想成真发财年,事业辉煌成功年,祝岁岁有好年! Happy New Year, all the best year of peace, cheerful year, dream of becoming a real rich year, the cause of brilliant success year, wish a happy New Year! 21、时间帮助我们抚平了心灵的创伤,最后我们都会享受到本该属于自己的那份人间快乐! Time helps us heal the wounds of our hearts, and eventually we will all enjoy the happiness that should belong to us. 22、比夏雨凉爽的是我的问候,比烈日炙热的是我的祝福,比知了喧嚣的是我的期盼,你蔗糖甜的是朋友之间的真诚。 Cool than the summer rain is my greetings, hot than the sun is my blessing, than know the noise is my expectations, your sugar is sweet between friends sincere. 23、愿我的祝福化作点点繁星,闪在晨曦,闪在日落,闪在你生命中的每一刻!祝朋友幸福快乐一生! May my blessings turn into stars, shining in the morning, shining in the sunset, shining in every moment of your life! I wish my friends a happy and happy life. 24、美丽的早晨,把压力释放,清凉的秋风,把欢乐吹响,温柔的阳光,把温馨点亮,轻松的心情,把幸福送上,早安! Beautiful morning, release the pressure, cool autumn wind, the joy blowing, gentle sunshine, warm light, relaxed mood, happiness to send, good morning! 25、周五是跟客户拉近关系的好日子,如果在周五发送周末问候语给客户,可以很好的在客户留下美好的印象。 Friday is a good day to get closer to customers. If you send weekend greetings to customers on Friday, you can leave a good impression on them. 26、往事如梦似云烟,有多少甜蜜,有多少怀念,纵然相隔那么久远,愿真情永驻心间。 The past is like a dream, how many sweet, how many yearning, even though they are so far apart, may the true feelings remain in my heart forever. 27、无论闲忙,友情常在,无论远近,常常联系,有事没事,发条短信,联络感情,送上问候,朋友,愿你幸福快乐! No matter how busy, friendship is always there, no matter how far or near, often contact, something is all right, send text messages, contact feelings, send greetings, friends, wish you happiness! 28、她们把自己恋爱作为终极目标,有了爱人便什么都不要了,对社会作不了贡献,人生价值最少。 They regard their love as the ultimate goal, with a lover they will have nothing to contribute to society, the least value of life. 29、周末犹如不加糖的咖啡,苦中带香;周末犹如不加冰的啤酒,涩中透凉。周末到啦,收拾心情,放松自己,祝幸福! A weekend is like a cup of coffee without sugar. It tastes bitter. At the end of the week, clear up your mood, relax yourself, and wish you happiness! 30、立冬刚到,我的短信及时到,愿你快乐少不了,幸福逃不掉,身体就是好。祝你立冬幸福,记得多天衣物! When winter comes, my message arrives in time. I hope you will be happy. I wish you happiness in the winter. 31、柳荫下别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量! Under the willow shade farewell to all kinds of melancholy, students for several years young love, looking forward to the journey of thousands of thoughts, friendship into the force of forging ahead! 32、美酒佳肴齐分享,幸福日子等你来。亲爱的朋友,诚邀参加某月某日某地鄙人举办的暑假宴会,恭候大驾光临。 Sharing wine and delicious food, happy days waiting for you. Dear friend, I am inviting you to attend a summer banquet hosted by someone somewhere on a certain day. 33、上帝如果还能做点事的话,那就把所有的快乐送给你,把你的痛苦分给我一半,祝您身体健康! If God can do something, then give you all the happiness, give me half of your pain, and wish you good health! 34、闪一闪亮晶晶,天上的星星眨眼睛,寂静的夜空,送你一堆好梦,愿你在人生的旅途中,烦恼都成空,好友,晚安! Glittering, the stars in the sky blinking, the silent night sky, send you a bunch of good dreams, I hope you in the journey of life, troubles are empty, good friends, good night! 35、生活要精彩,努力才痛快,生命要多彩,一路才畅快,生日要喝彩,寿星才愉快。亲爱的朋友,生日快乐。 Life should be wonderful, hard work should be happy, life should be colorful, the road should be happy, birthday to cheer, birthday star should be happy. Happy birthday, dear friend. 36、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给过我一份深厚的情谊。 We had to part and say goodbye in a low voice. Thank you for giving me a deep friendship. 37、用最短的时间忘却烦恼,用最快的时间记住幸福,用最长的时间享受快乐,用一辈子的时间去祝福你,我的朋友。 Forget your troubles in the shortest time, remember happiness in the fastest time, enjoy happiness in the longest time, and bless you in the whole life, my friend. 38、每个不眠的夜里我都会想起你,朋友!想起我们一起走过的日子,风起时的歌唱,泪落时的心痛! Every sleepless night I will think of you, friend! Think of the days we walked together, the singing of the wind, the pain of tears. 39、只要你的心里能充满活力,希望这爱的芬芳永远属于你。 As long as your heart can be full of vitality, hope that the fragrance of love will always belong to you. 40、花儿希望雨露,鸟儿希望蓝天,我们希望星期天。闭上双眼睛,默默的许下心愿,好梦快快实现,中午好! Flowers hope rain and dew, birds hope blue sky, we hope Sunday. Close your eyes, silently make your wish. Good dreams will be realized quickly. Good afternoon! 41、一场小雨,一场梦境,一场快乐,雨天的你一定更加美丽,永远记得健康才是最重要的。 A light rain, a dream, a happy, rainy day you must be more beautiful, always remember that health is the most important. 42、早餐请吃饱,营养跟得上;午餐要吃好,健康有力量;晚餐要吃少,机体负担不超标。愿您吃出健康,吃得快乐! Please have a full breakfast, keep up with nutrition; lunch should be good, healthy and powerful; dinner should be small, the body's burden should not exceed the limit. May you eat healthy and enjoy yourself! 43、今天你用钱袋里的铜板充满你的内心,明天你的内心就可以把你的钱袋注满黄金。 Today you fill your heart with the copper in your purse, and tomorrow your heart will fill your purse with gold. 44、祝福不能升值,但是幸福可以使心升温;问候不能刷卡,但是友情可以使快乐免费。愿温馨留在你生命的扉页。 Blessings do not appreciate, but happiness warms the heart; greetings do not swipe cards, but friendship can make happiness free. May warmth remain on the front page of your life. 45、好一点了吗?一些事情不必放在心上,你身体难受,我心里难过,为了我,你要快点康复啊! Is it better? You don't have to worry about something. You're sick. I'm sad. For me, you have to recover quickly. 标签:英文 唯美 祝福语 |
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