日期:2022-12-07 17:26:11来源:人气:127我来评论
I hope you can summon up the courage to overcome the disease and happiness will still be around you. 2、朋友,早日康复,愿您快乐! Friend, recover soon, wish you happiness! 3、生病的日子,请好好照顾自己!健康的时候,请好好珍惜身体! Take care of yourself when you are sick. When you are healthy, please cherish your body. 4、你的健康,就是我们的幸福;你的安康,就是我们的平安。 Your health is our happiness; your health is our peace. 5、为了健康,你要开心;为了快乐,你要努力。 For health, you have to be happy; for happiness, you have to work hard. 6、只求上天眷恋你,早日康复疾病离。 Just ask God to love you and recover from illness at an early date. 7、痛在你身,伤在我心,对你的担忧早已变成了恶魔将我缠绕。 Pain in you, hurt in my heart, worry about you has become a devil winding me. 8、你的健康我挂牵,大好时光莫辜负,早早康复来聚首,祝朋友早日康复! Your health, I hang on to you, good time to live up to, early rehabilitation to meet, wish my friends to recover soon! 9、愿你早日康复,没有我在你身边的日子,你要好好照顾自己! I hope you will get better soon. Without me in your life, you should take good care of yourself. Dear, you must get better soon, because you are my hope! 11、祝你早日康复,回到幸福生活里,我们的诚意,给你希望和甜蜜。 I wish you a speedy recovery and return to a happy life. Our sincerity will give you hope and sweetness. I wish you a speedy recovery and a good mood every day! 13、祝你度过此难关,健康路上不转弯,祝早日康复! I wish you to tide over this difficulty, do not turn around on healthy road, and wish you a speedy recovery! 14、愿你所有烦恼都靠边,所有幸福都留在身边,身体早日康健,一生永平安。 May all your troubles go to your side, and all your happiness will stay with you. 15、生病的滋味很难受,千万要保重身体! Sick taste is very uncomfortable. Take care of your health. 标签:探病 英文 祝福语 |
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