日期:2024-06-21 16:50:01来源:说说网人气:我来评论
with开头的被动句子用法【一】1 . B 当宾语为反身代词时,不能变,如: (错 Himself was absented by him 2 . It was deemed sheer waste of time arguing about it It was proved wrong to say things like that 3 . 对外方有没有下限?The threshold of a physiological or psychological response 4 . 分析:“中”“小”是极短的并列关系,仅凭读音自然停顿便可区别,故不用顿号。“德”等五个方面看似极短,但是“德育”等得缩略,应用顿号。 5 . 较长的并列成份间可不用顿号而有逗号。 6 . 他是个好脾气的人。 7 . 适用本句型常见的谓语动词:接不定式的:advise, allow, ask, compel, command, help, wish, warn, 等。 8 . 这时课堂里响起了“向孔繁森学习!”“向孔繁森致敬!”的口号。 9 . afriendwithoutfaultswillneverbefound没有十全十美的朋友。 10 . rate lower; lower in value or esteem with开头的被动句子用法【二】1 . 我们不经常吃菠萝。 3 . 克·吐温youknowsomebirdsarenotmeanttobecaged,theirfeathersarejusttoobright你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 4 . Sofarsogood 5 . C 宾语前若有主语的物主代词时,不能变,如: (错 His finger is cut by him 6 . 并列词语之间有了“和”“与”“及”等连词,连词前不再用顿号。(顿号不能和“和”“或”同用 7 . mustbebought吃一堑,长一智。heisnotlaughedatthatlaughsathimselffirst自嘲者不会让人见笑。losttime 8 . .说他“特别”,因为他爱鱼到了忘我的境界。 9 . 菠萝种植园菠萝生长的`温室或园林 10 . 距这里二三里他三十六七岁这个小孩有四五岁 with开头的被动句子用法【三】1 . The date is expected to be announced soon 2 . 他们挑出最大的菠萝。 3 . adj 水平的,同高度的;笔直的;平静的 4 . isneverfoundagain岁月既往,一去不回。manythingsgrowinthegardenthatwereneversownthere有心栽花花不发,无 5 . 降低事物的等级;让事物的价值或声望下降。 He is a teacher of a lower form 6 . .那只先出来的幼龟,原来是龟群的“侦察兵”。 7 . Has it been decided where we are to hold the conference? 8 . 你想听听好的建议吗? 9 . .科学家仔细研究了鲸,发现它的外形是一种极为理想的“流线型”。 10 . The matter was then reported to him by telephone The order was passed to him by his son with开头的被动句子用法【四】1 . .像这样一条多灾多难的祸河,怎么能成为中华民族的“摇篮”呢? 3 . It has not been found out who set the record 4 . wonagain时光流逝,不可复得。timepastcannotbecalledbackagain时间不能倒流dontpartwithyourillusionswhentheyaregoneyoumaystillexist,butyou 5 . Fresh/tinned pineapple 6 . 说明: 7 . .罪恶的子弹还威胁着娇嫩的“和平之花”。 8 . 好孩子。 9 . adj 下游的;下方的;在底部的;下级的,下等的 10 . floor level; lower limit with开头的被动句子用法【五】1 . The instruments are supposed to be used only by skilled workers 2 . 好主意。 3 . 先把菠萝切开,然后削皮。 4 . agoodbeginningishalfdone良好的开端是成功的一半。aliarisnotbelievedwhenhespeaksthetruth说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。romeisnotbuiltinaday冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。thereiskindnesstobefoundeverywhere人间处处有温情。timelostcannotbe 5 . I was warned not to be late Because of his complaint he was not permitted to play cricket 6 . 一般情况使用let帮助构成祈使句的被动语态。 7 . 一切都好。 8 . )转换时一般不得变更动词的时态。另下列各时式不能用于被动句中。 9 . 然而在此水平上还是有足够的余地。The worker levelled their looks at the foreman 10 . Itsallgood with开头的被动句子用法【六】1 . Youneedagoodrest 2 . 她的身材总是保持得很好。 3 . nothingisgivensofreelyasadvice劝人最容易。 4 . The Rosembergs were denied a fair and open trial Mr Smith was given a prize 5 . 他是低年级的老师。To lower in quality or character;debase 6 . 萝卜切得纤细,均匀 7 . 到目前为止,一切顺利。 8 . A hothouse or plantation where pineapples are grown 9 . Level off the shelves with a spirit level 标签:经典 |
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