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日期:2024-06-21 11:37:37来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:if的倒装句型【一】1 . Weallhavetheutmostrespectforhimbecausehessuchagreatteacher2 . Ican’twaitanyminute3 . I...


1 . Weallhavetheutmostrespectforhimbecausehessuchagreatteacher

2 . Ican’twaitanyminute

3 . Ijustcan’tbear

4 . 【esteemn尊敬;尊重】

5 . If I were you, I would go to look for him

6 . --[statement(swillexecuteifthebooleanexpressionisfalse--]

7 . if可以有零或一个else,但必须在elseif之前。

8 . 就像照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。

9 . 不要等明交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。

10 . Goodidea


1 . That’shisopinion

2 . Ican’taffordanydisturbance不要再烦我

3 . Thatsoundsreallynice听起来真不错

4 . if(a<

5 . Why do/ have。? Many people often ask/ pose the questions like this

6 . Anyquestions/anythingwrong有什么问题吗?

7 . LovetheneighborButdon&#;tgetcaught

8 . B:Youmaygoifyoulike你愿意去就去吧。

9 . print("aisnotlessthan"

10 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?


1 . if(boolean_expression

2 . 表示被迫承认或无可奈何地接受对方的看法,意为:就算是吧;如果你愿意(非要)那样理解的。如:

3 . --[localvariabledefinition--]

4 . 一旦一个elseif成功,其它的elseif将不会被测试。

5 . 答案C 在虚拟条件状语中如果有were, should, had这三个词,通常将if省略,主语提前, 变成 were, should, had +主语的形式。但要注意,在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略连词的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式。如我们可说 Were I not to do, 而不能说 Weren&#;t I to do

6 . Doyoufindanywrongwith你觉得……有什么不对劲吗?

7 . —No,I can’t不,我不会。

8 . SodoI/metoo我也是

9 . Now there is a growing awareness/ recognition of the necessity to。/ Now people are becoming increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of。

10 . I’dlovetobut


1 . Allthestudentsloveandrespecthimverymuch

2 . 要用去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。

3 . If he were here, everything would be all right

4 . I want to join the art club我想参加艺术俱乐部

5 . Iamsorrybut

6 . =Were it to rain, the crops would be saved

7 . Wewillexpressourgratitudetohim

8 . Are you good with old people?你与老人们相处得融洽吗?

9 . Weholdhiminhighesteem,forhesanexcellentteacher

10 . In the past/ last/ recent。 years, there has been a sharp increase/ decrease in。/。 has experienced an alarming rise/ decrease in。According to an official report/ survey/ poll。


1 . elseif(boolean_expression

2 . Howlongwillittake做什么要多久

3 . 在Lua编程语言中的ifelse语句的语法是:

4 . Were they here now, they could help us

5 . 现在的想决定着你的将来,所以,还是再睡一会吧。

6 . --[ifconditionistruethenprintthefollowing--]

7 . Isupposethink……我猜想……

8 . else

9 . Noproblem没问题

10 . 表示询问的句型


1 . ChildreninbackseatscauseaccidentsAccidentsinbackseatscausechildren

2 . aisnotlessthan

3 . Believeitornot考试大

4 . =If they were here now, they could help us

5 . end

6 . WearegatheredheretodaytosaygoodbyetoMrGreen,ourbestteacher

7 . 成功是一个相关名词,它会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。

8 . Iwill……if假如……我就会

9 . then

10 . 钞票不是万能的,毕竟有时还需要信用卡。


1 . Canyougivemesomeideas可以给我一些建议吗?

2 . 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个或更多。

3 . Thewisenevermarry

4 . 如果他在这儿,一切都会好的。

5 . A:CanIgonow?我可以走了吗?

6 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏

7 . Icouldn’tagreewithyou

8 . Howcanyoudosth你怎么可以……

9 . What’syourplaneplan你的计划是什么?

10 . SuccessisarelativetermItbringssomanyrelatives


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