日期:2022-12-07 09:45:55来源:人气:我来评论
When I am loneliest, that is when I am not alone. 2、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。 One of the great strengths of outstanding people is that they are indomitable in adverse and difficult situations. I am lucky to have my mother who loves me. 4、按照我写曲子的习惯,即便是创作器乐的时候,我心里也有一个整体的轮廓。 According to my habit of writing music, even when I compose instrumental music, I have a whole outline in my mind. 5、善事应尽力而为,爱自由甚于一切,即使为了帝王的宝座,也绝不出卖真理。 Good deeds should do their best, love freedom more than anything, and never sell truth even for the throne of the emperor. 6、哦,上帝!给我勇气让我征服我自己! Oh, God! Give me courage to conquer myself! Suffering is the teacher of life. Through misery, to joy. 8、不要懒懒散散地虚度生命。 Don't idle away your life. 9、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它休想使我屈服。 I will seize the throat of my fate, and it will never make me yield. 10、我已决心与命运尽力战斗,无论如何不愿自己破灭。 I have determined to fight with fate, and I will not dissolve myself in any case. 11、我不知道有什么比教养一个孩子成人更神圣的职责了。 I don't know what a sacred duty is to raise a child's adult. 12、我只能完全和你生活在一起,要么根本就活不下去。 I can only live with you, or I can't live at all. 13、凡领悟音乐的,便能从一切烦恼中超脱出来。 Those who understand music can get rid of all their worries. 14、我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。 I would like to prove that those who act kindly and nobly will be able to bear hardships because of them. 15、成名的艺术家反为盛名所拘束,所以他们最早的作品往往是最好的。 Famous artists are constrained by fame, so their earliest works are often the best. 16、一心向善,爱自由高于一切。就是为了御座,也绝不背叛真理。 Love one's heart and love one's freedom above everything else. It is for the throne and never betrays the truth. 17、那些立身扬名出类拔萃的,他们凭借的力量是德行,而这也正是我的力量。 Those who excel in their fame are virtues, and that is my strength. 18、我未曾想过写谱是为了名誉与荣耀。我一定要把内心深处的东西释放出来;这就是我作曲的原因。 I never thought of writing for fame and glory. I must release my inner feelings; that's why I compose music. 19、对时间,我们无能为力。 There is nothing we can do about time. 20、涓滴之水终可磨损大石,不是由于它的力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。 The trickle of water eventually wears away the boulder, not because it is strong, but because it drops day and night. 21、我过去如此,现在未变,将来亦然。未曾有过凡人识我知我。 I used to be so, but I am not changing now. No mortal has known me. 22、我要扼住命运的咽喉,决不能让命运使我屈服。 I will seize the throat of fate and never let fate yield me. 23、在全人类中,凡是坚强、正直、勇敢、仁慈的人,都有是英雄! In all mankind, those who are strong, upright, brave and benevolent are heroes. 24、在困厄颠沛的时候能坚定不移,这就是一个真正令人钦佩的人的不凡之处。 Perseverance in times of hardship is a great admiration for a truly admirable person. 25、我要紧紧的扼住命运的咽喉,它决不能让你屈服。 I must hold on to the throat of fate, and it must not let you yield. 26、对于富有才华和热爱劳动的人来说,不存在任何障碍。 For talented and loving people, there is no obstacle. 27、音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示。 Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy. 28、把美德传递给你们的孩子。让人幸福的是美德,而不是金钱。这是我的经验之谈。 Pass on virtue to your children. It is virtue rather than money that makes people happy. This is my experience. 29、运气就象一个球那样圆圆的,所以很自然地,它并非总是滚落在最善良、最高贵的人的头上。 Luck is as round as a ball, so naturally it does not always fall on the head of the kindest and noblest. 30、我要克制住命运的咽喉,它绝不能使我屈服。 I will control my fate, and it will never make me yield. 31、爱是人生的合弦,而不是孤单的独奏曲。 Love is the chord of life, not the solo. True friendship can only be based on the combination of similar temperament. 33、只要行为正当,那么勇气会使你获得一切。 As long as you behave properly, courage will get you everything. 34、在我们的时代,对于那些可悲的人们,需要用坚强的心灵去鞭策。 In our time, for those sad people, we need to use strong spirit to spur. The foundation of friendship lies in the similarity between two people's hearts and souls. 36、我们的时代需要坚强的心灵去鞭策那些可悲的人们。 Our times need a strong heart to drive those miserable people. 37、最美的事,莫过于接近上帝,把祂的光芒撒播于人间。 The most beautiful thing is to get close to God and spread his light in the world. 38、我是为人类酿造琼浆玉液的酒神,给予人们精神上的神圣癫狂。 I am the God of wine for human beings, giving people spiritual holiness. 39、我要扼住命运的咽喉,他企图征服我,这绝对办不到。 I will seize the throat of his fate, and he will try to conquer me, which is absolutely impossible. 40、我就是为人类酿造琼浆的酒神巴库斯,我让大众享受的是精神上的癫狂。 I am the wine god of Baku, who makes wine for mankind. 41、如果我对打仗像音乐那么擅长,那我一定能打败拿破仑。 If I am so good at fighting as music, then I will defeat Napoleon. 42、生活这样美好,活它一辈子吧! Life is so beautiful, live it all your life! 43、王者即使处于困境中,也能体现出贵族的气质。 Even in a predicament, the king can embody the nobility of the nobility. 44、牺牲,永远牺牲你的艺术和一切人生的愚昧!艺术,是高于万物的神! Sacrifice, always sacrifice your art and all life's ignorance! Art is God above all things. 45、我宁肯忘掉亏欠自己的而不愿意忘掉亏欠别人的。 I would rather forget my own debt than forget my debt to others. 46、声乐应当使人类的精神迸出火花。 Vocal music should spark the human spirit. 47、智慧、勤劳和天才,高于显贵和富有。 Wisdom, diligence and genius are above fame and wealth. 48、归根结蒂,基督不过是一个被钉死的犹太人。 In the final analysis, Christ is nothing but a crucified Jew. 49、若是为了更美丽的东西的话,任何规则都可以破坏。 Any rule can be destroyed if it is for something more beautiful. 50、人拥有的东西没有比光阴更贵重,更有价值了,所以千万不要把你今天所做的事拖延到明天去做。 Nothing is more valuable or valuable than time, so don't put off till tomorrow what you do today. 51、除了善良以外,我不承认还有什么其他的高贵品质。 Apart from goodness, I do not recognize any other noble qualities. 52、为你,只在你的艺术里才会幸福。 For you, happiness is only in your art. 53、除了仁慈,我不承认有什么优越的标记。 Apart from mercy, I do not recognize any superior marks. 54、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。生活是这样美好,活它一千辈子吧! I will seize the throat of my fate, and it will make me submit to it. Life is so beautiful. Live it for one thousand years. 55、即使为了国王的宝座,也永远不要欺骗、违背真理。 Even for the throne of a king, never deceive or violate truth. 56、我,一座已倒落的火山,头颅在熔岩中燃烧,拼命巴望挣扎出来。 I, a fallen volcano, burned in the lava, and desperately struggled to get out. 57、孤独是我的信仰。 Loneliness is my belief. 58、出自心灵,但愿亦能到达心灵。 Out of the heart, hope can also reach the heart. 59、音乐应当使人类的精神爆发出火花。 Music should spark the human spirit. 标签:贝多芬 英语 |
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