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日期:2024-06-09 16:21:04来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:励志英文版歌曲【一】1 . Even next second we didn’t meet, on one second we will meet2 . Three things in life wh...


1 . Even next second we didn’t meet, on one second we will meet

2 . Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words 人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去

3 . 个人没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了想,这个人穷定了。

4 . 胜利不是战胜敌人,而是提高自己。我们只要每进步百分之一,那就是成功。

5 . 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

6 . ——Samuel Johnson(英国作和评论家约翰逊

7 . ——Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(德国诗人剧作家歌德

8 . Dare and the world always yields

9 . Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead

10 . A man&#;s best friends are his ten fingers


1 . 做出决定并不困难,困难的是接受决定。

2 . If two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back 如果两个人注定在一起,最终他们总会找到重温旧梦的

3 . 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担你的生活永远不会真正开始。

4 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

5 . 苦难是 人生 最伟大的老师

6 . The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar

7 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋单身反而更好。

8 . 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。

9 . 第条 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。

10 . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想要达到的目的。


1 . 人生应该目标,否则你的精神会白白浪费。

2 . 除非你能和真实的自己和平相处,否则你永远不会对已拥有的东西感到满足。

3 . 第条 智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。

4 . 第条 Failure is not dead, but disappointment will be

5 . You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind

6 . Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

7 . If you fail,don’t forget to learn your lesson如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

8 . A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you That’s the guy I want to give my heart to

9 . 不论你的生活如何悲凉,你都要面对它好好过,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。

10 . 青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。


1 . and the true success is to labor

2 . 人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的景以及看风景

3 . How many dream had, and never came into my heart

4 . ——Willian Shakespeare(莎士比亚

5 . 第条 If there is a mountain, there is a way, and a river will be able to ferry it

6 . “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”未来属于那些相信自己美丽梦想的人。

7 . 奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命的努力。

8 . If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead

9 . Bravery never goes out of fashion。勇敢永远不过时!

10 . Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have


1 . However mean your life is,meet it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard names

2 . For something,we can&#;t understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young。有些情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。

3 . All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成为现实

4 . ——Ibsen(挪威剧作家易卜生

5 . ——Thomas Hardy(英国诗人小说家哈代

6 . 第条 When his dangerous section, chaotic world general zhongliang

7 . but he isn&#;t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else

8 . 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

9 . Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。

10 . 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。


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