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日期:2022-12-04 09:45:47来源:人气:我来评论

导读:简单句指只含有一个主谓结构的句子简单句子英语讲解,基本句型有六种。基本句型一:S+V (主+谓)例如:The new term begins. 新学期开始了。基本句型二:S+LV+P (主+系+表)例如:We are very excited. 我们非常激动。基本句型三:S+V+DO (主+谓+宾)例如:We have......


基本句型一:S+V (主+谓)

例如:The new term begins. 新学期开始了。

基本句型二:S+LV+P (主+系+表)

例如:We are very excited. 我们非常激动。

基本句型三:S+V+DO (主+谓+宾)

例如:We have some new classmates. 我们有了一些新同学


例如:My mom bought me a new schoolbag. 妈给我买了一个新包。

基本句型五:S+V+DO+OC (主+谓+宾+宾补)

例如:We found everything so interesting. 我们发现一切都那么有趣。

基本句型六:There be句型

例如:There are many changes to my classmates. 我的同学们有很多变化。

1. 主语+系动词+表语

在这种句型中简单句子英语讲解,动词必须是系动词,系动词除be外,常见的还有become, look, seem, keep, turn, feel, smell, sound, taste, grow, get, go。


1) He is an English teacher.

主语:He 系动词:is 表语:an English teacher

2) My son became a doctor at last.

主语:My son 系动词:became 表语:a doctor

3) They look the same.主语:They 系动词:look 表语:the same

4) You seem very happy this morning.主语:You 系动词:seem 表语:very happy

5) Leaves turn yellow in autumn.

主语:Leaves 系动词:turn 表语:yellow

2. 主语+谓语


My head aches.

He is singing.

这些谓语动词被称为不及物动词,常见的不及物动词有:stop, begin, happen, walk, swim, take place, go, come, work, laugh, stay.


1) The car stopped.

主语: The car 谓语: stopped

2) You will succeed.

主语: You 谓语: will succeed

3) Class begins.

主语: Class 谓语: begins

4) Miracles happen.

主语: Miracles 谓语: happen

3. 主语+谓语+宾语



1) He likes bananas.

主语: He 谓语: likes 宾语: bananas

2) We would like some water.

主语: We 谓语: would like 宾语: some water

3) The bird sings a beautiful song.

主语: The bird 谓语: sings 宾语: a beautiful song

4) You can leave a message.

主语: You 谓语: can leave 宾语: a message

5) I think you are right.

主语: I 谓语: think 宾语: you are right

4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语



1) I ask him to have dinner.

主语: I 谓语: ask 宾语: him 宾补: to have dinner

2) Tom wanted me to meet him.

主语: Tom 谓语: wanted 宾语: me 宾补: to meet him

3) I saw a thief stealing something.

主语: I 谓语:saw 宾语:a thief 宾补:stealing something

4) Her mother kept her in the room.

主语: Her mother 谓语:kept 宾语:her 宾补:in the room

5) They named the boy Charlie.

主语: They 谓语:named 宾语:the boy 宾补:Charlie

6) I saw him come in and go.

主语: I 谓语:saw 宾语:him 宾补:come in and go

5. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(动作直接作用的对象为直接宾语,否则为间接宾语)


1) Tom left Mary a message.

主语: Tom 谓语:left 间接宾语:Mary 直接宾语:a message

2) This will save you much time.

主语: This 谓语:will save 间接宾语:you 直接宾语:much time

3) The sun gives us light and warmth.

主语: The sun 谓语:gives 间接宾语:us 直接宾语:light and warmth

4)Mr Smith teaches us maths.

主语: Mr Smith 谓语:teaches 间接宾语:us 直接宾语:maths

5)Mary wrote Tom a letter.

主语: Mary 谓语:wrote 间接宾语:Tom 直接宾语:a letter

6)The old man showed us the way.

主语:The old man 谓语:showed 间接宾语:us 直接宾语:the way

6. There be 句型

There be 句型要注意一个常犯错误,比如一个男孩站在下,可以说:

There is a boy standing under the tree.

There is a boy who stands under the tree.

但不能说:There is a boy stands under the tree. 因为有两个主要动词is和stands同时出现就容易闹别扭。



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