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日期:2024-04-01 10:57:10来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:英语餐厅情景对话2人十句话【一】1 . - Will you go dancing with us?2 . That’s not a problem 那没问题。3 . B:Don’tbotherI’l...


1 . - Will you go dancing with us?

2 . That’s not a problem 那没问题

3 . B:Don’tbotherI’llcallbacklater

4 . 过来。

5 . --史密斯先生,电话线不清楚。请别挂,我把电话转到另一条线路上去。

6 . 小芸点点头。

7 . draft[drB:ft]草稿

8 . Couldyouholdonaminute?I’llgethimforyou

9 . B:Thankyouverymuch,MrSmith

10 . LH:Larry,我要去银行开个户头,你去银行做什么?


1 . --谢谢。再见。

2 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣

3 . MayIplease?

4 . - I&#;&#;m feeling tired, doctor

5 . 二邀請和应答 (Invitations and responses)

6 . - Must I clean the classroom now?

7 . st office, please?

8 . LH:嗯,那种需要工作却找不到工作滋味一定很不好受。希望毕业不会经历hardupforwork

9 . 传统的爵士乐有些开始进入衰弱期。(go into a decline

10 . - You mustn&#;&#;t play on the street It&#;&#;s dangerous


1 . A:WhoshallIsayiscalling,please?

2 . 现在你应该放弃了,想要让他改变观念只是浪费时间和精力。(a waste of your time and energy)

3 . Idon’texpecthimtobeavailableuntil:

4 . 十四 禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warnings)

5 . --您好,我是史密斯。

6 . ASpecimenLetter

7 . - Would you like a cup of tea?

8 . - I&#;&#;m sorry to give you so much trouble

9 . - Excuse me Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

10 . Pleasemakearemittanceof,Yuanforthebooksyou’veorderedThepostageisincluded


1 . CanIplease?

2 . --是的,我想我能帮你。你为什么不过来找我呢?您知道我的办公室在哪里吗?

3 . I’llbepleasedtoifIcan

4 . Sam: Well, I should be going Ill talk to you later那么,我得走了。再聊。Adam: Yeah See you好的,回头见。

5 . - Where can I buy some stationery?

6 . During the s, R&B changed modern music further and led to what we know as rock and roll

7 . - That&#;&#;s quite all right

8 . - Yes, isn&#;&#;t it?

9 . Mrs Smith:He is terribly handsome。

10 . He asked for advice from his colleagues on how to exercise control over the pace of the experiment


1 . 我太感动了,所以子啊婚礼上就忍不住掉了。

2 . - Oh no Will this evening be all right?

3 . Iamafraidsheisoutatthemoment

4 . 他刚出去。

5 . 很显然音乐和布景是这部另人惊异的作品的重要的因素( the key components of…

6 . A:Yes,IthinkIcanhelpyouWhydon’tyoucomeroundandseeme?Doyouknowwheremyofficeis?

7 . 你预计他什么时候回来?

8 . 可以告诉我您是哪位吗?

9 . 我是联合纺织品的福克斯先生。

10 . 今李华学到两个常用语。第一个是tobehardupforsomething,就是缺乏某样东西,通常用来指缺或没时间。另一个常用语是pickonsomeone,意思批评别人,或者是欺负别人。


1 . 关于在那里开样品陈列室的宜,我们的总经理约翰?格林想在你们当地时间六三日下午两点整打电话给张先生。

2 . Elvis&#; musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in

3 . - What day is it today?

4 . - No, thanks I can carry it

5 . 三表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

6 . B:No,thanksIwillcallbacklater

7 . That’sallright

8 . Dialogue(O=operator

9 . 大学毕业后,他申请了很多工作,但还没找到适合的。(apply for)

10 . - Oh yes, thank you


1 . --我是问,张先生在吗?

2 . B:PleaseaskhimtogivemeacallassoonashereturnsHehasmynumber

3 . - When will he be back?

4 . ThisisDajiangFoodStoreHowmayIhelpyou?

5 . A:Thankyou,SirI’llcheckitwithourdeliverydepartmentandcallyoubackinfifteenortwentyminutesPleaseacceptoursincereapologies

6 . “王小磊,我以后再也不嘲笑你是胆小鬼了!”下课了,李小林悄悄走过来,凑近脑袋对我说。我愣了一下,认真地说:“我以后也不说你是破坏大王和讨厌鬼了!其实你一点也不讨厌!”李小林第一次显出腼腆的样子,说:“那我们做好朋友吧!”

7 . --对不起。我听不清楚。请说大声一点好吗?

8 . A:(onthephoneHello?Smithhere

9 . - Hello, Ham Mei Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?

10 . - What&#;&#;s the matter?


1 . 我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。

2 . What a coincidence! 真是太巧了!

3 . - Would you like to come to the party?

4 . I’m sorry I missed that 对不起,我没听清I made reservations yesterday我昨天预订的。

5 . Sorry,he’sintheconference

6 . - Sorry, I&#;&#;m free every day except today

7 . IsMrSmithin?

8 . 请接号分机。

9 . Justamoment,please

10 . He is a friend that you can trust He has never broken his promise to anyone


1 . --谢谢你,先生。我会检查一下我们运输部,将在十五分钟或者二十分钟内给您打电话。请接受我们真诚的道歉。

2 . I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。

3 . 十购物 (Shopping)

4 . you’rewantedonthephone

5 . Conversations

6 . A:Bye-byeandthankyouforcalling

7 . - If you are not better by then, I&#;&#;ll take you to see the doctor

8 . As we all know,oil plays an important role in our national economics。

9 . - No, I won&#;&#;t Thank you

10 . B:ThankyouGoodbye


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