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日期:2022-12-03 07:57:57来源:人气:我来评论

导读:一,我想你的温柔更适合别的女孩子吧.I think your gentleness is more suitable for other girls.二,承蒙厚爱但是很抱歉不能愿闻其详.With all due respect, but I'm sorry I can't hear it.三,你的热情应......


I think your gentleness is more suitable for other girls.


With all due respect, but I'm sorry I can't hear it.


Your enthusiasm should be given to someone who deserves it.


Everyone has their own astronaut. I'm sorry. It's not me.

五,“我觉得我好像喜欢你 “这次对我不确定没关系下次遇到真正动的女孩子“记得一定要语气坚定一点啊”

"I feel like I like you." This time I am not sure about me. It doesn't matter if I meet a girl who is really heart-warming next time. "Remember to be firm


If I can not give you and you give me the same gentle and like, I can not always enjoy your good to me sorry ah.

七,承蒙厚爱我的温柔已经承包给别人了所以我不值得你的温柔 但是我想总会有一个女孩值得你把温柔给她她也会给你全部的温柔.

Thanks to the love, my gentleness has been contracted to others, so I am not worthy of your gentleness, but I think there will always be a girl worthy of you to give her gentleness, she will give you all the gentleness.

八,抱歉我并不喜欢你 出于礼貌一直没有跟你断开联系这可能让你产生一些误会 我不想吊着你也不值得你喜欢.

I'm sorry. I don't like you. I haven't been out of touch with you out of courtesy. It might have caused you some misunderstanding. I don't want to hang you, and it's not worth it. 我会找到别的星星 你也会拥有你的亮I'll find other stars and you'll have your moon


I'm still not the one worth running for


I can't stain your white shirt with all my scars

十一,学业未成 岂能谈儿女情长

Can you talk about your children's love when your studies are not successful

十二,我觉得我和易烊千玺很配 我们还是算了吧

I think I'm a good match for Yangqianxi Yi. Let's just forget it


I'm sorry. I'm not the gummy bear you wanted

十四,一身清贫怎敢入繁华 两袖清怎敢误佳人.

How dare you dare to enter the bustling two-sleeved breeze and dare to mistake the beauty.


My five elements lack feelings and I only want to get rich

十六,真羡慕你有喜欢的人 .

I envy you having someone you like.


There are people you like, and you deserve better


I'm a fairy. It's against the rules to fall in love with a mortal. ...


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