日期:2022-12-02 23:36:59来源:人气:我来评论
May the friendship be continuous after leaving, and the truth will always be remembered. 2、送你一杯清茶,祝你前程路上乐无涯。 Send you a cup of tea, wish you a happy future. 3、愿我最好的朋友顺利平安,有真心相伴,一个人的旅途不孤单! May my best friend be happy and safe, with real company. After graduation, goodbye, friend, may the road of tomorrow be as happy as ever, and still be happy! 5、虽离别,但愿我们,友谊天长地久! Though parting, I hope our friendship will last forever. 6、愿我们都能成为自己梦想中的人,加油! May we all become the people of our dreams, come on! Blessing keeps on making good luck, and every day after leaving is bright. 8、今天,我们挥手告别的时候,请接受我深情的祝福。 Today, when we wave goodbye, please accept my deep blessing. Let fragrance accompany you through the long years, and I wish you a pleasant journey. 10、我们偶然相遇,然后各自离去,踏上永远不归的路。 We met by chance, then we left each other and set foot on the road that never came back. 11、亲爱的同学,感谢一路有你,祝你以后工作顺利,心想事成! Dear classmates, thank you all the way, and wish you success in your future work and your wishes come true! 12、感谢你给我四年的美好难忘回忆,愿你毕业后有份好工作,有个好前程! Thank you for giving me four years of wonderful memories. May you have a good job after graduation and have a good future. 13、道一声祝福,感谢彼此曾经的美好回忆,珍藏彼此真挚的友情。愿你前程似锦! The road is a blessing, thanks for each other's wonderful memories, cherished sincere friendship. I wish you a bright future. 14、远方亲爱的朋友,愿你平安健康!幸福快乐!记得要常联系哦! Dear friend, wish you peace and health! Happy! Remember to keep in touch! 15、生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进。 The sea of life has been spreading the Golden Road, and the waves are being lined with flowers on the sides. Go on bravely, friend! Forward. 16、毕业了,记忆仍然萦绕在脑海里,期待着他年我们再相聚。 After graduation, memories are still lingering in my mind, and we look forward to our reunion in another year. 17、永远都不会忘记您曾经的教诲,祝您天天开心,工作顺利! I will never forget your teachings. I wish you every day happiness and success in your work. 18、无论联系是多是少,让祝福永远不变! No matter how many ties it is, let the blessing remain unchanged. 19、送你一杯美酒,祝你前程路上福长有。 I'll give you a glass of wine. I wish you good luck on your way ahead. 20、暂时的离别是为了以后的相聚,祝你一路顺风,工作顺利。 The temporary departure is for future gathering. I wish you a pleasant journey and a smooth job. I wish you all the best in your new life. 22、愿毕业以后前程似锦,一帆风顺! I wish to have a bright future after graduation. 23、朋友,一路顺风,一路珍重,一路平安。 Friends, have a good journey, cherish all the way, and have a safe journey. 24、离别了,朋友,愿明天之路有我的祝福,我亲爱的校友! Farewell, my friend, may I have my blessing on tomorrow's road, my dear alumni! 25、亲爱的同学,愿你毕业后工作顺利,心想事成,一帆风顺! Dear students, I wish you a smooth and successful work after graduation. 26、一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐涌上心头。 A whistle fell into the wilderness; infinite sorrow and loneliness, at the moment of parting, poured into my heart. 27、朋友,请把我的祝福别在衣襟上吧,从此天涯海角都有我的问候。 My friend, please put my blessing on your clothes. From all ends of the earth there is my greeting. 28、每次梦醒的边缘,太阳依旧再现,我期待离别重逢的那天。 Every time I wake up, the sun still reappears, and I look forward to the day when we meet again. 29、朋友,离别后,愿你一切安好! Friends, after leaving, I wish you all the best! 标签:英文 祝福语 告别 |
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