日期:2022-12-02 12:16:43来源:人气:我来评论
学位英语作文范文(篇一)我是华南理工大学化工与能源学院xx级硕士xx班的学生xxx,家住湖南省xxx,地处偏远的湖南西部山区,当地交通不便,经济极不发达。 2013年8月,当我接到大学录取通知书时,真是喜忧参半:喜的是,终于可以进入梦寐以求的大学学习;忧的是,每年3100元的学费从何而来?父母拿着我的录取通知书四处奔走,东借西凑,可是9月份我到大学报到时,仍然还欠600元学费没有交清,是伟大的母校以她宽容的胸膛接纳了我这个寒门学子。之后三年中,我获得学校一次*减免学费2400元、湖南省*奖学金2000元及减免学费1550元、校奖学金500元、考研奖金1000元以及每年500元师范*奖学金,并且通过自己平时做社会工作获取报酬,我不但圆满完成了大学本科阶段的学习,还考上了久负盛名的华南理工大学的硕士研究生。 可是如今,父母不再年轻,体弱多病,家境亦无好转,面对每年8000元的学费以及广州高昂的生活开支,亲朋好友的帮助简直是杯水车薪!而我除了要完成学业和科研工作之外,还兼任了社会工作,业余打工的所得很是有限。但是,我依然坚定地选择了读研这条路,因为我知道,在求学成才面前,任何经济上的困难都是暂时的、都是可以战胜的。我不畏惧困难,更不讳言贫穷,所以我郑重地向学校、向 第7篇:博士学位申请书 博 士 学 位 申 请 书 申请人学号: 申请人姓名: 导 师 姓 名: 、 、 申请学科、*: 院( 系 ): 浙 * 大 学 学 位 办 公 室 制 年 月 日 填 表 说 明 3。 表中[博士学位论文主要研究成果的发表或获奖情况"的填写必须规范,应按序填写作 者署名、成果题名、发表刊物名称/评奖部门、卷期号、发表/获奖时间、刊物级别或奖励级别、对应博士学位论文的章节等等; 4。 学位论文编号和评阅意见书编号由学院研究生教育科填写; 5。 表内所列项目要全部填写,不留空白; 6。 校外申请者,由申请人所在单位签署意见后,密封送学院研究生教育科。 2 3 4 5 6 第8篇:最新助学金申请书范文 尊敬的领导: 我叫xxx,是xx级物理系本科班的一名学生。我来自xx省xx市一个比较偏远的小县城,xx县。 三口之家主要以几亩农田的庄家收成作为家庭的唯一经济来源。平时家里没有什么特别经济收入,大学期间的高额学费和生活费,使得本来困难的家里更加雪上加霜。以前家里就父亲一根支柱,可是在前几年他也倒了,为了给家里增加收入,他去矿里上班可不幸的是却被矿车撞到了上身,锁骨断了,虽然矿上给支付了大部分的医*费,但是还有其他的钱也令我们不堪重负,最重要的是父亲从此失去了劳动力,家里的收入断了,就连种地都成了问题。近几年,母亲为家忙里忙外,也落下了以身的毛病,去年母亲还做了手术,家里的条件一年不如一年了。更当父母把省吃检用的钱把钱寄给我,他们希望我能过的好。父母只想让我好好学习,我只能用学习成绩来回报他们,每次向家里报告好成绩的时候,都可以感受到父母舒心的笑容,还有他们的嘱咐,让我再接再励! 也许是父母们对与儿女的关爱,他们总是要我们不要太薄对自己,总是把最好东西留给我们,他们自己说“钱我们俩回努力去挣的,你尽管按你的需要去做你的事情吧!只要你将来能够有所作为。”每当我听到这句话,我都回感到镇镇心痛。一种欲摆无奈的心情。我只愿为他们减轻些。这几千元的助学金对我来 第9篇:最新退学申请书范文 学院领导们: 您们好!本人因为个人原因而无法做到心安理得的继续学业,我退学的决定是经过深思熟虑的。另一方面通过其他途径恰好有一个很好的就业机会,我希望到社会上寻找我需要学习的知识,于是提出退学申请,我觉得在工作中学习实际*作的知识对我更重要。 现行的教育体制已不再能满足我学习的需要,我更不允许时间与金钱再象目前这样“浪费”下去,我只好到社会上继续学习,于是提出退学申请。然而,另我想的最多的还是现在的教育体制问题。我们的体制太需要改进了。关于这方面的构想也有很多,然而仅限于纸上谈兵。众矢之的的灌输教育及应试教育别说在中小学依然横行,就是在没有升学压力的大学又何尝不是如此呢?过分偏重记忆力而忽视其它能力。然而人不应该仅是知识的载体,更应该是知识的创造者。大学的教学制度搞的和小学中学一样。我发现我已经不需要在如此度日了。有些事情真的不适合我,我拥有太多的思考,我会很敏感的想一些很客观的事情。而现在学习的教材完全变成了主观的意识形态的灌输。难道学习就是如此? 每个人都希望自己成功,我也如此。我的退学不是意气用事,也不是一时心血来潮,而是建立在先行的教育体制必将向终身教育和素质教育转变这一趋势的基础上的、经过反复思考的结果。尽管我个人付出的代价很大,但我毫无怨言!我退学的压力之大是可想而知的,来自 第10篇:博士学位申请报告范文 博士学位申请报告范文博士学位申请报告范文篇3xx大学学位委员会:我是法律*自考生xxx。我于xxxx年x月取得法律*自考本科毕业*书。我在本科阶段平均成绩为xx分。论文答辩成绩为良-并于xxxx年x月通过天津市学位英语考试-符合南开大学申请学士学位的条件-特向贵校提出学士学位申请。望贵校给予审批。此致敬礼!申请人:申请日期:申请博士学位流程说明1、预答辩学位论文初稿完成后-经导师审查同意-学生向所在院系教学寞秘书申请预答辩权力下放。教学秘书登录|研究生办公系统(简称[系统")-为学 生下放预答辩权力及学位信息录入权力-得学生登录系统逐项录入学位信息-同时还埠应维护本人的学籍信息-填写并下载<博 士学位论文预答辩情况表>。导师填写罢对申请预答辩的意见。博士生携带经导师远审阅认可的学位论文及发表论文原件-请鸱分委会主席签署审查意见并审查确认博士嵯生发表文章情况。分委会审查通过后-博螅士生可进行预答辩。预答辩程序见<博士晤研究生申请学位工1 / 7作细则>。预答辩通骜过后-根据预答辩委员会提出的意见修改望论文-修改后的论文经导师确认、分委会 审查(包括格式审查)通过后-方可向校 学位办提出论文送审申请。、论文评审 莎非涉密博士学位论文送审前须提交学位*论文电子版-以便使用[学位论文学术不 端行为检测系统"对论文进行检查。要求闾为word格式-文件名为[姓 学位英语作文范文(篇二)尊敬的校学位评定委员会: 本人自20__年9月开始就读于_________专业,于20__年修读完所有的.课程。 本人在就读期间,在思想政治素养等方面严格要求自己,并且获得了党组织的认可,成为一名xxx党员。在学术操守方面,本人谨遵导师及校院领导教诲,刻苦钻研,坚持走自主创新路线。在校期间,发表学术论文一篇,发表在省一级期刊中。 本人在导师的指导下,积极参与各项教学科研活动,在教学实践的过程中,认真阅读教材、查阅学术资料和参考书籍,在课堂上在快乐中吸收各个知识点。同时自己具有较强的实践动手能力,参与了导师多项课题的研究,使自己的理论知识与实践水平得到了进一步的增强和提高,同时顺利完成了硕士毕业论文。 本人在就读期间所有的修读课程的成绩均已合格。在导师____教授的指导下,如期完成学位论文的写作,并且通过论文答辩。 本人已完成学位授予要求,现提出申请体育硕士学位。 硕士学位申请人签名: 20____年___月______日 学位英语作文范文(篇三)In many kinds of English tests such as CET (College English Test), TEM (Test for English majors), etc. a test of spoken English will be optional. Some people consider that it is unquestion-ably necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because spoken English is as important as written English. Both of them are effective communication ways for English speakers. But some-times even those top students who are good at grammar and writing skills find that it is difficult to express their thoughts freely when speaking. A test of spoken English will make students attach more importance to oral English, and thus help them with their communicating skills. On the other hand, there are also people who hold that good reading, writing and translating skills would be enough for the average English learners. College students are already under great pressure from their study. Another required test will be a burden to them. In my opinion, I believe that a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. And I shall make all my efforts to practice and improve my spoken English. 学位英语作文范文(篇四)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "Good Study Habits". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1.应当培养良好的学习习惯; 2.一些最基本的学习方法; 3.在交流中学习。 Good Study Habits Study habits play a decisive role in the effect of learning. It is, therefore, important that we should form a good habit when we study. According to study advisers, there are some basic ways for learning well. Frequent revision, for example, is one of them. It is not a quick way of learning well, of course, however, it does prove effective in the long run. Also, to do enough preparations before class helps a lot. Besides, there is another way of learning, that is, learning through communicating. Learning will be more efficient if you put what you have learned or are learning into practice. That s why in recent years "Communicative Method" has been strongly recommended in schools in China. 学位英语作文范文(篇五)Self-confidence is very important to our life. As a wise man once said, "If you have no confi-dence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. " If you are full of self-confidence, your creativeness, your enthusiasm will all be aroused, and you will overcome difficulties. As a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything. Failure will be following you. But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself. You should know both your weaknesses. 学位英语作文范文(篇六)范文1 H1N1, Don’t worry Now, there is a new virus. We call it “H1N1”. Many people catch a cold in the spring or the fall. There are some prevent H1N1’ ways. When you get a cold, your body will work hard to stop it. You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well. You get a fever, and you have a cough. Now, you can’t be afraid. You should go to the hospital. At home, you should usually clean your room, make your room keeps clean. And don’t go to the party. You should usually shower, make your body keeps healthy, too! Different people have different ways to deal with colds. In some countries,most people take medicine to stop the fever. But some scientists say that our bodies can do a great job by the most important thing for us is to do more sports to make our body stronger. We need not worry,I'm sure we can have a good future. 范文2 Novel influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that was first detected in April, 2009. The virus is infecting people and is spreading from person-to-person, sparking a growing outbreak of illness in the United States. An increasing number of cases are being reported internationally as well. It's still uncertain at this time how severe this novel H1N1 outbreak will be in terms of illness and death compared with other influenza viruses. Because this is a new virus, most people will not have immunity to it, and illness may be more severe and widespread as a result. In addition, currently there is no vaccine to protect against this novel H1N1 virus. Currently, the best way to stay free from this virus is to wash your hands properly, and avoid going to the big crowd. At the same time, we should do more exercise so that we can build up our immune systems 范文3 Dear Mr Adam I am sorry i can not go to canada this summer has been cancelled because of A/H1N1 we have to do something to prevent the flu. First,wash hands frequently and keep a good habit of being hygienic. Second,get enough sleep and drink plenty of water to keep your body healthy. Third,avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth with your hands. Fourth,use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you are coughing or sneezing. Fifth, stay at home instead of working and studying if you get cold. It is a pity that I can't go to Canada this really hope I can have the chance to go there next time. Looking forward to hear from you soon. yours wang xiao qi 看过学位英语写作范文的人还看了: 标签:学位英语作文范文(精选六篇) |
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