日期:2022-12-01 01:41:01来源:人气:我来评论
Received, my miss has also been shipped, please check. That's necessary. You can only miss me. 3、刚刚我想的那个人,跟我说他想我了。 The man I just missed told me he missed me. 4、随便想,反正不收费。 Think of me as you like. There's no charge. 5、好巧哦,我也是,想我自己了。 What a coincidence. Me too. I miss myself. 6、想我的人多了,但是在我眼里,你最有优先权。 There are many people who miss me, but in my eyes you have the priority. Sorry to bother you. 8、想我哪了?我也想你哦。 Where do you miss me? I miss you too. 9、你猜猜看,我有没有想你,猜对请你吃饭。 Guess if I miss you. If you're right, I'll treat you to dinner. 10、别客气,随便想。 Don't mention it. Just miss me. 11、怪不得我的心刚刚动了一下。 No wonder my heart just moved. 12、难怪我一直打喷嚏,原来你是罪魁祸首。 No wonder I sneeze all the time, so you are the culprit. 13、那我休息了,梦里一会见你去。 Then I have a rest. I'll see you in my dream. 14、没事,想想就好。 It's OK. Just think about it. 15、那就多想我一点,听说想我的人都会变好看哦! Then miss me a little more. I heard that people who miss me will look better! 16、这么心有灵犀吗?我也在想你哦! Do we share the same heart? I miss you too! 图片来源网络,侵权请联系删除 标签:表达想老公的幽默句子【调侃老公生日幽默句 |
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