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日期:2022-11-30 23:50:07来源:人气:我来评论

导读:1. 只要你不嫌弃我,我可以陪你很久。As long as you don't dislike me, I can stay with you for a long time.2. 我没什么特长,就是爱你的时间特长。I don't have any specialty, just love you fo......

1. 只要你不嫌弃我,我可以陪你很久。

As long as you don't dislike me, I can stay with you for a long time.

2. 我没什么特长,就是时间特长。

I don't have any specialty, just love you for a long time.

3. 我对偏食,只有你合我胃口。

I'm partial to relationships. You're the only one who suits me.

4. 做怀善意的人,结温暖踏实的朋友

Be a kind-hearted person and make warm and steady friends.

5. 我想未来某一,穿最美的婚纱,嫁最爱的你。

I want to wear the most beautiful wedding dress one day in the future and marry the one you love the most.

6. 能够在最美的时光遇见你,就是最好的幸福

Being able to meet you in the most beautiful time is the best happiness.

7. 陪你走过的青春是我一生一次的认真。

Accompanied you through the youth is my once in a lifetime serious.

8. 就算幸福的太拥挤,我们也要一起去。

Even if the road of happiness is too crowded, we will go together.

9. 我喜欢你身上的味道和猝不及防给我的微笑

I like the way you smell and the smile you give me.

10. 无论用什么给你备注都不及你的人心跳加速。

No matter what note I give you, it's not as good as your name. It makes your heart beat faster.

11. 那么耀眼的你是我永远不会言说的怦然心动。

So dazzling you are the heart that I will never say.

12. 你会比好天气适合我,我会比新衣服更衬你。

You'll suit me better than the fine weather, I'll suit you better than the new clothes.


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