日期:2022-11-28 23:52:56来源:人气:我来评论
Life is wonderful because of sports, and sports make dreams come true. 2、体育无处不在,运动无限精彩。 Sports are everywhere, and sports are wonderful. The sun is exercising and going forward. 4、青春无畏,逐梦扬威。 The youth is fearless, and the dream is carried out. 5、鸣奏青春旋律,抒写健身乐意。 Singing the youth melody to express the pleasure of fitness. Young athletes show their hands, and the times are proud. 7、体育健身心,越动越快乐。 Physical fitness, the more dynamic and happier. 8、我运动,我快乐,我锻炼,我提高。 I exercise, I am happy, I exercise, I improve. The development of sports, fitness for the motherland. 10、热爱动动,增强体质。 Love to move, strengthen the constitution. 11、团结拼搏,争创佳绩。 Unite to strive for success. 12、增强体质,磨炼意志,健康身心。 Strengthen the constitution, temper the will, healthy body and mind. 13、快乐体育,健康成长。 Happy sports, healthy growth. 14、健体魄强素质,促发展上水平。 The quality of the body is strong and the level of development is promoted. 15、团结拼搏,拼搏前进。 Unity and struggle, strive to advance. 16、加强体育锻炼,展现青春风采。 Strengthen physical exercise, show youth style. 17、努力拼搏,自强不息。 Hard work, self-improvement. 18、阳光体育,强身健体,快乐成长。 Sunshine sports, strong body, happy growth. 19、团结,友谊,运动,展现竹园风采。 Unity, friendship, sports, and show the style of bamboo garden. 20、青春运动,友谊健康。 Youth sports, friendship is healthy. 21、遵规守纪,团结互敬。 Abide by rules and discipline, unite and respect each other. 22、勇争第一,团结一心,共创佳绩。 Fight first, unite and create good achievements. 23、青春似火,超越自我。 Youth is like fire, beyond self. 24、参加体育运动,做阳光少年。 Take part in sports and be a sunny boy. 25、人人关心体育,体育造福人人。 Everyone cares about sports, and sports benefits everyone. 26、阳光下锻炼身体,自然里快乐成长。 Exercise in the sun, and naturally grow up happily. 27、快乐体育,快乐成长。 Happy sports, happy growth. Exercise in the sun, life in happiness. 29、缔造阳光校园,促进和谐发展。 Create a sunny campus to promote harmonious development. 30、锻炼身体,报效祖国。 Exercise the body and serve the motherland. 31、加强运动,增强体质。 Strengthen sports and enhance physical fitness. 32、铁心拼搏,争创一流。 The iron core struggled to create the first class. 33、锻炼身体,增强体质。 Exercise the body, strengthen the constitution. 34、加强体育锻炼,提高自身综合素质。 Strengthen physical exercise and improve its comprehensive quality. 35、青春飞扬,友谊健康。 Youth flies, friendship is healthy. 36、增强学生体质,健康快乐第一。 Strengthen the students' physical fitness, healthy and happy first. 37、团结拼搏,勇创辉煌。 Unity and struggle, brave to create brilliance. 38、我运动,我快乐,争做时代好少年。 I exercise, I am happy, to be a good young man. 39、体育陪我行,快乐伴一生。 Sports accompany me, happy with life. 40、运动奏响生命,运动点燃**。 Sports play life, and Sport ignites passion. 41、挑战自俺,突破极限。 The challenge comes from me and breaks through the limits. 42、赛出风格,赛出水平。 Play out the style and play out the level. 43、继承奥运精神,勇夺体育之星。 Inherit the spirit of the Olympic Games and win the stars of sports. 44、我阳光,我运动,我健康,我快乐。 I am sunny, I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy. 45、文明守纪,拥抱胜利。 Civilization and discipline, embrace victory. 46、体育无处不在,运动无比精彩。 Sports are everywhere, and sports are wonderful. 47、生命在于运动,运动源于健康。 Life lies in movement, and exercise comes from health. 48、健康第一,终身受益。 Health first, lifelong benefit. 49、蓬勃的艺术,飞扬的青春。 The vigorous art, the flying youth. 50、我运动,我健康;我快乐,我阳光。 I exercise, I am healthy; I am happy, I am sunny. 51、办好校运会,树立新形象。 Run a good school sports meeting and set up a new image. 52、超越极限,超越自我。 Transcend the limit and transcend the self. 53、世界精彩无限,艺体其乐无穷。 The world is wonderful and boundless. 54、热爱运动,热爱生命。 Love sports, love life. 55、奥运精神放异彩,年轻健儿展风姿。 The spirit of the Olympic Games is brilliant. 56、坚持到底,胜利属于你。 Hold on to the end, and victory belongs to you. 57、不耻最后敢为先,友谊永在比赛前。 Not at last dare to be first, friendship is always before the game. 58、阳光运动,增强体质。 The sun is moving to strengthen the body. 59、人类需要体育,世界向往和和平。 Human beings need sports, world yearnings and peace. 60、人类需要体育,世界向往和平。 Human beings need sports and the world yearns for peace. 61、锻炼享健康,快乐伴人生。 Exercise enjoy health, happiness and life. 62、英姿飒爽,震惊全场。 The whole scene was shocked and shocked. 63、拼搏追取,善学勤学。 It is hard to pursue and learn diligently. 64、敢闯敢拼,**协力,争创佳绩。 Dare to fight, work together, to create good achievements. 65、发扬奥运精神,创造校运佳绩。 Carry forward the Olympic spirit and create the performance of the school. 66、鸣奏青春旋律,抒写运动乐章。 Singing the youth melody and expressing the sports music. 67、做文明观众,树赛场新风。 As a civilized audience, the tree has a new wind. 68、磨炼坚强意志,培养良好品德。 Tempering strong will and cultivating good moral character. 69、超越梦想,**无限。 Beyond the dream, the passion is infinite. 70、生命在于运动,时间不再空虚。 Life lies in movement, and time is no longer empty. 71、斗志激昂,勇攀**。 The high spirit, the courage to climb the peak. 72、顽强拼搏,超越自我。 Stubbornly hard work, beyond self. 73、顽强拼搏,勇夺第一。 Hard work, the first to win. 74、发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 The development of sports and sports to enhance the people's physical fitness. 75、体验竹园文化,领略运动之美。 Experience the culture of bamboo garden and appreciate the beauty of sports. 76、旅途有你,风光无限。 The journey has you and the scenery is limitless. 77、舒青竹之苍劲,展学子之风采。 Shu Qingzhu's demeanor. 78、我运动,我精彩,我艺术,我阳光。 I exercise, I'm wonderful, I art, I'm sunny. 79、遇祝大会,圆满成功。 I wish the conference to be successful. 80、人人运动,终身健康。 Everyone sports, lifelong health. 标签:英文 体育锻炼 |
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