日期:2022-11-28 08:09:59来源:人气:我来评论
The quality of the project is more than the Mount Tai. 2、质量可靠,森磊建造。 The quality is reliable and Erji is built. Strive to build China and create a Chinese dream. 4、品质森立,胸怀磊落。 Quality and integrity. 5、奋发图强,优质建设。 Strive to strengthen and build high quality. 6、实践创新,追求卓越。 The practice of innovation, the pursuit of excellence. 7、奋发建工,拒绝平庸。 Work hard and refuse to be mediocre. 8、效益源自创新,信誉源自质量。 Efficiency derives from innovation, reputation is derived from quality. 9、以奋进求发展,以质量求生存。 Strive for development and seek survival by quality. 10、以根为本,诚信待人。 Take the root as the base, and treat people with good faith. 11、脚踏实地,为百姓造福。 On the ground, for the benefit of the people. 12、质量为本,创新为魂。 Quality is the base and innovation is the soul. 13、合作共赢,团队共赢。 Cooperation wins and teams win. 14、人人守规章,个个保平安。 Everyone keeps the rules and every one is safe. 15、卓越品质,承托幸福。 Excellent quality, bearing happiness. 16、奋勇争先,发展创新。 Strive for the first and develop innovation. 17、建幸福高地,赢诚信指数。 Build a happy highland, win the honesty index. 18、品质,就是坚实的基石。 Quality is a solid foundation. 19、重回旧战场,再度创辉煌。 Return to the old battlefield, and create resplendence again. 20、百年大计,质量第一。 A hundred years, the quality is the first. 21、森严壁垒,众志成城。 There is a strong barrier to the city. To create pioneer enterprises, to achieve advanced life. 23、追求卓越,永无止境。 The pursuit of excellence, never stop. 24、质量第一,客户第一。 Quality first, customer first. 25、不断超越,追求完美。 Keep transcending and seek for perfection. 26、品质永无境,用心筑未来。 The quality will never be in the world, and the future is built with the heart. 27、森之环保,磊落之心。 Sen's environmental protection, the heart of the fall. 28、坚持以质取胜,提高竞争实力。 We should adhere to the quality of quality and improve the competitive strength. 29、依法严格管理,确保质量安全。 Strict management according to law to ensure quality and safety. 30、广宇森立,信如磐磊。 The letter is like a rock. 31、建设高品质,方可立天下。 To build high quality, we can make up the world. 32、多一份辛劳,尽一份责任。 One more hard work and one responsibility. 33、和谐建设,筑你平安。 Harmonious construction, build you safe. 34、诚心实心,品质在您心。 Sincere and solid, quality in your heart. 35、诚信为本,创新为魂。 Integrity and innovation are the soul and spirit. 36、安心永无境,品质筑未来。 In peace and never, the quality of the future. With your hand, build his love nest. 38、足木足石,保质保量。 Foot wood foot stone, guarantee quality and quantity. 39、奋创天下秀,发强艺术峰。 It is very exciting to create a strong art peak. 40、强化质量监督,严把质量关口。 Strengthen quality supervision, strict quality pass. 41、品质创新,让客户满意。 Quality innovation, to make customers satisfied. 42、诚建天下,共筑誉达。 Build the world with sincerity and build a good reputation. 43、居安思危,自强不息。 Stay prepared in peace and always make unremitting efforts. 44、竞争合作,双向共赢。 Competition and cooperation, two-way win-win. 45、森华品质,磊建不凡。 The quality of Sen Hua is uncommon. 46、以毅力,铸品质,迎辉煌。 With perseverance, quality and glory. 47、追求卓越,缔造精品。 The pursuit of excellence, create fine quality. 48、为福而建,让安所居。 To be built for the blessing. 49、向质量要市场,向管理要效益。 To the quality of the market, to the management to benefit. 50、看得见的未来,你我信赖。 See the future, you and I trust. 51、奋发拼搏,勇于开拓。 Strive to strive, the courage to open up. 52、品质科技,一往无前。 The quality of science and technology, no advance. 53、建精品工程,为人民造福。 To build excellent works for the benefit of the people. 54、博大精深,品质致远。 It is broad and profound and the quality is far away. 55、承质量重托,建信誉精品。 The quality is heavy and the reputation is built. 56、以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。 Strive for survival with quality, promote development with credit. 57、大气展宏图,踏实做建筑。 The atmosphere is great and building. 58、土木工程,质量为重。 Civil engineering, the quality is heavy. 59、创行业第一,做百年企业。 Create industry first, be a hundred years enterprise. 60、树道德标杆,量未来尺度。 Tree moral benchmarks, the measurement of the future scale. The company is my home, the development depends on everyone. 62、给我一次机遇,还你一个奇迹。 Give me an opportunity, and you have a miracle. 63、奋发实业,缔造臻品。 Develop industry and build up products. 64、隽永品质,精品服务。 Meaningful quality, excellent service. 65、筑就品质,赢取未来。 Build quality and win the future. 66、恒信立德,森磊建设。 Hengde Lide and Sen Lei construction. 67、加强质量管理,建设优质工程。 We should strengthen quality management and build high quality projects. 68、奋发拼搏,质量如山。 Hard work, the quality of the mountain. 69、筑就辉煌,质立未来。 Build up brilliance and build the future. 70、改善提高,以质取胜。 Improve the improvement and win the victory by quality. 71、深谋远虑,光明磊落。 Thoughtful, aboveboard and aboveboard. 72、安全是责任,质量是生命。 Security is the responsibility, and the quality is life. 73、浇筑信赖,搭建未来。 Build trust and build the future. Building the wood environment and opening up the stone spirit. 75、品高质强,筑就辉煌。 The quality of the product is high and the brilliance is built. 76、安全第一,预防为主。 Safety first, prevention is the main. 77、森入根基,磊出品质。 Sen enters the foundation and gives quality. 78、勤奋造福,建善发达。 Work hard and build good. 79、心系你我他,创就高精尖。 The heart is you and me, he is very sharp. 80、追求卓越质量,创造世界名牌。 The pursuit of excellent quality and the creation of famous brand in the world. 标签:中英文 建筑 企业 |
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