日期:2022-11-28 00:29:20来源:人气:我来评论
导游欢迎词范文(篇一)游客朋友们: 早上好!很高兴能够在这个风和日丽的日子里与大家相识,首先自我介绍一下,我姓于,在座的可以可以称呼我为小于,这样显得更为亲切一些!小于是xxx旅行社的一名专职导游,也是大家这次去xx的全程陪同导游!!在我旁边的驾驶座上的这位是我们此行的司机师傅,姓x,大家可以称呼他:x师傅,那接下去的这两天呢,就得辛苦x师傅为我们大家保驾护航了, 那说到师傅呢,小曾在这里问大家一个问题啊,请问大家知道师傅的特长是什么:是三心二意。为什么我要这么说呢,大家可以不要想错了啊,三心是:开车小心,态度热心,服务耐心,二意是:开起车来一心一意,对待客人全心全意,那在这几天的旅途中,小于要是有什么地方做的不够好的请在座的`各位领导多多指教,给我一个可以进步的机会,我也希望各位可以在这两天中支持以及配合我们的工作,可能我不是最优秀的导游,但我绝对会是一个最用心的导游,大家要是有什么问题有什么需要,都可以和我说,在我的能力范围内的,我会尽量满足您的要求。 接下去我跟大家简单的说一下我们这次的行程安排,这就是我们这几天行程的安排,大家要是有什么意见或建义可以提前向我反应,我会做相应的处理,现在我要跟大家强调一下出门在外的一些注意事项 1,出门在外安全第一,在这里指的不仅仅是人身安全还有我们的财物安全,在外面说句不好听的,要是有什么问题发生,不管是多么小的问题,总归心里会不舒服的,所以我希望大家自己要小心的包管好贵重物品 2,我们这两天有好几个餐是用团队餐,那大家经常出来可能都知道,团队餐只能是保证大家吃的饱,所以到时候大家觉得菜不够的话,可以自己加菜,要是菜的口味吃不惯,我倒可以和餐厅沟通尽量做得合大家口味 3,今天晚上我们要住在xx的,大家住的是双标房,大家可以自己拼,两个人两个人一间房。拿到房卡后先不要急着休息,先检查一下门和窗户锁得上锁不上,然后再检查空调和电视的遥控器是不是有,毛巾/杯子/是不是都有双份,要是没有可以打电话到总台,叫服务员送过来,宾馆里的床单毛巾不是都白色的么,大家在使用的过程中也请注意,不要染上其它的颜色 这样的话就可以在第二天早上退房的时候减少不必要的麻烦了 4,那等会我会给在座的每一个人都发一个有我们旅行社的标志的帽子,希望大家可以:戴戴平安!而且你们在游玩景点的时候,小曾也希望大家可以带上帽子,这样子不容易走散 5、各位是以一个团队的形式出游的,在时间方面小曾希望大家都可以准时,不要迟到,因为一个人迟到而让整个团的人都等你,在这里我征求大家意见,我们订个小规距,要是哪个人迟到了,就罚他唱歌,要是再次迟到就罚他给大家加菜,那各位对我提的这个建议同意吗? 都默认了是吧,那好,到时候小x希望各位可以自觉遵守 6、出门旅游,旅游车就是我们的第二个家,希望可以保持车里的清洁,不要在车上吸烟,需要垃圾袋可以我讲, 同时也记一下我们这个车的车牌号, 那我就讲这么多的注意事项希望各位不要嫌小x嗦哈 ,车程有x个小时,我们中途会进服务区停车,给大家一定的时间休息下,顺便唱唱歌,那你们知道唱歌是什么意思吗? 导游欢迎词范文(篇二)Teachers, students: Good afternoon, everyone! In the golden autumn season, we put down the work of our hands, reparate the business that is under discussion, sacrificed the time of family and friends, with deep friendship, strong friendship, and the rhythm of celebrating the 60 birthday of the motherland, back to the alma mater, Party friendship and the campus, and I would like to represent more than 1200 teachers and students of self strengthening middle school and to everyone. Arrival, the most warm welcome! In the past twenty years, with the care and support of your alma mater at all levels of leadership, the school has made great progress. The school relies on advanced educational ideas, scientific management systems, complete teaching facilities, beautiful campus environment, strong teachers, and a class a class school. Students, you were here 20 years ago. Learning, living, and growing up, there is only a building that has just built a building, several low and old classrooms, and the uneven playground erect a precarious basketball stand. In order to improve the comprehensive quality of the students, your alma mater is energetically carrying out the activities inside and outside the class, taking the education as its duty, let the students show their ability, each apply their talents, and earnestly strengthen the quality education. "Heaven is healthy, the gentleman is constantly strengthening." The development history of self-reliance middle school over the past 20 years is the true portrayal of self-reliance and self-reliance, and the rise of self-reliance middle school is an advanced model for the flourishing development of our county's education. It is our pride, your pride, the pride of all self strengthening people. Students, 20 years, a flick of the finger, you from just classmate young, walked to the years of life, you in the life of the journey, there are sad and bumpy, there are hardships and hovering, but more is the joy of harvest success; in the future life, insist on doing self-reliance people, take the road to self strength! At the same time, I hope you will find time to work at your alma mater in your spare time and work out a plan for the development of your alma mater. The alma mater's embrace is always open to you! Welcome to you! Class eight or nine students, I wish you good health, family happiness, good work and good fortune! Thank you all. 导游欢迎词范文(篇三)远方的朋友们,你们好!你一路辛苦了!我是周媛,你们这次xxxx旅的导游。你可以叫我小周。我代表xx旅行社欢迎你来这里。在接下来的几天里,我很荣幸能陪你度过,在旅途中,你有任何问题可以告诉我,我会尽力帮助你解决,如果我做了一些不足,请指出,我会及时改正。(如果是在旅游车上,我想介绍一下司机。)是xx旅游公司的经理为我们开车。请记住车牌号。我和主人将尽力为您服务。祝大家旅途愉快! 面对清晨明媚的阳光,沐浴在清凉的春风中,我们今天的旅程将在明媚的春天开始。女士们,先生们,早上好。欢迎来到xx旅行社xx旅游。我谨代表公司并以我个人的名义,向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。我是你的导游。我叫xx。就叫我xx吧。(指着司机)我是司机xx。在接下来的旅程中,我们将竭诚为您服务,并为您提供导游服务。我们会安排好您的行程,让您有一个愉快的旅程。 中国有句谚语说,千里不见,千里见。今天,我们从不同的地方来到相同的目的地,乘坐同一辆车,每个人都从陌生人见面,这真是美好而美好的命运,那么让我们把这美好的命运进行到底,让我们快乐而去,满意而归。 在这次旅行中,如果您需要我们为您服务,请一定告诉我们,让我知道,我们会为您服务,让您满意。因为您的满意是我们的追求,您的幸福是我们最大的幸福。 最后,祝大家旅途愉快!谢谢你! 导游欢迎词范文(篇四)Ladies and gentlemen: On the occasion of the 30th anniversary anniversary of the XXX plant, please allow me to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests from all over the world on behalf of the XXX plant and in my own name. My friends have come to congratulate and discuss trade cooperation in spite of the distant journey. I feel happy for the 30th anniversary factory celebrations of our factory. I sincerely feel happy and express our sincere thanks to our friends for their efforts to promote friendly relations between the two sides. Many of you here today are our old friends, and we have good cooperative relations. Our factory has built up factories for 30 years and can achieve today's results. We cannot do without our sincere cooperation and strong support from our old friends. In this regard, we express our sincere admiration and thanks. At the same time, we are very happy to have the opportunity to meet new friends from all over the country. Here, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new friends again, and hope to work closely with new friends and develop friendly and cooperative relations with each other. "It's not a pleasure to have friends coming from the distance." On the occasion of the meeting of the new friends and old friends, I propose:For further cooperation between us,For the growing friendship between us,For the health and happiness of my friends,Cheers! 导游欢迎词范文(篇五)各位亲爱的朋友: 大家早上好! 很高兴在这个风和日丽的早上看到大家!同时也很荣幸今天能与大家同行,首先感谢在座的各位朋友参加由我们xxx旅行社组织的这次海洋世界x日游活动。一上车我就感觉到大家热情的目光,在我身上“刷刷刷”地上下扫描,可能前面的朋友看得清楚一点,后面的朋友看得清楚吗?不管是看得清也好,看不清也好,听得清就好了哈,后排的姑娘能听到我说话了吗? (等客人适应)好,首先我介绍一下,本人姓王,84年出生,身高172公分,未婚!大家可以叫我小王,千万不要叫我王导,这样就见外了嘛。在今天这次的旅途中我担任的是大家的全程陪同导游工作,简单的说也就是全陪了,全陪,全陪也就是什么都要陪咯!当然能为大家服务小王也很开心。 还有就是为我们此次旅行开车的师傅,在我的右手边哈,猪师傅猪师傅是我们旅游车对一位非常优秀的司机哦!别看他年纪轻轻,他…曾手拿方向盘,脚,踩刹车板在我们中国大陆上安全行使了百万余公里,可以说猪师傅是我们这一路上最辛苦的人了,在这里我们以热烈的掌声对猪师傅的辛苦表示感谢!……谢谢,谢谢大家,有了大家的掌声就是对我们的鼓励,有了大家的鼓励我们的工作会更加的努力。 在这里我还要代表我们xx旅行社感谢大家,感谢在座的各位参加我们此行!俗话说的好:握紧我的手,世界各地任你走,今天就去桂林走一走。同时我也代表我们公司祝愿大家旅途愉快,玩得开心,吃得放心,行得安心。小王也将真心,诚心,热心,耐心,细心的为大家服务。同时也希望我的导游讲解能伴随大家度过今天这快乐的旅程!我还要送大家四个字。首先第一个字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年休的同船度,千年修的共枕眠”那么和大家今天的共处,算算也是百年的缘分了!接下来这个字是原谅的原,在这今天的游览中,小王有做的不好的地方,希望大家多多包涵,在这里先说声对不起了!再一个字就是圆满的圆,希望此次行程圆满,这是与大家对我工作的支持和配合是分不开的,小王也要先说声谢谢了!最后一个字还是源字,财源的源,祝大家的财源犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,也祝大家工作好,身体好,今天好,明天好,现在好,将来好,不好也好,好上加好,给点掌声好不好,再次旅游找我就好! 导游欢迎词范文(篇六)Leaders and teachers: Good morning, everybody! Today is another great event of our educational circles in Lu Kou Town。 Today is full of the attention of all schools to teaching and research activities, which fully shows the enthusiasm of our teachers to participate in the teaching and research activities and the desire for the implementation of the new curriculum and the promotion of quality education experience。 In particular, Mr。 Ho, the director of the Education Bureau, will come from Hefei to visit the field for guidance。 Mr。 Wang and Mr。 Wang will make a special report for everyone in his busy schedule, which is more inspiring to each of our teachers in Lu Kou。 Here, on behalf of Lu Kou Zhen central school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and teachers。 With the support of the director Liu and the Ling Party group, the education and research activities have fully reflected the care and affection of the County Education Bureau and the leadership of the teaching and research office to my town。 At the same time, it also condenses the enthusiasm and strength of the general colleagues of the schools to the teaching and research activities。 In recent years, under the correct guidance of the teaching and Research Department of the county, Lu Kou Town focuses on the sustainable development of education, deeply comprehends the spirit of the whole church, combines education with the plan of 12th Five—Year, tries to standardize the behavior of running a school, deepens the curriculum reform, based on the main channel of the classroom teaching, and develops the multi channel effectively, in order to realize the three orientation of quality education。 A lot of exploration has been made to achieve the "three dimensional goal" of the new curriculum。 In this period, teaching research and research activities are carried out in various schools, and teaching research is supported by teaching research to promote the progress of teaching, promote the growth of teachers, and apply the achievements of teaching and research to practical teaching。 But there is still a gap between the expectations of leaders and the aspirations of the community。 We sincerely hope that the leaders will give us valuable suggestions and suggestions during the meeting, and the teachers will learn and understand them carefully and further improve the level of school and the quality of education in our town。 Comrades, quality education gives us the important task of history and provides a broad innvation stage for teaching and research work。 Let us make full use of the platform of collaborative teaching and research, strengthen cooperation and exchange, create a new situation for the teaching and research work of my town hand in hand, and create a team of famous teachers in my town。 Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all of you who have won this joint examination, and wish this conference a complete success。 Thank you。 导游欢迎词范文(篇七)Distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, comrades and friends: Hello everyone! This evening, the X song competition finals were held in our * * city. We are all very happy. First of all, we would like to express our warm welcome and sincere thanks to the chairman * * * * * * * * * * * * * president of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the opening ceremony, the leaders of the provincial literary Federation, the leaders and contestants from all the brothers and cities, as well as the guests and friends. We are very grateful to the provincial CPPCC and the Provincial Federation of literary and art unions for their attention and love for our * *, and put the provincial CPPCC first "* * Cup" Cantonese Opera Competition finals in our * * *! The Party committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People's government attached great importance to the competition and gave clear instructions and strong support to the preparatory work of the competition. We, the Municipal Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Municipal Cultural Bureau, the City Cultural Federation and the relevant units, were also active and mutually assisting in the preparation of the tournament, and endeavor to live up to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the Provincial Cultural Federation. Great trust。 This Guangdong opera final can be held in our city, not only because our city is the birthplace of Cantonese opera culture, Cantonese opera, Cantonese and Cantonese culture and art have good traditions and good mass base in our city, and more mainly is the Qionghua Cantonese Opera and art culture festival held in the previous period of our city and the Guangdong opera performance competition in our province in Foshan. A test of success. We warmly welcome all the leaders, experts and guests to give valuable comments on the cultural construction of our city. We also cherish the opportunity to hold the final of the first "* * Cup" singing contest of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference in our city, further promote the city's mass Cantonese singing, excavate more outstanding Cantonese talents, carry forward the excellent traditional culture of South of the Five Ridges, flourish Cantonese Opera and Cantonese culture and art, and make Cantonese opera culture a famous cultural city in our city. Important strength and characteristic brand should contribute to the building of a cultural province. Finally, I wish the athletes of every city to play their best, sing their own style, sing their best standards and get the best results. I wish this competition a complete success! Thank you all. 导游欢迎词范文(篇八)各位游客朋友: 咱们的行程马上就要结束了。在这段快乐的时光里,咱们参观了月湖、天一阁、城隍庙,游览了山清水秀的象山风景区,参观了文化气息浓厚的奉化溪口景区,还品尝了千层饼,宁波汤圆,这段经历真的很难忘啊。此时小毛也要跟大家说再见了,临别之际没什么送大家的,就送大家四个字吧。第一字是缘分的缘,我们能够相识就是缘,人们常说百年修得同船渡,可以说我们是百年修得同车行。这次旅程也是百年修来的缘分啊,现在我们就要分开了,缘份却未尽。第二字就是财源的源,也希望各位朋友在以后的日子,财源如滔滔江水连绵不绝!第三个是原谅的原,在这次几天的旅程中,小毛有什么做的不到的地方还请大家多多包涵多多原谅,多提宝贵意见,让我以后的工作能做得更好。最后是圆满的圆,朋友们,我们的旅程到这就圆满地结束了。预祝大家在以后的工作好、家庭好、身体好、心情好、今天好、明天好、不好也好、好上加好、来点掌声好不好!谢谢大家! 导游欢迎词范文(篇九)各位朋友大家好! 首先感谢各位朋友们给我们桂林旅行社这次接待大家的机会。欢迎大家来到桂林。做一下简单的自我介绍:我姓李,叫李茂成,是桂林旅行社的导游,也是我们这个旅游团的导游,大家在桂林的二晚三天由我来给大家做导游讲解。坐我右手边的是我们司机马师傅,马师傅已经有十年的驾驶经验,正所谓“老马识途”啊,咱们马师傅闭着眼都能把带着咱们在桂林游玩啊,你们不信?我也不信!不过马师傅的车技确实没的说,既安全又稳当。 这次次旅行将由我和马师傅为大家全程服务。维护各位游客朋友们的利益,提供优质服务是我们的责任。大家如有要求、建议尽管说,我们一定尽全力满足大家。我会在路途上细细为大家介绍有“山水甲天下”的桂林。 下面我给大家说一下注意事项: 1、安全。避免单独行动,遵守时间,掉队及时与我联系。手号大家记一 下:189****8789。 2、卫生。车厢是我们的临时小家。请大家不要乱扔杂物,自觉爱护车厢内的设施。同时记下我们这量淡蓝色金龙的车牌号GB8xxx。 3、切忌保管好您的贵重物品,谨防丢失。 4、购物时要慎重,防止上当。 好了我就先直说这么多了,好让大家带着满心好奇心去游玩。祝大家旅途愉快!谢谢! 如果谁有什么问题可以示意一下,我会走到您身边。 导游欢迎词范文(篇十)各位旅客朋友们: 大家好!很高兴在这样一个阳光明媚的日子里见到大家,首先我代表我们公司——美好时光旅行社(最好起一个既好听又好记的名称)为大家的到来表示衷心的欢迎!托大家的宏福,很幸运地成为了各位的导游,我姓x,大家叫我小x就可以了,千万不要叫x导,那就太见外了!我身边的这位,是我们这次旅途中最为劳苦功高的一位,我们的司机刘师傅,刘师傅已有26年的驾车经验,由他行车大家可以放心。虽然我们的车厢不大,但却能容纳五湖四海,既然我们能从960万平方公里的土地上相聚到这个小小的车厢里,借用范伟的一句经典名言“缘分啊……”,因为缘分我们坐到了一起,因为缘分我们成为了朋友,既然是朋友,如果我有什么做得不合适的地方大家要及时提出来,我会立即改正。就是不希望咱们大家在回程时对我说“小x这个地方你做得不好,小x那个地方你做得不对。”那么我想你并没有给我改正的机会,我也只能对朋友们说“抱歉,下次我会注意。”同时也给大家提几个小建议: 首先,我们的车已经行驶在高速公路上了,朋友们在座位上坐好就不要乱动了,以免车速过快发生危险。 其次呢,大家都起来得很早,还没有来得及吃早餐,那么希望大家把吃剩下的瓜果梨皮装进一个方便袋子里,下车的时候师傅会为大家清扫,这部车将陪伴我们x天的时间,希望大家能保持一个好的环境。 最后一点就是坐在窗边的朋友千万不要把手或头伸出窗外,以免其它车辆刮伤。朋友们注意下我们的车是蓝白相间的金龙车,车牌号是xxxx,车牌号的后两位是xx,也就是我们的团号,希望大家上下车时注意识别。有一首歌叫做《常回家看看》,有一种渴望叫做常出来转转,说的就是旅游,旅游固然重要,但平安最重要。都说世界像部书,如果您没有外出旅游,您可只读了书中之一页:现在我们一同出游,让我们共同读好这属于中国的一页。接下来我们来阅读第一章:这属于xx(省份名称)的一页,第一节便是xx(景点名称),也就是我们今天的第一站。(接下来讲述景点概况) (早上接团)大家早上好!大—家—早—上—好!(见客人没反应时补上一句),很好,大家都睡醒了,现在请大家抬起高尚的头看看车的正前方,看到什么了?导游?对!我就是你们今天的导游,那么请大家务必记住我这张长得不算美,但总算对得起观众的脸(笑声),把我留在脑海中,旅途快活又轻松。下面呢,我就给大家正式先容一下自己,哎呀,冲动的心,发抖的手,拿起发话器我要献丑,谁要不鼓掌谁就说我丑(我带过的客人都很会意一笑并很配合的鼓掌),哎――,很好,谢谢大家的掌声,后面还有一句呢,谁要说我丑我下车就走(笑声),从大家的掌声中可以看出大家的审美目光仍是相称不错的嘛!那么大家出来旅游呀,必定要遵从导游的引导,一定要跟着导游走,这随着导游走,吃喝啥都有,问啥啥都会,走着还不累。等一下到景点就请大家跟着我的导游旗走,小旗不倒,不许乱跑,因为呀只有跟着我的导游旗走,美好的感觉才会有! 导游欢迎词范文(篇十一)各位游客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎来到我们美丽的古都开封来观光旅游。请允许我代表我们开封旅行社对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时道一声大家一路辛苦了。我是大家这次开封之旅的导游,我姓周,能提供周到服务的周,在我身边的是司机严师傅,严格的严,严师傅有多年的驾驶经验,所以大家在行车的过程中可以完全放心。 在开封的这两天游玩里,将有小周和严师傅为大家提供服务。我们衷心的希望成为大家的好朋友,如果在本次旅行当中大家有什么问题或要求,可以尽管提出来,我们会尽全力为大家去解决。我们中国有句俗话"百年修得同船渡",今天我们能相聚在同一辆车上,是我们的缘分,希望大家可以珍惜这点缘分,互相照顾,并请大家配合我的工作,同时要注意车箱内的卫生。在我们的共同努力下使我们的这次清明上河园的旅行圆满成功!好了,现在我给大家简单说一下我们今天的行程安排,大家也可以做到心里有数。今天上午我们去游览开封大型民俗主题公园—清明上河园,领略北宋当年的繁荣。 导游欢迎词范文(篇十二)各位尊敬的游客朋友们(停顿)吃了吗? 啊?没吃啊,没吃就让刘导我带您吃去吧!我就知道您几位刚下火车(飞机),一路上奔波劳碌的,肯定没吃,其实早给您安排好了,我们这马上就要去我们沈阳最有名的特色餐馆老边饺子让您先大快朵颐,让您先从味觉上感受一下我们沈阳人的热情! 光顾着说吃了,还没自我介绍一下呢,我呢,叫刘峰,沈阳XX旅行社的导游员,正宗的东北爷们儿(亮相),也许有的人觉得我们东北男人比较粗犷,不太适合做导游这种细致的工作。其实不然。经过联合国教科文组织36名专家组经过147天的科学论证,得主结论俺们东北这嘎达出导游! 您看您别着急鼓掌啊,您的让我给您说出个一二三来不是吗?为什么说我们东北汉子最适合当导游呢?原因如下: 一、我们东北人实在,热情,没有坏心眼,这个是全国公认的。所以说我们东北导游的服务肯定是一流的,因为我们热心肠啊! 二、导游是个重体力劳动活,起早贪黑不说,每天这东跑西颠的,没个好身体可不行,不说别的,您几位游客光玩还累呢,何况是我们导游了,对吧,所以说这就是我们东北人适合作导游的第二个原因,我们牙好,嘿,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香,您瞅准了东北男导游! 导游欢迎词范文(篇十三)(早上接团)大家早上好!大家早上好!(见客人没反映时补上一句),很好,大家都睡醒了,现在请大家抬起高贵的头看看车的正前方,看到什么了?导游?对!我就是你们今天的导游,那么请大家务必记住我这张长得不算美,但总算对得起观众的脸(笑声),把我留在脑海中,旅途快乐又轻松。 下面呢,我就给大家正式介绍一下自己,哎呀,激动的心,颤抖的手,拿起话筒我要献丑,谁要不鼓掌谁就说我丑,哎!很好,谢谢大家的掌声,后面还有一句呢,谁要说我丑我下车就走(笑声),从大家的掌声中可以看出大家的审美眼光还是相当不错的嘛! 我呢,是XX旅行社的一名专职导游员,我……(此处省略一万字)。哇!大家有缘坐在一辆车里就是一家人了,古语有云:百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠,今天我们同吃、同游、同乐还同”居“(驹),哎,怎么就同居了,有些游客问,古时候不就把车叫驹吗?难道我们还不是同居吗?只要你需要我,我会第一时间出现在你面前。 那么罗嗦完自己之后呢,隆重给大家介绍一位重要人物,一般呀重要人物出场都会有一种声音……,好,谢谢大家的掌声,他就是我们风流倜傥、英俊潇洒、人见人爱、车见车载、男人见了喝醋、女人见了喝蜜的^^师傅(笑声),从后脑勺看就很像梁朝伟嘛,大家想不想看看^^师傅正面呀?想呀?那让^^师傅站起来跟大家打声招呼好不好呀?(笑声)好呀,那可不行,他站起来谁给我们开车呀? 好了,我替张师傅谢谢大家的掌声。大家呀别看这张师傅长得^^,他开起车来呀那可是相当的有技巧,用东北话说那是:”冈冈的“,大家呀别看^^师傅一本正经,他呀可有两个老婆,大老婆在家给他洗衣服做饭,小老婆呀陪他走南闯北,今天他这位小老婆就在我们身边,大家找找看,找不到呀?其实呀他这位小老婆就是我们这辆车,大家说张师傅小老婆漂不漂亮呢?漂亮呀?那大家就要好好爱护他,保持车内的清洁,爱护她,就像你们爱自己的小老婆小老公一样。 那么大家出来旅游呀,一定要服从导游的领导,一定要跟着导游走,这跟着导游走,吃喝啥都有,问啥啥都会,走着还不累。等一下到景点就请大家跟着我的导游旗走,小旗不倒,不许乱跑,因为呀只有跟着我的导游旗走,美好的感觉才会有! 导游欢迎词范文(篇十四)Welcome to my hometown Jilin city. And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera. or Miss Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs. Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century. Today we will be: Repair same car dealers for a century. Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away. That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to. Bless everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally. 导游欢迎词范文(篇十五)各位来宾: 大家好! 欢迎大家来到桂林。我们现在是在桂林的两江国际机场,大家请看机场的候机大楼,非常的气派宏伟。两江国际机场是一九九六年开航的,还是一个新机场,据说机场的占地面积是全国最大的。客运量排在全国的前几位。现在我们的巴士从机场开往市区,行程三十公里,约须三十五分钟。 首先自我介绍一下:我姓张,叫张倩。是桂林旅行社的导游,也是我们这个旅行团的导游,大家在桂林的三晚四天的游览中,由我给大家做导游讲解。我们的司机是李师傅,巴士的车牌号是6508,李师傅有十五年的开车经验,开车非常的平稳安全。我们一定会努力为大家服务,让大家在桂林玩得高兴愉快,希望大家对我们的工作多多关照。在这段时间里我给大家介绍桂林的概况: 我们大家专程来到美丽的桂林旅游,桂林是中国乃至世界的著名旅游风景名城,桂林的奇山秀水,如诗如梦的美丽景色,每年吸引着上千万的海内外游客到桂林来观光旅游。桂林位于广西壮族自治区的东北部,全市的人口约四百八十万,其中城区的人口六十万。桂林的总面积有二点七八万平方公里,其中城区的面积有五百六十五平方公里。全市辖叠彩,秀峰,象山,七星,雁山五个区和十二个县。桂林属亚热带季风气候,气候温和,雨量充沛,年平均气温十九度,年平均降雨量为一千九百毫升。冬季的平均气温为八度,夏季的平均气温为二十八度,是一个非常适合于旅游的地方。 我们广西壮族自治区位于中国的南疆,它的东部是广东省,西部是云南省,西北部是贵州省,北部是湖南省,而南部是与越南接壤。广东省的广州市海拔是五十米,桂林的海拔是一百五十米,云南省的昆明市海拔是一千八百米,而更西部的西藏自治区的海拔是四千五百米,地势从东至西迅速增高。据地质学家的研究调查,一亿年以前,从东到西的广东,广西,云南,西藏还是一片海底。后来由于地壳的运动,由海底隆起成为陆地,西藏则被抬升为世界的屋脊。桂林当时是海底的一片石灰岩沉积岩,成为陆地以后,几千万年以来的风雨的侵蚀和溶蚀,形成了桂林独特的喀斯特地质地貌。地面上群峰林立,江河纵横,地面下暗河涌动,钟乳洞遍布群山之中。桂林的山高峭耸立,拔地而起,桂林的水蜿蜒弯曲,清澈见底。桂林以她山清,水秀,洞奇,石美的秀丽风光而闻名于世。 桂林不光是一个风景旅游名城,还是一个历史文化名城。两千多年以前,秦始皇派人在桂林的兴安修筑了灵渠,把珠江水系和长江水系连在了一起。从宋代开始,桂林就是我们广西的政治,经济,文化的中心。明朝的开国皇帝朱元嶂派他的侄儿到桂林担当靖江王,在桂林传有十三代。xxx时期,桂林是全国著名的xxx文化城。桂林山清水秀,地杰人灵,江山代有人才辈出。在清代,出了著名的宰相陈宏谋,民国时期,出了民国的代总统李宗仁,xxx长白崇喜,到了现在,著名的电影[刘三姐]的扮演者黄婉秋,全国著名的歌手俞均健,奥运会体操冠军莫慧兰,奥运会跳水冠军李亭亭。还有羽毛球国手周蜜,都是我们桂林人的骄傲。今年,著名的电影导演张艺谋在桂林的阳朔亲自导演了世界上最大的山水实景文艺表演[印象刘三姐],把美丽的桂林传说传播到了全世界,吸引了众多的海内外游客竞相前来观赏。 桂林的名称由来是取桂花成林的意思,金秋十月正是满城桂花飘香的季节,在游览其间我们还可以品尝到香气怡人的桂花茶和甜美无比的桂花酒。这个季节桂林的水果种类非常丰富,有香蕉,苹果,柑桔,西瓜,还有桂林最有名的沙田柚,柿子饼,水蜜桃,在市区和各个景区都可以买到,大家可以尽情品尝。 改革开放的二十年,桂林的旅游业得到了迅速的发展,桂林市著名的观光景区有象山景区,伏波山景区,叠彩山景区,七星公园景区,芦笛岩景区,漓江景区,近两年又建成了有东方威尼斯之称的两江四湖景区,各位贵宾在桂林三晚四天的观光中,将观赏到以上景区的最美丽的景色。 接着我给大家宣布一下明天的行程,明天我们是乘船游览桂林旅游最美丽的漓江风光,游船是早上九点起航,因此我们是六点半叫早,七点开始早餐,八点从酒店出发。从酒店到码头,乘巴士要四十分钟。漓江的游览从桂林到阳朔全程是八十三公里,乘船要大约四个小时。明天的中餐是在游船上用餐,我们明天大约在下午的一点到达阳朔,随后我们还要在阳朔游览大榕树和月亮山公园及参观桂林最大的钟乳石岩洞,“银子岩”,在下午的五点乘车返回桂林。 我们的巴士已进入市区,还有五分钟我们将到达我们住宿的酒店,我们住宿的酒店叫桂山大酒店,坐落在美丽的漓江东岸,是一个四星级的豪华大酒店。到达酒店后,我们将直接上酒店的餐厅用晚餐,在大家用晚餐的时候,我给大家办好入住手续,大家用餐后就可以直接进房间休息了。大件的托运行李会由酒店的行李生给大家送到房间里。房间里没有免费的矿泉水,但有一个烧水的水壶,大家可以自己烧水喝。冰箱里的饮料酒水是收费的,大家可以饮用,退房时到酒店的总台结算就可以了。 导游欢迎词范文(篇十六)Leaders, guests and comrades: At the time of the triumph of the Olympic athletes, the Chinese nation is about to usher in the 55 birthday of the Republic, the fourth staff sports meeting of the city's water conservancy system is opened today。 This is a great reunion of the history of the city's water conservancy front。 It is a grand meeting to show the spirit of the water conservancy people to the whole society。 As the host of the games, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the victory of the conference on behalf of the Qian Guo County Water Conservancy Bureau。 I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and guests who have come to the opening ceremony, and to express their high respect and sincere greetings to all the athletes and the staff of the general assembly。 Water conservancy is the basic industry of the national economy。 It is the lifeblood of agriculture。 It has shown an important position in the economic development and social progress。 The water conservancy people with common pursuit and ideal are going hand in hand to the brighter tomorrow。 This games will be held in the former Guo。 It is a good opportunity for us to learn from the whole city's water resources and to the brother county。 It is also a review of the work of the former Guo water conservancy。 It will undoubtedly play a great role in promoting our sentiment and inspiring the spirit of fighting, and will further enhance mutual understanding and enhance the friendship between each other。 We have a long history of origin, beautiful rivers and lakes, and splendid national culture。 Chagan Lake, which has the seventh largest freshwater lake in the country and has the reputation of "outer pearl", has the former Guo irrigation area, one of the four major irrigation areas in the northeast, and the vast expanse of the vast expanse of grassland。 Under the correct leadership of the county Party committee and the county government, the children of all 560 thousand ethnic groups in the county, with the emancipation of the mind as the guide, the project development and the investment and investment as the main line, fully implement the "three three" economic development strategy, unite one heart and strive to be strong, every cause leaped the forefront of the whole province, and the tourism industry has been developed unprecedentedly。 The beautiful and rich galrose like a Mercedes of galloping horses, flying in the vast expanse of Horqin prairie, and soaring on the Bank of the Songhua River, like a plump eagle, as an angry sunny flower, with its unique charm, to decorate the earth of Songyuan。 We sincerely welcome all the leaders, guests and colleagues to come to the city's water conservancy games to visit the former Guo。 We firmly believe that through the extensive exchanges and cooperation of the whole city water conservancy workers, we will be able to further implement the policy of water management proposed by the Party Central Committee, fully carry forward the great spirit of flood resistance, try to practice the important thought of the "Three Represents", and write a new chapter for the healthy development of the water resources and the economy。 Make new contributions to the development and social progress, and strive for the goal of building a well—off society in an all—round way。 Finally, I wish the fourth staff sports meeting of the whole city water conservancy system a complete success。 I wish all leaders, guests and members of the team a happy time in the former Guo。 导游欢迎词范文(篇十七)游客朋友们早上好!很高兴能够在这个风和日丽的日子里与大家相识,首先自我介绍一下,我姓于,在座的可以可以称呼我为小于,这样显得更为亲切一些!小于是xxx旅行社的一名专职导游,也是大家这次去xx的全程陪同导游!!在我旁边的驾驶座上的这位是我们此行的司机师傅,姓x,大家可以称呼他:x师傅,那接下去的这两天呢,就得辛苦x师傅为我们大家保驾护航了, 那说到师傅呢,小曾在这里问大家一个问题啊,请问大家知道师傅的特长是什么:……是三心二意。为什么我要这么说呢,大家可以不要想错了啊,三心是:开车小心,态度热心,服务耐心,二意是:开起车来一心一意,对待客人全心全意, 那在这几天的旅途中,小于要是有什么地方做的不够好的请在座的各位领导多多指教,给我一个可以进步的机会,我也希望各位可以在这两天中支持以及配合我们的工作,可能我不是最优秀的导游,但我绝对会是一个最用心的导游,大家要是有什么问题有什么需要,都可以和我说,在我的能力范围内的,我会尽量满足您的要求。 接下去我跟大家简单的说一下我们这次的行程安排,这就是我们这几天行程的安排,大家要是有什么意见或建义可以提前向我反应,我会做相应的处理, 现在我要跟大家强调一下出门在外的一些注意事项: 1,出门在外安全第一,在这里指的不仅仅是人身安全还有我们的财物安全,在外面说句不好听的,要是有什么问题发生,不管是多么小的问题,总归心里会不舒服的,所以我希望大家自己要小心的包管好贵重物品 2,我们这两天有好几个餐是用团队餐,那大家经常出来可能都知道,团队餐只能是保证大家吃的饱,所以到时候大家觉得菜不够的话,可以自己加菜,要是菜的口味吃不惯,我倒可以和餐厅沟通尽量做得合大家口味 3,今天晚上我们要住在xx的,大家住的是双标房,大家可以自己拼,两个人两个人一间房。拿到房卡后先不要急着休息,先检查一下门和窗户锁得上锁不上,然后再检查空调和电视的遥控器是不是有,毛巾杯子是不是都有双份,要是没有可以打电话到总台,叫服务员送过来,宾馆里的床单毛巾不是都白色的么,大家在使用的过程中也请注意,不要染上其它的颜色 这样的话就可以在第二天早上退房的时候减少不必要的麻烦了 4,那等会我会给在座的每一个人都发一个有我们旅行社的标志的帽子,希望大家可以:戴戴平安!而且你们在游玩景点的时候,小曾也希望大家可以带上帽子,这样子不容易走散 5、各位是以一个团队的形式出游的,在时间方面小曾希望大家都可以准时,不要迟到,因为一个人迟到而让整个团的人都等你,在这里我征求大家意见,我们订个小规距,要是哪个人迟到了,就罚他唱歌,要是再次迟到就罚他给大家加菜,那各位对我提的这个建议同意吗? 都默认了是吧,那好,到时候小x希望各位可以自觉遵守 6、出门旅游,旅游车就是我们的第二个家,希望可以保持车里的清洁,不要在车上吸烟,需要垃圾袋可以我讲, 同时也记一下我们这个车的车牌号, 那我就讲这么多的注意事项希望各位不要嫌小x啰嗦哈 ,车程有x个小时,我们中途会进服务区停车,给大家一定的时间休息下,顺便唱唱歌,那你们知道唱歌是什么意思吗? 导游欢迎词范文(篇十八)各位朋友: 大家好! 首先感谢各位朋友们给我们桂林旅行社这次接待大家的机会。欢迎大家来到桂林。做一下简单的自我介绍:我姓李,叫李xx,是xx旅行社的导游,也是我们这个旅游团的导游,大家在桂林的二晚三天由我来给大家做导游讲解。坐我右手边的是我们司机马师傅,马师傅已经有十年的驾驶经验,正所谓“老马识途”啊,咱们马师傅闭着眼都能把带着咱们在桂林游玩啊,你们不信?我也不信!不过马师傅的车技确实没的说,既安全又稳当。 这次次旅行将由我和马师傅为大家全程服务。维护各位游客朋友们的利益,提供优质服务是我们的责任。大家如有要求、建议尽管说,我们一定尽全力满足大家。我会在路途上细细为大家介绍有“山水甲天下”的桂林。 下面我给大家说一下注意事项: 1、安全。避免单独行动,遵守时间,掉队及时与我联系。手号大家记一下:xxxxxxxxx 2、卫生。车厢是我们的临时小家。请大家不要乱扔杂物,自觉爱护车厢内的设施。同时记下我们这量淡蓝色金龙的车牌号xxxxxx 3、切忌保管好您的贵重物品,谨防丢失。 4、购物时要慎重,防止上当。好了我就先直说这么多了,好让大家带着满心好奇心去游玩。祝大家旅途愉快!谢谢! 如果谁有什么问题可以示意一下,我会走到您身边。 导游欢迎词范文(篇十九)Respected leaders and teachers: Good morning! More than ten days in the exam, how to do a good 07 years of the exam preparation for the examination is a common concern of all of us now, in line with the "sharing of resources, complementary advantages, mutual promotion, common improvement", we have come together in several schools. On behalf of the Yangxin experimental middle school, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the colleagues from the Daye experimental middle school, the iron mine 1 middle school, the Tuan Cheng mountain experimental school, the color second middle, the nine middle and fourteen medium brotherhood schools. Health, work to win! This year is the tenth year of Yangxin's return to Huangshi. Today we are welcome to all of us. This day appears to be of special significance. In the past ten years, we have good cooperation with the brothers school in Huangshi. To further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, to achieve "win-win" to "multi win" has always been the common desire of all of us, experimental middle school With the good reputation of "Millennium Confucianism and one hundred years old school", it is the friendly cooperation and exchange that promotes our development and expansion. Under the correct leadership of the party's total branch and the school committee, the real people set up the concept of "let every student get fully developed", and adhere to the "people-oriented, democratic decision, expert treatment and coordinated development". "Strategy" has gone out of the road of "managing schools according to law, setting up schools with quality, promoting research through scientific research, and improving quality and strengthening schools". The school has been awarded the honorary title of "Hubei province safety and civilization school", "Hubei province sports traditional project school", "Hubei province education research experiment base" and "Huangshi city education and scientific research experiment school", "Huangshi city primary and middle school 35 Prussian advanced collectives", "Hubei province civilization single place" and so on, these achievements are taken It is also inseparable from the help of the brotherhood school. This exchange will be held in our school. All the leaders and teachers are experts in teaching and expert in preparing for the examination. We have rich experience and unique views. We believe that the exchange of this platform will let everyone get inspiration and help, and take this as the beginning, and continue to push us into the deeper level. Cooperation. This year is the first midterm of the new curriculum standard in Huangshi. It is our concern to analyze the characteristics of the test questions in recent years, to grasp the direction of the exam proposition, to clear the strategy of the exam, to take effective countermeasures and to strengthen the pertinent review. In the form of examination papers exchange, question discussion and free exchange, we plead with everyone to speak out and speak out. We should focus on the key, explain and solve difficulties; we should pay attention to the hot spots and grasp the dynamic; we should pay attention to the research and share it together; we should strengthen the connection and cooperate constantly. In the end, I wish we will have a full success in this exchange. We have achieved satisfactory results in our mid-term exam, and I hope you will often come to our school to be a guest. Thank you. 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、同志们:大家好!在这秋高气爽,果实累累的收获季节里,我们相聚在一起,隆重举行鄞州区人民法院审判综合大楼落成典礼暨法官宣誓仪式。... 晚会欢迎词范文(一)大家晚上好!首先感谢同学聚会筹备组,委托我来做今晚的主持人并致欢迎辞。说实话,怕胜任不了,我一直忐忑不安,因为我们的同学中秀才很多,但我相信各位同学都是我的亲人,有您们各位的大力支持和捧场,我坚信今天... 扬州旅游欢迎词范文一:游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎来扬州旅游,远道而来,一路辛苦了,我是你们的导游小张,大家也可以叫我张导,一位性格稳重的老大哥将为大家的安全出行保驾护航,那就是我身后正在开车的李师傅了,此次云台山风景区的旅... 篇一:国税会议欢迎词范文岁月嬗递,光阴荏苒。随着公司最后一笔万元税款的划解入库,我县今年国税组织收入工作划上了一个圆满的句号。告别令人难忘的20xx年,我们迎来充满希望的20xx年。... 欢迎词,是指客人光临时,主人为表示热烈的欢迎,在座谈会、宴会、酒会等场合发表的热情友好的讲话。欢迎词一般由标题、称呼、正文和落款四部分组成。以下是欢迎词范文大全,欢迎阅读。... 领导致欢迎词(一)尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、亲爱的同学们、老师们:大家上午好!校园里欢声笑语,蓝天下花团锦簇。今天,我们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝六一国际儿童节。... 标签:导游欢迎词范文(精选十九篇) |
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