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日期:2022-11-27 01:34:20来源:人气:我来评论

导读:生活哲理英汉互译句子 精选33句1. Good women make men bored, bad women make men worried.好女人让男人无聊,坏女人让男人烦恼。2. The person you love loves you, this should be the most gentle love......

生活哲理英汉互译句子 精选33句

1. Good women make men bored, bad women make men worried.好女人男人无聊,坏女人让男人烦恼。

2. The person you love loves you, this should be the most gentle love words!你人爱你,这应该是最温柔的

3. Knowledge comes from labor, and any achievement is the result of hard work.知识是从劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结晶。

4. No matter how great you feel about yourself, there will always be someone stronger than you.无论你觉得自我多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。

5. Ordinary people listen to fate, and only the strong are their own masters.平凡的人听从命运,只有强者才是自己的主宰。

6. Acquire knowledge in learning and courage in fighting.在学习中取得知识,在战斗中取得勇敢。

7. Try to keep yourself busy; Enrich yourself every day so that you won't have any wishful thinking.试着让自己,忙起来;每充实自己,才不会胡思乱想。

8. Life is like a pendulum. It swings between pain and boredom. Its driving force is desire.人生就像钟摆,晃动在痛苦和无聊之间,其动力便是欲望。

9. Happiness is not to get what you want, but to cherish what you have.幸福并不是一味得到自己想要的,而是珍爱自己拥有的。

10. If someone wants to knock you down, it just means you are better than them.如果有人想要击倒你,那只代表你比他们优秀。

11. In our daily life, we should be indifferent to our separation and persistence. To be indifferent is to see through.在日常生活里面,分别执着要淡薄,看得淡薄就是看破。

12. A good person, why fall in love.个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。

13. Who has better luck than who, just more desperately.哪有谁比谁运气好,只是更加拼命罢了。

14. Although I pretend to be strong and let you go, in fact, how I don't want you to go!我虽然故作坚强的让你走,其实我是多么不想你走!

15. When I hear something that is obviously irrelevant, I will turn a few corners in my heart and think of you.听到一些,明明不相干的,也会在中拐几个弯想到你。

16. A stone can be broken, but not taken away; Dan can be polished, not stripped.石可破也,而不可夺坚;丹可磨也,而不可夺赤。

17. Time heals almost all wounds. Please give me some time.时间几乎会愈合所有伤。请给时间一点时间。

18. You are my left wing. Without you, I can't fly heartily.你就是我左半边翅膀,少了你,我不能尽情地飞翔。

19. Only after pain do I know how to protect myself.痛过,才知道如何保护自己。

20. Gain calmly, lose calmly, strive for inevitability and let nature take its course.得之坦然,失之淡然,争取必然,顺其自然。

21. No one will laugh at your dreams, they are laughing at your strength.没人会嘲笑你的想,他们都是在嘲笑你的实力。

22. Everything goes by chance. Time has passed. Don't wait. Forget it.一切随缘,时间过去了,别等了,忘了吧。

23. Miss planted a Wutong tree for time, and its branches were luxuriant in the season of parting.思念为时间种下了一棵梧桐,在那离别的季节里枝桠繁茂。

24. Don't tell people everything. What you say is from your heart. They listen to jokes.不要什么话都跟别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听着是笑话。

25. Without dreams and feelings, the most primitive sleep in life is also a sample of death.没有梦,没有感觉,人生最原始的睡,同时也是死的样品。

26. Because I have no money, I come out to make money.因为我没有,所以出来挣钱。

27. While waiting, the time passed, but it was lengthened by our thoughts.等待的时候,时间照样过,但却被我们的思想给拉长了。

28. I never get what I want, and what I get is not what I want.我想要的从来得不到,得到的也不是我想要的。

29. As a mother, I am not afraid of anything except that my baby is ill.当了,什么都不害怕,唯独怕宝宝生病。

30. It is the possibility of realizing dreams that makes life interesting.恰恰是实现梦想的可能性,才使生活变得有趣。

31. The big is hidden in the dynasty, the middle is hidden in the city, and the small is hidden in the wild.大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野。

32. You must keep an honest stand. This is often risky, and it takes courage.你必须保持诚实的立场。这时常是冒险的,这需要有勇气

33. Forgive me for coming all the way with money just to buy spicy sticks.原谅我捧钱一飞奔而来,只为买辣条。

生活哲理英汉互译句子 精选31句

1. The twinkling tears in my eyes will also turn into a strong will never compromise.眼中闪烁的光,也将化作永不妥协的坚强。

2. Moving forward with a heavy load is the portrayal of most people.负重前行,就是大多数人的写照。

3. Sleep when you are sleepy. Don't stay up too long.困了就睡一会,别熬夜太久。

4. The best emotional investment is to provide timely help, not icing on the cake.最高明的情感投资是中送炭,而不是锦上添

5. Please don't lie, because all you can cheat is the people who believe you.请别说谎,因为你能骗到的,都是相信你的人。

6. The love of parents is like a sea, and the friendship between husband and wife is heart to heart.父母之恩深似海,夫妻情谊心连心。

7. Crazy, don't care about others' eyes, just be happy and simple.疯疯癫癫,不在乎旁人目光,开心就好,简单就好。

8. Once upon a time, the road was slow; Now slow, is the heart to heart slow.从前慢,是路途慢;如今慢,是交心慢。

9. Remember everyone who treats you well, because they could not have done so.用心记得每一个对你好的人,因为他们本可以不这么做。

10. You should keep a good heart, have sunshine in your heart, and make yourself happy.你要心存美好,心有阳光,让自己开心起来。

11. There are more and more monsters in the world and fewer Tang monks.这世界上妖怪越来越多,唐僧越来越少。

12. The secret of youth is to have a restless heart.保持青春的秘诀,是有一颗不安分的心。

13. Older, more understand, more see through, but less happy.年龄大了,懂的多了,看透的多了,快乐却很少了。

14. For the rest of our lives, I wish each and every one of us know how to cherish!余生愿我们每一个人,都懂得珍惜!

15. If women are like water, then elegant women can wear away the stone with every drop of water.如果说女人似,那么优雅的女人就可以水滴石穿。

16. As long as the heart has to climb, there is no height it can not reach.心只要还要攀登,就没有到达不了的高度。

17. I don't know how much I love you. I'm just tired of looking for you.不见得我有多爱你,我只是厌倦了寻觅。

18. A wise man does not remove his mind from his environment, and a fool does not remove his mind from his environment. When the mind has been removed, how can there really be a state.智人除心不除境,愚人除境不除心。心既除矣,境岂实有。

19. Don't give up to the world, because you still have big dreams.别向这个世界认输,因为你还有牛逼的梦想。

20. Don't be ashamed of the old garden. It looks pale in autumn. Let's see the fragrance of winter flowers in the evening.不羞老圃秋容淡,且看寒花晚节香。

21. If all contacts have become interruptions, no contact is really the best state.如果当所有的联系都已成为打扰,不联系真的是最好的状态。

22. There will always be one person in the world, who is your thoughts and your warmth.世界上总会有一个人,是你的念想,是你的温暖。

23. Cry if you want, laugh if you want. Don't become hypocritical because the world is hypocritical.想哭就哭,想笑就笑。不要因为世界虚伪,你也变得虚伪。

24. I don't want much, just want a person who loves me, that's all.我想要的并不多,只想要一个疼我的人,仅此而已。

25. There is no point in winning an argument.争辩中获得的胜利,没有任何意义

26. People without lofty beliefs are like a backwater, which can never swing the magnificent waves.没有崇高信仰的人就如同一潭死水,永远荡不起壮阔的波澜。

27. When someone speaks ill of someone in front of you, you just smile.有人在你面前说某人坏话时,你只微笑

28. Good words warm people's hearts, and good deeds show true feelings.好言好语暖人心,善行善举见真情。

29. Save your feelings for those who really care about you.把感情,留着真正在乎疼爱你的人。

30. Home is a place to relax. Don't make any noise.,是放松的地方,不可吵闹。

31. If you put an artist in the misery of life, he can still find beauty.你把艺术家放在生活的苦难里,他依然能够找到美。


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