日期:2022-11-26 05:52:07来源:人气:我来评论
What makes people feel far away is not a long time, but two or three irreparable things. 二、兜兜转转还会遇见的 ,是电影里的情节。 If you go around, you will also meet the plot of the movie. 三、你要知道,早餐店是不会开到晚上的,该来的人早来了。 You know, the breakfast shop won't open until the evening. The person who should have come earlier. 四、我见过你很爱很爱我的样子,事事都和我说,恨不得天天黏在一起,所以当你不爱我的时候,我一眼就能看出来了。 I've seen you love me so much. You tell me everything. You want to stick together every day, so when you don't love me, I can see it at a glance. 五、我在你身上耗尽了我一生中所有的夜,可是直到天亮了我也不知道,你究竟有没有爱过月亮。 I've spent all the nights of my life on you, but I don't know if you've ever loved the moon until dawn. 六、人的手就那么大,握不住的东西太多了,人的心就那么小,藏不住的感情太明显了。 People's hands are so big, too many things can't be grasped, people's hearts are so small, and the feelings that can't be hidden are too obvious. 七、你联系我,我就听你说;你不联系我,我就顺其自然。实不相瞒,我很想你,但能控制,问题不大。 If you contact me, I will listen to you; if you do not contact me, I will let it go. To be honest, I miss you very much, but I can control it. It's not a big problem. 八、你以为她在冷战,殊不知她在逼自己放下;你以为过了哄哄就好了,而她却慢慢疏远你,在心里默默跟有你的从前告别。 You think she is in the cold war, but you don't know that she is forcing herself to let go; you think that cajoling will be good, but she is slowly alienating you, saying goodbye to your past silently in her heart. 九、这路遥马急的年代,我在你的心里又能待多久。 How long can I stay in your heart when I'm in a hurry. 十、你无法安慰一个有自知之明的人,毕竟她太懂了,所有的安慰她都会在心里反驳。 You can't comfort a person who has self-knowledge. after all, she knows too much about all the comforts. she will refute them in her heart. 十一、那个陪你走过艰难时光的人,早就被你留在艰难的时光里了。 The one who accompanies you through the hard time has long been left in the hard time by you. 十二、失望攒够以后,离开是最好的选择。 After enough disappointment, leaving is the best choice. 标签:特别伤感的长句子【特别伤感心累的句子】 |
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