日期:2022-11-22 19:34:26来源:人气:我来评论
A successful man finds a way, and a failed person makes excuses. Show me the wisdom and show my grace. 3、不夺桂冠誓不回,那怕销得人憔悴。 Do not take the crown oath not to return, that is afraid to sell people haggard. At the same time, everything is easy to do. 5、习惯改变命运,细节铸就终身。 Habits change fate, and details make life. 6、敢爱,敢恨,敢拼,敢闯。 Dare to love, dare to hate, dare to fight, and dare to break. 7、成功决不容易,还要加倍努力。 It's not easy to succeed, but to redouble your efforts. 8、曾经的苦,现在的痛,都是将来的笑颜。 The pain of the past, the pain now, is the smiling face of the future. 9、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那么也请你拥抱黑夜。 If you have sung the dawn, then please embrace the night. 10、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。 Efficiency comes from diligence., shortage in the play; achivement comes from thinking, destroyed with lacking of restraint. 11、行胜于言,超越自我,知识启迪智慧。 Deeds speak louder than words, knowledge exceeds wisdom. 12、愉快学习,健康成长。 Happy learning, healthy growth. Beijing University of Tsinghua youth heart, flower words in the spring. 14、敢担当:重视错误,勇于承担。 Dare to take responsibility: to pay attention to mistakes and to be brave to bear. 15、因为自信,所以成功。 Because of self-confidence, so success. 16、横扫赛场,唯我称雄。 Sweeping the field, I am the only one. 17、扬帆起航,劈波斩浪。 Sail the sail and cut the waves. 18、今朝我以我校为荣,明日我校以我为耀。 Today, I am proud of our school. Tomorrow I will shine for me. 19、勤奋求学,熬墨蓄势。 Diligent study, stay up in ink. 20、团结一心,扬我班威。 Be united and keep my bank. 21、工作所给你的,要比你为它付出的更多。 Work gives you more than you pay for it. 22、奋勇拼搏,永创辉煌。 Fight bravely and create brilliance forever. 23、拼一分高一分,一分成就终生。 One point is high, one point is a lifetime. 24、奋发拼搏,勇于开拓。 Strive to strive, the courage to open up. Will will enable life to continue, struggle can make life brilliant. 26、奋勇拼搏,决战高考。 Fight hard and fight for the college entrance examination. 27、分分秒秒,构筑辉煌。 Every minute, build a brilliant. 28、好的种子,不怕埋没,总有出土的一天。 Good seeds are not afraid of burying. There is always a day unearthed. Today is the moon and the moon. 30、雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。 The pass is just like iron, and now we move from the beginning. 31、成功的人千方百计,失败的人千难万险。 Successful people do everything possible, and those who fail are extremely dangerous. 32、巍巍扁栋衬濯中,莘莘学子映日红。 In the towering and flat lining, the students are red in the sun. 33、要成就大事,先做好小事。 To accomplish great things, do small things first. 34、**协力,争创佳绩,勇夺三军,所向披靡。 Work together to achieve good results and win the three armed forces. 35、团结进取,追求卓越。 Unity and progress, the pursuit of excellence. 36、十年寒窗寂寞伴,一朝成名幸福随。 The ten year cold window is lonely and accompanied by a famous happiness. 37、学习如着起之茴,不见其增,日有所长。 Learning is like growing aniseed. 38、功崇惟志,业广为勤。 The work is highly active and the industry is widely used. 39、人好学,虽死犹存;不学者,虽存犹灭。 Though a good man learns, though he dies, he still lives. 40、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 I'm too crazy to laugh at others, and I don't laugh at others. 41、小事成就大事,细节成就完美。 Small things make great things and details are perfect. 42、志不坚者智不达,言不信者行不果。 He who does not have a strong mind is not wise, and does not believe it does not. 43、一生之苦今日吃,三年之乐来日享。 The bitterness of life is to eat today, and to enjoy the day of three years. 44、金钱不是万能;但没钱却万万不能。 Money is not everything, but no money is impossible. 45、非学无以广才,非志无以成学。 There is no learning without learning. 46、今日的汗水,明日的收获。 The sweat of today, the harvest of tomorrow. 47、所有的抱怨,不过是逃避责任的借口。 All complaints are just excuses for avoiding responsibility. 48、希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。 I hope that only with diligence can we become more powerful. I exercise, I am the spirit, I work hard, I'm the best. 50、扬长避短,必定成才。 We must be able to succeed. 51、立凌云志,做栋梁材。 Li Lingyun, the pillars of the pillars. 52、勤是甘泉水,学似聚宝盆。 Diligent is the water of the spring, learning like a treasure basin. 53、没有播种,何来收获。 No sowing, no harvest. 54、幻想是美丽的彩虹,行动才是成功的阶梯。 Fantasy is a beautiful rainbow, and action is the ladder of success. 55、应知学问难,在乎点滴勤。 It should be known that learning is difficult. 56、只有苦过,方能跳出苦门。 Only if it is bitter, you can jump out of the bitter door. 57、我运动,我健康,我参与,我最棒。 I exercise, I'm healthy, I'm involved, and I'm the best. 58、精诚所至,金石为开。 Sincere and sincere, gold and stone for the open. 59、拼搏铸辉煌,状态定命运。 The struggle cast brilliance, the state is destiny. 60、要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。 To win, to win, to win. 61、博学敏思,立志共兴。 Learning and thinking, we are determined to be happy. 62、苦尽甘来日,方知苦是功。 It is hard to know how hard it is to work hard. Welcome to the moon and shine. 64、不要说谎,但可以在它被欣赏的地方说谎。 Do not lie, but lie where it is appreciated. 65、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 The wise man asks for himself, and the fool asks for others. 66、梅花香自苦寒来,状元之花年年开。 The plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold, and the flower of the top is the year. 67、大踏步,大发展;人有多大劲,地有多大产。 Great strides, great development, great strength and great output. 68、为了梦想,我们不懈努力。 In order to dream, we work unremittingly. 69、自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去。 The road that you choose, kneel also must go down. 70、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 April showers bring May flowers. 71、茂盛的禾苗需要水分;成长的少年需要学习。 Luxuriant seedlings need moisture; growing juveniles need to learn. 72、青春没有失败,只要亮出风采。 Youth has no failure, as long as it is bright. 73、我自信我出色,我努力我成功。 I am confident that I am good, I work hard and I succeed. 74、团结拼搏,求实进龋。 Unity and hard work, the truth into caries. 75、挑战自我,突破极限。 Challenge yourself and break through the limit. 76、时间抓起来就是黄金,抓不起来就是流水。 Time is gold, but not water. 77、彩虹风雨后,成功细节中。 After the rainbows, the success details. 78、汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运。 Sweat watering hope, struggle to determine fate. 79、秀出自信,展现自我。 Show confidence and show yourself. 80、永不言退,我们是最好的团队。 Never go back, we are the best team. 标签:英文版 霸气 |
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