日期:2022-11-22 14:25:05来源:人气:我来评论
1、吵架永远不嫌晚,道歉总是嫌太迟。 It's never too late to fight。 It's too late to apologize。 Love is the best and the worst of all。 3、一切都以恋爱开始,以结婚结束。 Everything begins with love and ends with marriage。 It is a myth that it is not a price to pay for it。 5、太太最好的伴侣是先生,先生的最好的伴侣是自己。 The best partner of his wife is mr。 Love is the history of a woman's life, but only one of the episodes in a man's life。 7、试述都市和乡村有何不同?后者是较大的婚姻集中营。 The urban and rural areas? The latter is the larger of the marriage concentration camp。 8、爱情之路愈平坦,婚姻大道愈坎坷。 The road of love is more flat, the more rough marriage road。 9、你不挑剔婚姻,婚姻就会挑剔你。 You don't pick up marriage, marriage will be critical of you。 10、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 When love is satisfied, others will charm you all gone。 11、惟一能打断老婆说话的人,是丈母娘。 The only person who can break his wife's speech is in the mother-in-law。 12、爱情中谁屈居下风,完全要看谁比较爱谁。 Love who was completely downwind, to see who love who。 13、大公司没效率,小公司没效益。 Big companies are not efficient, small companies have no benefit。 14、爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。 Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write a success。 15、完美的婚姻,就是忠实的女人配老实的男人。 Perfect marriage, is a faithful woman with honest man。 16、女人是男人的安慰,因为解铃尚需系铃人。 The woman is the man's comfort, because you still need it。 17、在没有找到另一个情人之前,现在的情人永远是最好的。 Now the lover is always the best。 18、离别使爱情热烈,相逢则使它牢固。 Absence makes love warm, and it will make it firm。 19、爱情像双翼蝴蝶,婚姻是它孵出来的毛毛虫。 Love is like butterfly wings, marriage is it hatched caterpillars。 20、身在爱情里的人是仙人,身在婚姻里的人超人。 Who is in love is immortal, in marriage in the superman。 The rich husband's voice is big, no money of the husband wife big。 22、婚姻就是别管老公怎么想,只在乎老婆怎么讲。 How about marriage is husband to wife, only care about how to say。 23、太太需要丈夫的一切,除了丈夫本身。 The wife needs all her husband, except her husband。 24、婚姻只是一种打赌,赌谁会先不爱对方。 Marriage is just a bet, who will not love each other。 25、婚姻如同一部了无新意却又一再重播的老旧电视影集。 Marriage is like a nothing new but repeatedly replay old TV series。 26、你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。 Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to eat first。 27、结婚等于:爱恋矛盾愚蠢,然后再加根号。 Marriage: love is equal to the contradiction of stupid, then add the root。 28、人生并非游戏,因此,我们并没有权利只凭自己的意愿放弃它。 Life is not a game, so we don't have the right to give it up。 The so-called love experts, is to keep the other person's love is a problem。 30、结婚的原因是来电,离婚的原因是短路。 Marriage is the reason for the call, the cause of the porce is a short circuit。 31、爱情对于男人不过是身外之物,对于女人却是整个生命。 Love is just something for a man, for the woman's whole life。 32、人真正的完美不在于他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 The true perfection of man is not in what he has, but in what he is。 33、真正能迫使一个女人成为别人老婆的不是父母,而是年龄。 Really can force a woman to become someone else's wife is not a parent, but age。 34、情人跟夫妻最大的差别在于:情人之间不必找话讲。 The biggest difference between lovers and couples is that you don't have to talk to your lover。 35、男人永远不会真正了解女人,如同女人永远不会了解女人一样。 A man never truly understand a woman, a woman never know。 36、婚姻是:人类在不知如何浪费生命的状态下想出来的最有效的一招。 Marriage is the most effective way to think about how to waste life。 37、研究科学和了解女人,针对这两件事而言,生命实在是太短了。 Research science and understanding of the woman, for these two things, life is too short。 38、什么才是真爱?早上你没洗脸时他能意乱情迷。 What is the true love? Don't you wash your face morning he can yiluanqingmi。 39、大部分的女人都可以对看,只有极少部分的女人才可以对谈。 Most of the women were allowed to see, only a few women can talk。 40、单身的定义就是:虚构浪漫,然后把婚姻架空。 The definition of being single is to make up a romantic, and then put it on an overhead。 41、女人购物要点:绝不让先生钱包里的钱剩下到会令自己遗憾的数目。 Woman shopping Essentials: never let the money in the wallet to make their own regret。 42、每次有美女出现在我前面,我老婆就会出现在我后面。 Every time there is a beauty in front of me, my wife will appear in my back。 43、有人怕孤独而结婚,有人怕结婚而孤独。 Some people are afraid of being lonely and getting married, some people are afraid of getting married and lonely。 44、女人不喜欢善良的男人,因为善良的男人必定乏味无比。 Women do not like the kind of man, because the kind of man must be boring。 45、在现代城市里,爱情不再是一种浪漫,婚姻不再是一种祝福。 In modern cities, love is no longer a romantic, marriage is no longer a blessing。 46、真正能使女人成为别人老婆的不是父母,而是年龄。 Really can make a woman to become a wife is not a parent, but age。 47、如果你冀求一个光明的婚姻,就千万别在黑暗中选择女孩。 If you need a bright marriage, don't choose a girl in the dark。 48、古人是精诚所至,金石为开,今人上金石所至,精诚为开。 There is a stone, the Faith moves mountains, to the people, sincerely for the opening。 49、叫一个女人说我错了,比叫一个男人说整套绕口令还困难。 Ask a woman to say that I am wrong, than for a man to say the tongue twister is difficult。 50、时尚不是设计师与顾客的对话,而是骗者与傻子的对话。 Fashion is not a dialogue between the designer and the customer, but a dialogue between a fool and a fool。 51、当女人有理时,她会骂你;当女人没理时,她会骂得更凶。 When a woman is right, she will scold you; when the woman is not reasonable, she will be more fierce。 52、你明白,人的一生,既不是人们想象的那么好,也不是那么坏。 You know, people's life is not as good as people think, it's not so bad。 53、人们不甘寂寞,所有他们结婚,之后他们便甘于寂寞了。 All of their marriage, people unwilling to remain out of the limelight, they are willing to be lonely。 54、短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却会将它扼杀。 A short separation can promote love, but it will be a long time of separation。 55、为何爱情始终不能天长地久地维系下去?因为男人比情人活得更久。 Why love can not always maintain enduring as the universe? Because men live longer than lovers。 Wife a birthday cake cutting heart in wishing, husband watching cake heart curse。 57、老婆值得爱的地方是在太多了,以至于老公一样也想不出来。 The wife is worth loving place is in too many, the husband also can not think of。 58、人类是唯一会脸红的动物,或是唯一该脸红的动物。 Humans are the only animals that are going to be red, or the only animal to which it is。 59、什么才是永恒?你们没有吵架的那天,正好核子大战爆发。 What is eternity? You have no quarrel, that day, just the outbreak of nuclear war。 60、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。 Love is like wealth, it depends on the wheel of fortune, it is always in a rough and bumpy。 61、婚姻是间昏暗的房子,外遇是天鹅绒窗帘缝隙里射进来的一线阳光。 Marriage is a dark house, an affair is a velvet curtain gap in the sun。 62、全面野蛮时代的来临,就是全体女性都学作男人,却没有学做绅士。 The advent of the era of the comprehensive, is the whole of the women have to learn to be a man, but not to learn to be a gentleman。 标签:英语 励志 爱情 |
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