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日期:2022-11-18 06:43:09来源:人气:我来评论

导读:托福口语范文(篇一)Coincident with most people's notion is my heartfelt belief that television advertising directed toward young children should not be allowed. Since th......


Coincident with most people's notion is my heartfelt belief that television advertising directed toward young children should not be allowed. Since the advent of television, advertising has permeated every corner and every minute of our life. It is not uncommon to observe the large amounts of television advertising aiming at innocent young children. My reasons for opposing advertising directed toward young children are as follows. In the first place, advertising may waste money and cause emotional torture of parents when they fail to fulfill their children's unreasonable demands. However, nowadays, regardless of what children's true need, most of advertising are promoting a largenumber of products that is useless or unsuitable to children. For example, when a family ishaving a pleasant dinner together on Christmas Eve, a cartoon figure lion king would appear on screen and hold a tub of popcorn to attract children's attention. It is a typical advertising strategy host sale. By combining popular cartoon figures and products, advertising could draw children's attention and achieve a better sale. However, it may cause some problems; first, some children may be easy to be drawn into the content in the advertising; second, if children are attracted by it and they insist on purchasing it while parents consider the products as a piece of meaningless junk, cry and screams could drive their parents crazy. Therefore, advertising could cause problems not only for children to understand but also may bother and upset their parents. Furthermore, advertising could mislead children for major goal of most of advertisings is to make profits whereas children between age two to five lack ability of understanding and judgment. Children are easily influenced by outside world, and admittedly television advertising play a negative role in this aspect for they tend to exaggerate the advantage of their products. For example, my two year old younger brother is attracted to Transformer, Spiderman and Superman models. In his mind, these toys are magic, fantastic and powerful as imparted by advertising. In fact, they are just normal toys; they cannot fly, climb mountains or save people's life. Some two year old boys even are just babbling instead of speaking clearly, not to mention identifying misleading messages conveyed in the advertisings. Thus, these advertising has misled and distorted children’s vision toward reality. All in all, though there are some undeniable benefits of advertising for children; for example, advertising could open an amazing world of imagination and innovation for children by informing them what a fabulous Barbie or a magnificent castle is. However, these advantages could be ignored when its disadvantages are taken into consideration. It would mislead the children, distort their vision toward reality and even cause quarrels and financial burdens for parents.


I’d like to talk to Alan Shore from the TV series Boston Legal. He is the kind of person I admire. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. I want to talk to him about how to balance when you want to have principles and yet not bound up by them at the same time. (105)


Friends play an important role in everyone's life. In some cases, friends could even be of greater help than your family members. The issue whether it is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends has become a hot issue for people all over the world. As far as I am concerned, keeping old friends is more significant than making new friends. To begin with, old friends have a better understanding of you. They have known you for many years and have shared happinesses and sorrows in the past years with you. For you, they are more like your family members. I have a great friend named Joy. We have become best friends since high school. She can read what I'm thinking from my facial expressions. I will turn to her for advice whenever I'm confused. In addition, she will give me warm comfort if I feel upset. I trust her and she trust me, too. Although we may work or live in different places, this precious friendship will last forever. The next point to be mentioned is that it's not easy to make sincere new friends in the complicated working environment. Most of my good friends were made in school, where there is much love. However, people care more about themselves and their family and have little time and energy to develop close friendship with others. The most common relationship in the society is colleague. Most people have their own circles of friends at that time. However, we can't deny the importance of making new friends. New friends mean new ways of thinking and different life experiences. By communicating with them, you can learn something different and have various kinds of pleasure. All in all, keeping old friends is of greater importance than making new friends.



The thing I often take up in my leisure time is surfing the internet. The information on the internet can enable me to understand the world better. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful.(96)


The lecture and the reading discuss ( ). The lecturer puts forward 3 pioints and effectively contradicts the opinions of the reading.

First of all, the reading says that ( ). In contrast, the lecture claims that ( ). By this way, the lecture contradicts the first opinion of the reading.

Second, the reading claims that ( ), while according to the lecture, this is not the case. The lecturer says that ( ). By casting doubt on an important peice of evidence of the reading, the lecture contradicts the second claim of the reading.

Finally, the reading states that ( ), while the lecture claims that ( ). Thus the lecture refutes the last claim of the reading.


Contrary to opinion in the reading, the listening thinks the ads about medicines play a positive role in people’s life.

First, the reading holds that TV ads are not objective, for they often conceal the negative side effects, which even they have not realized yet. However, the listening points out that the consumers have their own objective views and judgments. They often do a lot of researches in the Internet or consult doctors before they buy the products, which enable them to have a comprehensive and thorough understandings of the medicines.

Second, the reading believes that once the medicine is advertised, the sales will surge, which will mislead the consumers to believe that such medicine is very effective, so they will not consult their doctors. This is very hazardous for their health. On the contrary, the listening the big sales of the products will inform the consumers some really useful medicines, which they did not know before. For example, a medicine used for prohibiting the habit of smoking was introduced to the consumers by ads, and it is proved very effective.

Third, the reading suggests that the regulations and controls that government imposed on medicine ads are insufficient, for the government does not censor those ads one by one, which give advertisers loopholes to exploit. However, the listening refutes that though the censorship is not conducted by one ad by ad, the government will seriously fine the companies that violate the regulations, so the companies are less likely to do that.



In 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in the United Kingdom that has changed the whole field of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all there areas discussed in the passage.

First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating and documenting them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed.

Second, an important part of the new guidelines is a rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is a whole new source of financial support. The funding from construction companies has allowed researchers to study a far greater range of archaeological sites than they could in the past.

Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, work that didn’t exist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired at all stages of the process to examine the site for archaeological value, then to help draw up the preservation plan to do the research in a professional scientific manner and finally to process the date and write reports and articles. The increased job and career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain, which is now the highest it’s ever been.


I want to read biography books, because although we’d love to say that the society is changing and developing, human nature never changes much. And the biography books help me understand the nature behind the more visible events. I may encounter the same problems in the future and I’d like to know how others deal with them. And everyone is trying to present a more glamorous version of the self and it creates lots of illusions. Biography is a kind of way to break down these illusions and offers the truth about humanity. (93)


The place I would like to visit most is the outer space,the place where most of the physical laws on the earth do not apply. It is interesting to see everything floating in the air. And the term “in the air” should also be modified simply because there is no air anyway. It is interesting to walk the distance in a whole new style. And it is interesting to see the mother planet from a whole new angle. This big blue crystal sphere,from the pictures taken by those astronauts, the sight is marvelous. And I am dying to see this big blue ball in this style. (108)


Task2 – Some universities encourage their students to get involved in voluntary jobs in the community like cleaning the public park and tutoring? Do you agree or disagree?

Should students be required to do volunteer work?




I would definitely support the university’s voluntary program as it benefit student so much. For starters, those community services would give students a sense of responsibility and purpose. For example, I spent quite a while with some primary student last year, helping them with their reading. I observed their way of thinking and what they like or dislike. And I realized how to comfort them when they were upset and encourage them when they fell sorrow. Also, this experience shapes my personality. I became more open-minded and are more willing to communicate with others than before.


125日托福口语真题Task 2

I think students should be required to do volunteer for the following reasons. Firstly, it’s important for students to learn to give back to the community at an early age. I first started volunteering when I was only 8 years old, I remember it was right before Christmas and my parents signed us up for volunteering in the soup kitchen in my neighborhood. I was the youngest volunteer there that day and I used a big ladle to serve hot soup to the homeless. That was kind of a milestone in my life because that was when I understood the importance of sharing what we have with the less fortunate and I also realized how good it feels when we know we are capable of helping others. Today volunteer work has become a big part of who I am and I think all students should learn the meaning of volunteering from an early stage of life. Plus, it’s a good chance for students to sharpen their communication skills. In volunteer work, more often than not, you will have to work with others in a group, that’s a good opportunity for students to learn to be great listeners while getting their own voices heard at the same time.


I think one of the most important effects of the internet is that it can help us understand the world better, and communicate with the world in a way that nothing else can achieve. It helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (102)


Task 2

Which one do you think is more important? The process of doing something or the result at the end?



I personally believe the result at the end is important but not as important as the process of doing something. The process of doing something simply is the part that gives us all the fun and all the good memories. Take my second-grade assignment as an example, we were all asked to make a report about Thanksgiving. So I teamed up with my dad and little by little, we started this magnificent research of Thanksgiving. I remember I went online and searched for as much related information as possible, how the tradition of Thanksgiving started, how the pilgrims arrived to America and how they celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the native Americans. And my dad helped me make a list of the differences between American and Canadian Thanksgiving. We went to the supermarket together to take pictures of the ingredients people needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal. My dad even printed out the recipe of my grandma’s cranberry sauce for me to include in my report. I really can’t recall if I got a good grade that time, but I still remember all the fun I had with my dad and the funny pictures we took in the supermarket, until today I still keep that report because it reminds me of all the fun I had during the process of making it. Plus, through the process of doing something, there’s always something for us to learn, and there’s always something to inspire new ideas.


I eat healthy and exercise. When I am not busy, I’d go online and check out healthy diet. The information on the internet helps me understand the body and nutrition better and it is really helpful for me to choose and prepare healthy food. What’s more, sports are another way for me to stay robust. I swim and run in my spare time and do pushups and situps to keep healthy and strong. Occasionally, I will play basketball with my friends and classmates. Games make you forget about time and you don’t feel exhausted when you play for a long time. It is kind of exciting to do so.(109)


I enjoy listening to jazz. It is nice and easy to listen to. When you pour yourself a cup of tea in a cozy afternoon and sit in front of the table with a book open, jazz is exactly the kind of music you should be looking for. It tastes good along with the sunshine. All the pressures and troubles seem to disappear after a dose of it. Works are better than drugs. I especially love a Chinese jazz musician called Wang Ruolin. Her version of the jazz is particularly relaxing for me and it is her who makes me fall in love with this type of music. (107)



The reading passage argues that the "let it burn" policy should be replaced by the policy of extinguishing forest fires as soon as they appeared. However, the professor raises serious counter arguments against the reading paragraph by providing three aspects as listed below:

First, according to the speaker, the natural forest fires are a cycle of creative even

they have a large scale of the damage, and after the fires, new plants which became more diverse than before existed in the Yellowstone. For example, some big plants were replaced by the small ones appeared in the Yellowstone due to the open and shaded lands. Another example is that it was a better place for certain seeds thanks to the high level of the heat. This point directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

Second, the reading passage states that the fire was a destruction of habitats and the disruption of the food chain. The professor, however, stated that the population had already recovered, and created some ideal habitats for the small animals such as rabbits and hares. Moreover, since the rabbits and hares began to live there, the predators who lived on them came to live in the Yellowstone, too. Therefore, certain food chain was stronger than before. This is another point where the listening opposes the reading passage.

Third, quite different from what had been stated in the reading passage, the lecturer said that the fire in 1988 was quite unusual and it did not happen every year. Moreover, the massive fire was caused by the low rain fall and the strong wind, which would not occur again. Besides, the victors still come back to the Yellowstone next year and each year after that. This point refutes the view stated in the reading passage.


托福tpo真题写作53作文范文,托福tpo53独立写作independentwriting范文+ 题目解析是托福考试官方指南(officialguide),tpo21-54 独立写作范文+ 独立写作批改服务,真题解析,解析,模版解析,文笔分析,写作技巧等,是托福考试官方给出的考试指南。tpo21-34 真题,详细解说如下。1.托福综合写作真题范文+ 独立写作真题+ 综合写作真题范文+ 范文+ 配套练习,这是托福官方给出的备考资料,也是官方给出的备考资料。2.托福综合写作真题范文,tpo8套左右,tpo24-60 真题范文,配套解析,练习一下写作真题范文。tpo24-50 真题范文+ 配套解析,tpo25-50 真题范文。3.如何提高综合写作能力


Task 1

Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?



I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone to make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldn’t have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didn’t push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinating if my school didn’t have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes it’s not exactly about the rules themselves, it’s the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.


The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. (103)


The most important invention in my life is definitely the computer. I spend almost half of my waking hours on it. Definitely the computer,through the computer I can communicate with the world using the internet. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (105)


For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. (114)


The reading and listening discuss about prescribed burning. The reading points out three disadvantages of prescribed burning. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s first point that the wildlife will be negatively affected, especially those which are young and probably unable to escape. The professor claims that people will choose to conduct the prescribed burning in some special period. And during these periods animals do not reproduce. Without junior animals, the adult animals will be able to flee easily.

Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s second reason that there’s carbon dioxide in the smoke released during the burring process. And the CO2 will aggravate pollution and green house effect. The professor mentions that the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Besides, the place for prescribed burning is small, and the process emits small amount of smog, which will actually be absorbed soon.

At last, the passage points out prescribed burning has nothing to do with preventing forest fires in some places, thus there’s no need to spend money and energy on prescribed burning. However, the professor explains that tt’s true that this way can not prevent another forest fire happening, but that’s because of people’s carelessness. Prescribed burnings are used to eliminate flammable substances, like branches. And even in the areas where the natural fire often happens, the fire can be controlled and put out easily, for there’s no combustion improver nearby.


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