日期:2023-02-17 12:59:34来源:人气:我来评论
Film art is based on editing. 2、我留下脚印,让后人来追寻。 I left footprints for posterity to pursue. 3、我对情节的发展、事件的串联并没有兴趣,我认为我的电影一部比一部不需要情节。 I am not interested in the development of plots and the series of events. I think my movies are more than one without plots. 4、我们永远都无法预知一部电影的结果。每部片子都有一道窄门,我们只能凭着自己的判断力决定是否应该跨进去。 We can never predict the outcome of a movie. Each film has a narrow door. We can only decide whether we should go in with our own judgement. 5、我现在已经老了,人越老想得越深,水面上的事情我已经抓不住了,我在水底思想。 I am old now. The older people think, the deeper they think. I can't grasp the things on the water. I think under the water. 6、我的人生经验告诉我,非正常的阶级关系,没有同情心的人与人之间的关系就是现实。 My life experience tells me that abnormal class relations and unsympathetic relationships between people are reality. 7、每次表演一个角色时,演员都必须生活在这一角色之中。 Every time a character is played, the actor must live in this role. 8、影戏假如能用来描述民间的痛苦,至少可以促进社会的自警,让社会自己想一想,应该如何的改进自己。 Shadow play, if it can be used to describe the suffering of the people, can at least promote the self-policing of the society and let the society think about how to improve itself. 9、我倒不是怕死,只是死到临头,我不愿在场。 I'm not afraid of death. I just want to be here. 10、为了保卫韩国电影,我们甚至可以***! In order to defend Korean movies, we can even die. 11、让一个人置身于变幻无穷的环境中,让他与数不尽或远或近的人物错身而过,让他与整个世界发生关系:这就是电影的意义。 Let a person be in a changeable environment, let him miss countless or far or near people, let him have a relationship with the whole world: this is the meaning of the film. 12、人到十三岁,自以为对这个世界已相当重要,而世界才刚刚准备原谅你的幼稚。 When you are thirteen years old, you think you are very important to the world, and the world is just ready to forgive your childishness. 13、有一种电影要求很长时间的积淀,有一种需要闪电般的灵感。 There is a kind of film that requires a long time to accumulate, and there is a need for lightning inspiration. 14、好莱坞由恐惧与嗜财支配。但那不会支配我,因为我无所畏惧,不贪恋钱财。 Hollywood is dominated by fear and financial addiction. But that will not dominate me, because I am fearless and not greedy for money. 15、我是一个独立制片导演!人们总说我的电影像好莱坞电影,或者就是好莱坞电影。可是好莱坞要抄袭我,我有什么办法。 I am an independent producer director. People always say that my movies are like Hollywood movies, or Hollywood movies. But Hollywood has to plagiarize me. What can I do? 16、梦想要根植于现实。 Dreams should be rooted in reality. 17、一个编剧导演人不仅仅是随便把一个故事搬上胶片就算完事,而他至少应该是一个作家,一个有独特的风格、正确的认识而为大众所有的作家。 A screenwriter and director is not only a casual film of a story, but at least he should be a writer, a writer with a unique style, correct understanding and all for the public. 18、电影是戏,不能把它拍成偶发的事件。 A movie is a play and can not be made into an accidental event. 19、最好的电影是拍给聋者和哑者看的。人类喋喋不休,话语泛滥,都快淹死在其中了。只有看芭蕾舞,我们才能发现纯粹的美和纯粹的姿态,而这正是我的电影努力要去表现的。 The best movie is for the deaf and the dumb. The human chatter and the flood of words are drowning. Only by watching ballet can we discover pure beauty and pure posture, which is what my film is trying to show. 20、我更喜欢让观众在影院里睡着的电影,我觉得这样的电影体贴得让你能好好打个盹,当你离开影院的时候也并无困扰。也曾有电影让我在影院里睡着了,但就是同一部片子又让我彻夜难眠,思考它直到天亮,甚至想上几个星期。这是我喜欢的电影。 I prefer movies that let audiences fall asleep in the cinema. I think these movies are so thoughtful that you can take a good nap, and when you leave the cinema, they don't bother you. There were movies that made me fall asleep in the cinema, but the same movie kept me awake all night, thinking about it until dawn, even for a few weeks. This is my favorite movie. 21、演戏的真谛就是把人生当成一场实验,在一次次的幕起幕落之间探究人生的千奇百怪和悲欢离合。 The essence of acting is to treat life as an experiment, exploring the strange and joyful life between the curtain and the curtain. 22、当幻想转向爱情时,直觉却并不总是跟随。 When fantasy turns to love, intuition does not always follow. 23、别给我挤眉弄眼,表演没有那么复杂。 Don't give me a wink. The performance is not so complicated. 24、生活的全部,它行动的整体,乃是一部自然、生动的电影。 The whole of life, the whole of its action, is a natural and vivid film. 25、人老了之后的现象之一就是,童年的回忆会越来越清晰地浮现出来,而壮年时期的种种大事却反而模糊,以至于消失。 One of the phenomena of old age is that memories of childhood will appear more and more clearly, while the events of adulthood are blurred and disappear. 26、我们并不处处袒露我们内心的真实想法,我们只表露我们想要别人信以为真的东西。 We don't reveal our true thoughts everywhere. We only reveal what we want to be believed to be true. 27、要更好地理解一部影片的倾向如何,最好先理解该影片是如何表现其倾向的。 To better understand the tendency of a film, it is better to understand how the film expresses its tendency first. 28、我确实觉得美好的,肯定不会长久。 I do not think it will last forever. 29、我曾反复说过,我作为一个电影人,拍了一部电影的话,观众就应当从这一部电影中,看到100部他们自己的电影,每一名观众都可以看到他自己的电影,这就是我所力争做到的。 I have repeatedly said that if I make a film as a filmmaker, the audience should see 100 of their own movies from this film, and every audience can see his own movies, which is what I strive to achieve. 30、**决不能爆炸,**不爆炸,观众就老在惴惴不安。 The bomb must not explode, and the bomb will not explode, and the audience will always be uneasy. 31、我想用我的电影盖一栋房子。有些做成地窖,有些做墙壁,其他则做窗户。然而,我希望到最后它能成一栋房子。 I want to build a house with my movie. Some make cellars, others make walls, others make windows. However, I hope that in the end it will become a house. 32、我就是我。如果必须以头撞墙来真实待己,那么我愿意。 I am me. If I have to head against the wall to be true to myself, I will. 33、在我身上有所有中国导演的缺点,比如说戏剧性,我很爱戏剧性,我也是看评书看章回小说长大的,但我知道那是一个缺陷,我们把现实简单化了、娱乐化了、传奇化了。 I have all the shortcomings of Chinese directors, such as dramatic, I love dramatic, I grew up reading reviews and chapters of fiction, but I know that it is a defect, we simplify the reality, entertainment, legendary. 34、如果说中国会好,国产片也会好。 If China is good, the homemade films will be good. 35、我的电影从来无意写实,它们是镜子,是现实的片断,几乎跟梦一样。 My films are never meant to be realistic. They are mirrors, fragments of reality, almost like dreams. 36、演员也同样是人,与别人并无差别。作家、画家或音乐家可以躲到角落里去舔净他的伤口,但演员却要站在大庭广众面前忍受这种伤痛。 Actors are also human beings, no difference from others. Writers, painters or musicians can hide in corners to lick their wounds, but actors have to stand in front of the public to endure the pain. 37、不管我采用了什么题材,其实讲的都是宗教题材。只不过他们的救赎发生在大街上,而不是教堂里。 No matter what subject I have adopted, I am talking about religious themes. But their salvation happened on the street, not in the church. 38、我一直同步记录国民演变的过程,我生活在一个变革的时代,这种变革性要求一个导演很敏感很同步地来判断。我相信我的作品会成为中国标志性的一组建筑物。 I have been keeping a synchronized record of the process of national evolution, and I live in an era of change, which requires a director to be sensitive and synchronized to judge. I believe my work will become a landmark building in China. 39、真假混合时,真突显出假,假却妨碍我们去相信真。一个演员,在一艘被真的风雨拍打着的真船的甲板上,假装害怕沉船,我们既不会相信那演员,也不相信那艘船和那场风雨。 When true and false, it is obvious that false and false prevent us from believing in truth. An actor, on the deck of a real ship hit by a real storm, pretends to be afraid of sinking. We will not believe the actor, nor the ship and the storm. 40、蠢比智慧更无限迷人、更无限深奥。智慧有限度,而愚蠢则没有。 Stupidity is infinitely more charming and infinitely profound than wisdom. Wisdom is finite, but stupidity is not. 41、梦想始于剧本,而终结于电影。 Dreams begin with scripts and end in films. 标签:英语 电影 |
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