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日期:2023-02-17 09:17:28来源:人气:我来评论

导读:小众的爱好不用在乎大众的眼光。The hobby of the minority need not care about the public eye.及时身边友谊太拥挤 也别落下任何一个人。Don't leave anyone behind even when the friendship is too cr......


The hobby of the minority need not care about the public eye.

及时身边友谊太拥挤 也别落下任何个人

Don't leave anyone behind even when the friendship is too crowded.

轻踩着云朵夕阳深处有一橙色的便利店 贩卖着橙色与温柔。

Deep in the sunset there is an orange convenience store selling orange and gentleness.

考试 作业 早起 拍照 写书法 朋友圈黄昏平淡的生活总会熠熠生辉。

Reading, exams, homework, getting up early, taking photos, writing calligraphy, friends circle, the dull life in the evening always shines brightly.

坐在燥热的教室里 望着阳光照射的书本 吹着携薄荷味的清风 飘起的帘子下掩着少年炽热的

Sitting in the hot classroom, looking at the books exposed to the sun. Blowing with the mint breeze, the curtains covered the young man's hot dream.

镜子很脏的时候我们并不会误以为自己的脏 为什么别人说出糟糕的我要觉得糟糕的是自己。

When the mirror is dirty, we will not mistakenly think that our face is dirty. Why do other people say bad things? I want to feel bad about myself.

大家都会做错选择题 会莫名其妙的掉 走在上会突然崩溃 但这并不影响我们去看看晚霞 再次爱上这个世界

Everyone will make the wrong multiple choice questions, shed tears inexplicably and break down suddenly on the road. But it does not affect us to see the sunset clouds and fall in love with the world again.

地球只有一个亮 它没有生命 被小行星撞的伤痕累累 却象征着浪漫。

Earth has only one moon, it's lifeless and scarred by an asteroid, but it's a symbol of romance.

我们的眼睛里除了平视和仰视 更应该经常俯视疾病和痛苦 俯视角落和夹缝 我们眼中看见的除了除了繁华盛景还应该有世间冷暖。

In our eyes, in addition to looking up and looking up, we should often overlook diseases and pain and look down at corners and crevices. What we see in our eyes should be in addition to the prosperity of the world.



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