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日期:2023-02-17 09:00:36来源:人气:我来评论

导读:1、幸福的最高境界,不过是陪着一个旧人,守着一屋的旧物,悠悠地数着一段旧岁月。 The highest realm of happiness is just accompanying an old man, keeping a house of old things, counting the old years in a l...


The highest realm of happiness is just accompanying an old man, keeping a house of old things, counting the old years in a leisurely way.


Originally, the children touched with the text are never happy. Their happiness is like that of a playful child, wandering to the sky, wandering to the sky, but refused to return.


Happiness is wisdom and success, charity donation, fearless giving, saving fire and water.


Love confuses the concept of right and wrong; strong love and arrogant ambition have no boundaries.


When someone fails, someone will put out a hand to wipe your tears. It will be better than many people clap your hands when you succeed.


I do not allow you to be weak, you must be very tough. If I am so disobedient, you must control me! The so-called inner happiness is the joy that a person lives in a healthy and normal and harmonious life.


When love is no longer so strong, we will still be attached to it, because we are used to it, and also because we are afraid.


You're like a glass of wine. It looks charming, smells attractive, tastes a little spicy and has a sweet aftertaste.


Happiness is actually very simple. When I am lost, when I am sad, when I cry, you will come to me and give me a hug, without hesitation.


Whenever I look at the sky, I don't like to talk anymore. Whenever I talk, I dare not look at the things that we once thought were in the process of remembering, forgotten by us.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.


Always need some warmth. Even a little self righteous Memorial. Unwilling to let go of your hand, unwilling to let you go, unwilling to see you out of my life.


Happiness needs no reason. We can't change the weather, but we can change our mood and make ourselves happy is the best way to treat ourselves well.


There is no class character in happiness itself, but different views of happiness are marked by different brands. Laborers are happy to enjoy the fruits of their labor; exploiters are happy to enjoy the fruits of their labor.


Life is like a roller coaster, with peaks and valleys, which means that, for better or worse, it is only temporary.


Happiness is very simple. Get together with friends, chat with friends, make friends with friends, have dinner with friends. On the weekend, I decided to take you to experience happiness. Don't forget to bring your wallet.


To see through, but not to tell, many things, as long as the number of their own mind is good, there is no need to speak out.


I hope you are my kite, cut the line, and you will be free. I hope it's the line in your hand, the kite is flying, but I'm still in your hand, under the sunset, fairy tale world.


If you are really happy, don't always take out the sun, because more sun, sooner or later will be dried, so it's better to keep a low profile.


Secret love for a person's mood is like a seed waiting for germination in a bottle, never sure whether the future is beautiful, but sincerely and stubbornly waiting for it.


Love begins with mutual appreciation, with heartbeat and love, with marriage because of inseparability, but more importantly, it requires tolerance, understanding, habits and adaptation to work hand in hand for a lifetime.


Actually, I first met you in the photo. In the photo, you look at your cheeks and think deeply. The tender, the beauty and the charm made me unforgettable for a long time.


Happiness may be a lifetime, maybe only a month, or a passing moment.


A person always looks up to and admires the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and admired. In fact, everyone is happy. But your happiness is always in the eyes of others.


What matters is not how deep you love, but how deep you can love; what matters is not loving you, but loving you alone.


I am really happy, because I have love my parents; I am really happy because I have my teacher. However, what makes me happiest is the most pure, the most lovely and the most common friendship.


I want you to know that there is a person in the world waiting for you forever, no matter when, no matter where, anyway, you know, there is always such a person.


It's too difficult to base happiness on whether a man can love you for a lifetime, and it's likely to be a dead end.


Happiness is having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trustworthy friends.


Happiness has no framework or definitions. It has different definitions in everyone's eyes. Only when we cherish the happiness in front of us can we expect the happiness of tomorrow. That is the real warning word.


The mirror of self is the epitome of social form. Happiness, happiness, why make people happy and sad?


One of the beloved centers of the new and new human race is to be frank, so frank that even the embarrassment of adults can not be understood. Hope that the friendly communication and sincere embrace can make the generation gap really disappear.


After eating, I feel like a good fruit. Full of psychological illusion and psychological hints, the active and passive are only one line apart, and the mood of life is also separated.


On the road of life, people should have some pursuits and be satisfied. Happiness is a kind of contentment in life. As long as you feel satisfied and happy, you are a happy person.


Love, first of all, means dedication. It means giving the power of your heart to the person you love and creating happiness for the person you love.


In one's life, there are two kinds of regrets that most afflict people: one is not getting the person you love; the other is not getting the happiness of the person you love.


Happiness means having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trustworthy friends.


In our love, I always play the role of loving you. When breaking up, don't ask me why I broke up, ask yourself.


From this moment, I look up, a vast white body, winter is near, spring is holding a bunch of warmth all the way!


Happiness always comes inadvertently, and you need to feel it quietly with a normal heart.

标签:英文 幸福

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