日期:2023-02-16 20:16:30来源:人气:我来评论
Single people seem to be more liberal than ordinary people. On such a cold day, a single dog may escalate into a broken Bing Bing. 3、单身是因为上帝觉得你太美,一般的人配不上你。 Single is because God thinks you are too beautiful, ordinary people do not deserve you. Teach you the best way to get rid of a single dog and be my wife. 5、我毫不犹豫的测过了身,只为拯救我的眼睛。 I did not hesitate to test my body, only to save my eyes. 6、军训后,你们就不是单身狗了,而是一条出色的军犬。 After military training, you are not a single dog, but an excellent military dog. On Valentine's day tomorrow, I wish all the lovers in the world are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years. 8、咱光棍多快乐,万花丛中飘身过,无声却又留点香! How happy we are to be alone, floating in the air, silent and fragrant! 9、说好一起做单身狗,你们却偷偷交了男朋友。 When you talk about being a single dog, you secretly make a boyfriend. Since being single, the telephone fee has been saved, and the spirit has not been hurt. Habit, with a smile, but hide the wound, learn to bear all the inpidual. 12、那些年,错过太多。擦干泪,珍惜现在的吧。 Those years, I missed too much. Wipe your tears and cherish the present. Better to live alone than to live with someone who is not suitable. One has at least one dream and one reason to be strong. 15、一个萌萌的小仙女,单身待撩,喜欢的抱走。 A sprout little fairy, single to pick up, like to take away. 16、你需要忘记失去的,感激拥有的,和期待将至的。 You need to forget what you have lost, appreciate what you have and what you expect. 17、单身也许就是做自己眼中的英雄,别人眼中的女汉子。 Being single may be the hero in your own eyes, the woman in the eyes of others. 18、当你对一个人越在乎时,他越是感觉不到你对他的好。 The more you care about a person, the less he feels that you are good to him. 19、男人说话,通常就像空头支票一样的兑现不了。 Men usually talk like a blank check. 20、给我一个理由说接受、给我一个理由说无所谓。 Give me a reason to accept and give me a reason to say it doesn't matter. 21、终于结束了大半年的单身生活,现在开始下半年的。 Finally, the end of the first half of the single life, now began in the second half of the year. 22、我可以离开你们的,我知道,只是习惯问题。 I can leave you. I know, it's just a matter of habit. 23、其实,单身挺好,和谁暧昧都不需要解释。 In fact, single is good, and who is ambiguous, do not need to explain. The first thing you wake up is the person who touches the phone. There is a person who can't put it before going to bed. 25、女人擅长的只是化妆,而男人擅长的却是伪装。 Women are good at making up, while men are good at camouflage. 26、秀恩爱的人换了一批又一批,只有我雷打不动地单身。 The people who show their affection are changed by batch and batch. 27、千万别和你女朋友吵架,因为吵赢的都成单身了。 Never quarrel with your girlfriend, because everyone who wins the battle is single. 28、有些人,一旦错过就永远,一转身就是一辈子。 Some people, once missed, will always turn around for a lifetime. Sometimes, a person's missing, lonely a world. 30、偷东西是罪恶的,但偷了一个人的心是快乐的。 Stealing is evil, but stealing a man's heart is joyful. 31、单身久了,别说拧瓶盖了,消防栓我都能拧开。 If I'm single for a long time, don't twist the cap, I can unscrew the fire hydrant. 32、你只有让自己足够好了,才有资格开始一段好的爱情。 You only have to be good enough to start a good love. 33、在这个深秋的雨夜,独自一人静守一份彷徨,一缕落寞。 In this late autumn rainy night, alone, a quiet and hesitant, a lonely line. 34、光棍是一种境界,不一个人过怎能对得起这个日子! Bachelor is a realm. How can we afford this day without a single person? 35、我已经很满足现在的生活了唯一遗憾的是未能拥有你。 I have been satisfied with my life now. The only regret is that I can not have you. 36、单身,是因为心里有人,撑不下第二个人。 Single, because someone in the heart can not support the two person. 37、我删除了你的一切,却删除不掉你在我心中的影子。 I delete everything, but I can't delete your shadow in my heart. 38、别再说自己有孤独和烈酒,其实你就是一条单身狗。 Don't say that you are lonely or strong, but you are a single dog. 39、好多的时候,其实一个的生活真的比两个人幸福。 A lot of times, in fact, a life is really happier than two people. 40、你执手间斑驳零落的残念,看不清世俗的容颜。 You can't see the mundane appearance of your hands. 41、是给了我多少次失望,才令我把曾经的执着转变为放弃。 It is how many times I have been disappointed that I changed my past dedication to giving up. 42、单身久了,突然发现最近看母猪也觉得它很眉清目秀。 After being single for a long time, I suddenly noticed that * sow was also very handsome. 43、如果有人抓了你,换我的什么,我都愿意。 If anyone grabs you for anything, I will. The more passionate things disappear, the faster friendship is water, not fire. 45、一点不起眼的小改变,会收到意想不到的结果。 A slight change will result in unexpected results. 46、我习惯了无所谓,却不是真的什么都不在乎。 I'm used to it, but I don't really care nothing. 47、如果没有下个路口,是否我们就会走到最后。 If there is no next intersection, whether we will come to the end. 48、我拒绝了所有人的青睐,等你一个不确定的未来。 I refuse everyone's favor, waiting for you to have an uncertain future. 49、因为找不到才单着的,自己也要秀出一个人的精彩。 Because you can't find it alone, you have to show a person's brilliance. 50、我为你单身了十年,最后等到一份结婚请柬。 I have been single for you for ten years, and finally wait for a wedding invitation. 51、我再怎么努力,在你心里也不及她的万分之一。 How hard I try, your heart is not as good as her 1/10000. 52、手机套餐每个月包那么多话费,却不知道该打给谁。 The mobile phone package costs so much a month, but it doesn't know who to call. 53、我不是单身狗,我只是风中孤独一匹狼罢了。 I am not a single dog. I am just a wolf in the wind. 54、别再说自己是单身狗了,你那个年龄,狗都老死了。 Don't say that you are a single dog. At that age, the dog is dead. 55、情人节的时候我就在家玩连连看,消灭一对是一对。 When I was on Valentine's day, I was playing at home. 56、会不会有那么一个人,在生死一刻会陪我到最后。 Will there be such a person who will accompany me to the end at the moment of life and death. 57、你不是选择了单身,只是选择了自己想要的爱情。 You choose not to be single, but to choose the love you want. 58、还有什么消息比你属于别人更令我心痛的,没有了。 What other news is more painful than you belong to others? No more. 59、我可以永远笑着扮演你的配角,在你的背后自己煎熬。 I can always laugh and play your supporting role, and I will suffer behind you. 60、跟女朋友吵架吵赢了的,现在基本上都单身了。 Quarreling with my girlfriend and winning the battle, are basically single now. 61、光棍苦,光棍苦,已是二十五,衣服破了没人补。 Bachelors and hardships are twenty-five, and clothes are broken. 62、眼泪的背后是另一种明白,放弃背后是一种成全。 Behind the tears is another understanding that giving up behind is a fulfillment. 63、思念的人,变了相信的事,错了谨记的物,忘了。 Those who yearn for love change their beliefs, and forget what they remember. 64、别问我感情上的建议,我是单身狗,我只建议分手。 Don't ask me for my emotional advice. I'm a single dog. I only suggest breaking up. 65、我就像是氧气,再怎么对你好,你也看不到。 I am like oxygen. How can I treat you better? You can't see it either. 66、其实单身并不可怕,可怕的是连一个喜欢的人都没有。 Actually, being single is not terrible. What's so terrible is that there is no one who likes it. 67、无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 No matter where you are, no matter why you are busy, I will be waiting here. 68、单身挺好,碰到喜欢的人可以名正言顺地心动。 Being single is good. People who like you can speak with sincerity. 69、别在说自己是单身狗了,狗到你这个年龄早死了。 Don't say that you are a single dog. The dog died early at your age. 70、任何感情都有它的规则,必须遵守,没有人能例外。 Every sentiment has its rules, and must be observed. No one can be exceptional. 71、口口声声说着单身万岁,心里却想着那个不可能的Ta。 Keep saying that long live single, but I think of the impossible Ta. 72、原来我们的罕觏,这一世,只有那么一次。 It turned out that we had only one time. 73、有一种单身叫宁缺勿滥,有一种单身叫只为某人。 There is a kind of single person who is called "no more" than others. 74、嘴上说着单身挺好,可是看到情侣,还是会沉默。 It's nice to be single, but seeing lovers will be silent. 75、忘不了的不是你的样子,是那些曾经的美好。 It's not what you look like, it's the beauty that once existed. 76、每个单身的人背后,都至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。 Behind every single person, there is at least a heart breaking secret. 77、要么一直骄傲的单身,要么全心全意只为一个人。 Or be proud of being single, or wholeheartedly for one person. 78、一句我爱你能挽回什么,一句对不起又能弥补什么。 A word I love you can save what, a sorry can make up for anything. 79、我不会后悔,因为我知道,每一段路都是一种领悟。 I will not regret it, because I know that every road is a kind of understanding. 80、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。 Where some people like loneliness, but do not like disappointment. 标签:英语 唯美 单身 |
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