日期:2023-02-16 14:13:05来源:人气:我来评论
Charity is the accumulation of morality, and everyone can be charitable. Good for the most precious, life is endless; heart is a good field. 3、安得万里裘,盖裹周四垠;稳暖皆如我,天下无穷人。 Andy Li Qiu covers the Thursday Yin. 4、慈善会使孤独的人不再孤独,慈善会使作恶的人找回善良。 Charity will make lonely people no longer lonely, charity will make evil people find good. Giving love is happiness, and eliminating worry is wisdom. 6、待人宽一份是福,利人则利己之基。 To be generous is to benefit others, but to benefit others is the basis of self-interest. 7、凡是有益于人的就是善,损人利己的就是恶。 What is good for men is good, and evil for others is evil. The most beautiful, noble and greatest thing in the world is to report good and punish evil. 9、诸恶莫做,众善奉行,莫以善小而不为,莫以恶小而为之。 Do not do evil, do good deeds, do not do good and small, do not do evil. The warmth of human kindness can heal the wounds of the mind and body. 11、慈善是公德,参与是本分,人仁献爱心,帮助贫寒人。 Charity is a kind of social morality. Participation is the duty. Charity is a social undertaking, so we are duty bound to do so. 13、人人都帮人,天下没穷人;人人管闲事,天下无难事。 Everyone helps people, there are no poor people in the world. 14、真正的慈善能明察秋毫,哪里需要行善它一看就知道。 True charity can see clearly, and when we need to do good, we can see it at a glance. A man's happiness is not that he owns much, but that he cares less. 16、人与人之间需要善良之心,人与人之间呼唤善良。 A good heart is needed between people. I think the way of giving money directly is more direct, more effective and faster. Charity is the source of human happiness, the oasis of the soul and the sweet spring of hope. 19、人类的生活,是互助的生活,不单是要求和争夺。 Human life is a life of mutual help, not just for competition. 20、做好事的人使自己得救,做坏事的人使自己毁灭。 Those who do good deeds make themselves saved, and those who do bad things destroy themselves. 21、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not charity, so we cannot give generously. 22、一支宏大的慈善志愿者队伍,是慈善事业发展的基本要素。 A magnificent volunteer team is the basic element of the development of charitable cause. As far as social responsibility is concerned, it is absolutely obligatory for entrepreneurs to do charity. 24、天外有天宇宙广,能人慈善聚群英。 The universe is wide and the universe can be charitable. 25、慈善是一种更高的爱心,它营造了亲切和谐的人际关系。 Charity is a higher love, it creates a harmonious and harmonious interpersonal relationship. 26、择善而交,择善书而读,择善言而听,择善行而从。 Choose a good person and choose a good book. 27、慈善是心灵的,而不是手的美德。 Charity is the soul, not the virtue of the hand. 28、凡人为善不自誉而人誉之,为恶不自毁而人毁之。 A good man is not good at himself but a good man. 29、捐赠的地方不投资,投资的地方不搞捐赠。 Where donations are made, no investment is made and investment places do not make donations. 30、美好世界要靠人们创造,慈善事业全靠大家支持。 The beautiful world is created by people, and charity is supported by everyone. 31、我慈善,我快乐,将成为一种现代生活观念。 My charity, my happiness, will become a concept of modern life. 32、礼发于诚,声发于心,行出于义。 Courtesy in sincerity, voice in heart, action in righteousness. 33、行善最乐,助人为乐,知足常乐。 To do well is to be happy, to help others and to be happy. 34、慈善为怀,祈福于民,普天同济,流芳百世。 Charity is a blessing, a blessing for the people, and a universal life. 35、倾心慈善事业,真诚奉献爱心;富不忘慈,济贫济困济世。 Love the heart, love the good, love the poor and help the poor. 36、真慈善常常忘我,假慈善往往自私。 Charity is often selfless, and charity is selfish. 37、鸟需巢,蛛需网,人需要爱心。 Birds need nests. Spiders need nets. People need love. 38、中国的慈善事业也是在摸着石头过河,需要大力发展。 China's philanthropy is also crossing the river by feeling the stones and needs to develop vigorously. Charity can bring auspicious birds, and kindheartedness can bring happiness. 40、爱与善是幸福,也是真理,是世界上唯一可以幸福的真理。 Love and goodness are both happiness and truth, the only truth in the world that can be happy. 41、慈善事业崇高神圣,德者追求奉献千古芳。 Charities are noble and sacred. 42、爱心撑起永久的春天,慈善导航永远的时尚。 Love supports eternal spring, charity navigation always fashion. 43、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止。 Charitable deeds and close relatives, but should not stop there. 44、慈善事业惠及大众,功德无量。 Philanthropy benefits the masses and is of great merit. 45、积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。 Virtue is never seen, but goodness is known. 46、就人性说来,唯一的向导,就是人的爱心。 In terms of human nature, the only guide is human love. 47、一点善心,一点善行,对人生的影响可能会超出你的想象。 A little kindness, a little kindness, may have more impact on your life than you can imagine. 48、慈善不但需要善款,更需要智慧。 Charity needs not only money but also wisdom. 49、扶危周急固为美事,能不自夸,则其厚德矣。 It is great virtue to support the danger and fix it for good. 50、做一个内心完善的善良的人,是成为君子的前提。 To be a good hearted and perfect person is a prerequisite for being a gentleman. 51、今日慈善助我,明日我为慈善。 Today charity helps me, tomorrow I will be charity. Kindness is sunshine, rain and dew, gentle spring breeze and sweet spring. 53、慈善之手创造美好人间,罪恶之手创造人间地狱。 The hand of charity creates the beautiful world, the evil hand creates the hell on earth. 54、慈善之力万里无敌,慈善能帮人解困、解难。 Charitable force is invincible, charity can help people solve problems and solve difficulties. 55、慈善不需要口号,却需要永恒。 Charity needs no slogan, but it needs eternity. 56、把自己看的轻些,从帮助别人中获得快乐。 Look at yourself lighter and get pleasure from helping others. 57、关爱是一膛炉火,慈善家为它添薪加炭,炉火生生不息。 Love is a hearth fire, philanthropists pay their wages and charcoal, and the fire is endless. 58、慈善,像浩瀚天空能容纳千百颗星辰。 Charity, like a vast sky, can hold hundreds of stars. 59、慈善是待人的基础,关怀是友谊的桥梁。 Charity is the foundation for others, and care is the bridge of friendship. 60、慈善只能是一种境界,一种超越责任和道德范畴的境界。 Charity can only be a realm, transcending the realm of responsibility and morality. 标签:英语 慈善 |
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