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日期:2022-12-16 01:27:38来源:人气:我来评论

导读:《老爸老妈的浪漫史》有哪些经典台词1.None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love's the best......


1.None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love's the best thing we do.(没有人可以发誓做到完美,最后我们能保证的只有深彼此,倾尽所有。因为爱是最美好的。)

2.Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.(无论你今生做什么,没有朋友在你身旁见证,就算不上是传奇。)

3.Life is short, and if you ever come across a beautiful, exciting, crazy moment in it, you gotta seize it while you can before that moment's gone.(人生苦短,如果有机会碰到美丽激动、疯狂的时刻,就得在那一刻消失之前紧紧把握住。)

4.You can't cling to the past, because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone.(你不能对过去念念不忘,因为无论你把回忆抓得多紧,它早已悄无声息地消失。) 5.If you love something, you can never let it go, not even for a second, or it's gone forever.(如果你爱一样东西,你就永远都不能放,一秒都不能放,否则你将会永远失去它。) 6.Kids, life is a dark road. You never really know what's up ahead.(孩子们,人生就象一条黑暗的道。你永远也不知道前方会发生什么。)

7.Early in any relationship, there's a phase where you don't say no to anything.(在每段的初期,大都会经历一个"不对任何事说不"的阶段。)


存款不是资本,健康才是; 致富不是目的,幸福才是; 贪欲不是需求,精神才是; 奢华不是真实,质朴才是; 贫穷不是耻辱,愚痴才是;

信仰不是迷信,无知才是; 知识不是本领,智慧才是; 物质不是宝藏,灵才是; 狂热不是快乐,宁静才是; 享乐不是意义,奉献才是;

昏漠不是人生,觉醒才是。1. 家人有时是你最大的动力!

2. 家教宽中有严,家人一世安然。?

3. 一家人能够相互密切合作,才是世界上唯一的真正幸福。

4. 家人放在第一。我觉得最不能迟到的是家人。因为那是生命最重要的事,它不紧急,可是它很重要。


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