日期:2022-12-15 18:57:21来源:人气:我来评论
1、送你一朵玫瑰,那是我心中惟一一朵。只有戴在你的胸前,它才不会枯萎。 To send you a rose is the only one in my heart. It will not wither unless you wear it on your chest. 2、在怀念的季节里,请不要忘了我,就如同我时时没有忘了你一样。 In the season of remembrance, please don't forget me, just like I never forget you. The flowers are whispering, what are they talking about? Yes, bless you! 4、别离,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为相逢的希望在安慰。 Parting, a bit difficult to give up, but not disappointed; a little sorry, but not pessimistic. Because the hope of meeting is comforting. 5、不管我们的距离有多遥远,关怀你的心是永远不变的。 No matter how far away our distance is, the heart that cares for you will never change. 6、无论路途多遥远,无论天涯海角,我也要送给您这份最衷心的祝福。 No matter how far the road is, no matter what the ends of the earth, I also want to send you this heartfelt blessing. 7、生意开张了,祝愿你的生意财源滚滚,如日中天,兴旺发达,开张大吉啊! Business has opened up. Wish your business is booming, thriving and thriving. May we yearn for love in relentless desire for love in love. 9、一份关心,不需要长篇大论,短短一句问候也可以很温馨;早上好! A concern, no need for long talk, a short greeting can also be very warm; good morning! 10、默默祝福,如果分离是必须的,以前的日子愿您珍惜,以后的日子愿你保重。 Silent blessing, if separation is necessary, the days before you cherish, the days after you take care of. 11、友情不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship does not require anything, but it has a kind of warmth that we all can understand. 12、有人居然说,爱情在分别时就会减退,其实心爱之物得不到时滋味更甜美。 Some people say that love will fade when they are apart, but in fact, the taste of a loved one is not so sweet. 13、空间分隔了你我,时间冲走了你我;而关怀之心却长伴左右。 Space separates you and me, and time washes away from you and me, but the heart of care is long. 14、记取串串快乐回忆,让每一刹那都成为永恒,祝福你幸福快乐,前程锦绣。 Remember the string of happy memories, so that every moment will be eternal, wishing you happiness and prosperity. 15、句句心里话,是我浓浓的思念与祝福。愿温馨喜悦永远系着你。 My heart and soul are my deep thoughts and blessings. May warmth and joy always be with you. 16、猪猪,好晚好晚了呀,你是不是睡了?我也进了温暖的被窝,好梦随你晚安! Pig *, it's late and late. Are you asleep? I also entered the warm quilt, good dream, good night! 17、莲花并蒂开,情心相印;梧枝连理栽,灵犀互通。祝新人百年好合。 The lotus flower is open to the heart, and the heart and heart are interwoven. I wish you a happy new year. I hope you will have a smooth and successful career in the future. 19、我祝世上所有美丽的花,盛开在温馨的季节里,点缀在你欢乐洋溢的时刻。 I wish all the beautiful flowers in the world to be blooming in the warm season and embellished in your joyful moments. 20、在人生艰辛跋涉中,愿我们化作两盏明灯——互相照耀,互相温暖。 In the arduous journey of life, let us be turned into two beacon lights - shining each other and warming each other. 21、只要你的心里能充满活力,希望这爱的芬芳永远属于你。 As long as your heart can be full of vitality, hope that the fragrance of love will always belong to you. 22、让我像一个纯洁的孩子,站立原地,月光下,目送你明亮的背景在远方消逝。 Let me stand like a pure child, in the moonlight, watching your bright background disappear in the distance. 23、愿友谊地久天长,愿朋友青春无限,愿快乐永远相随,愿好运与你相伴。 May the friendship last forever and wish your friends endless youth. May happiness follow you forever. Good luck goes with you. 24、不是每个人都能以心交心的,真正的朋友是不计较名与利的坦诚相待。 Not everyone can have a heart to heart. Real friends do not care about honesty and fame. 25、有一份极珍贵的礼物,我要把它送给你,那就是我一颗纯洁的心。 There is a very precious gift, I want to give it to you, that is my pure heart. 26、为健康和快乐打气,为事业和成功加油,为生活和家庭微笑。 Cheer for health and happiness, cheer for career and success, smile for life and family. 27、祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地。 Blessing becomes a poem, a melody, and opens a warm spring garden. 28、平凡的人听从命运,只有强者才是自己命运的主宰。 Ordinary people listen to fate. Only the strong are masters of their own destiny. 29、愿花的芬芳,带给你美满的温馨,祝你生活愉快。 May the fragrance of flowers bring you warmth and happiness. 30、月光洒进窗台,心里也想起了你,是否一切都还如意。 The moonlight spills into the window sill, and I think of you, whether everything is still satisfactory. 标签:英语 祝福语 |
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