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日期:2022-12-15 18:31:05来源:人气:我来评论

导读:惊喜感谢句子英文怎么写 精选71句1. I’m going to visit my cousin in New York. 我打算去看望我纽约的表哥去。2. — When will you leave tomorrow? 你明天什么时候离开呢?3. — Do you want to come to the US thi......

惊喜感谢句子英文怎么写 精选71句

1. I’m going to visit my cousin in New York. 我打算去看望我纽约表哥去。

2. — When will you leave tomorrow? 你明什么时候离开呢?

3. — Do you want to come to the US this summer? 今年夏天你想来美国吗?

4. She was a driver before. 之前她是一名司机。

5. Last week, we went to a children’s theatre. 上星期,我们去了一儿童剧院。

6. I carry it over my shoulder. 我把它放在我的肩膀上。

7. — What did she drive? 她开过什么车?

8. — I sent you American chocolate. Did you eat it? 我送你的美国巧克力,你吃过了吗?

9. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. 有一个巨大的惊喜等着我们。

10. — What music did he play? 他演奏什么音乐呢?

11. Last night, I went to the moon. I took some photos for you. 昨晚我去了球。我拍了些照片给你。

12. In the UK, people usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock. Lunch is usually at half past twelve. Dinner is usually at half past six. 在英国,人们通常在七点吃早餐。午餐通常在十二点半。晚餐通常在六点半。

13. — Can I have some sweets, please? 我能吃糖果吗?

14. I cut the paper with scissors. 我用剪刀剪纸。

15. It’s a traditional English dish. 它是传统的英式早餐。

16. I can play with the snow. 我能玩

17. The leaves fall from the trees. 叶从树上落下来了。

18. Xiaoyong’s birthday is coming. Let’s buy a present for him. 小勇的生日就要到了。让我们为他买个礼物吧。

19. We had a really good time together. 我们玩得很开

20. Don’t worry! 别担心!

21. — What does he do? 他是做什么的?

22. No one knows. 无人知晓。

23. You’ve got lots of Harry Potter books here! 这儿有许多哈利波特的

24. This is my grandpa. He’s fishing. He was a train driver before. 这是我爷爷。他正在钓鱼。之前他是一名火车司机。

25. It’s quarter to eight now. School starts at 8 o’clock. I’ll be late. 现在7点四十五了。学校八点上课。我要迟到了。

26. Children in China like Harry Potter, too. 中国孩子也喜欢哈利波特。

27. — What did she have for lunch? 午餐她吃了什么?

28. It will be fun! 那将很有趣!

29. — Why did people build it? 为什么人们建造了它?

30. You’re clever. 你很聪明。

31. — Will you still be home at 7 o’clock? 你依旧会在七点到家吗?

32. All right! 好的!

33. You can’t talk to your friends. 你不能和你朋友聊天。

34. — Where will you go tomorrow? 你明天将要去哪?

35. The actors told lots of jokes. 演员讲了许多笑

36. Are you ready for your trip? 你为你的旅行做好准备了吗?

37. Your bag is broken. 你的包坏了。

38. Are you ready for your trip to the US? 你准备好去美国旅行了吗?

39. You can borrow books in a library. 你能图书馆里借书。

40. I hope so! 我希望如此!

41. I took some nice photos there. 在那我拍了一些好看的照片。

42. Look! This is my grandma. She was young in this picture. 看!这是我奶奶。在这张照片里她是年轻的。

43. We’ll take it, please. 我们要买下它。

44. I go home at 5 pm. He goes home at 5 am. 我下午五点回家。他早上五点回家。

45. This red bag has got wheels. It will be easy for her to carry. 这个红色的包有轮子。对她来说拉起来很方便。

46. — What will you do tomorrow? 你明天将要做什么?

47. — What will we see there? 在那我们将会看见什么?

48. I can’t wait! 我等不及了!

49. I can go swimming in summer. I love swimming with my mother. 今年我要去游泳。我喜欢和我妈一起去游泳。

50. He was a flute player before. 他之前是一名笛子演奏者。

51. — Excuse me. Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? 打扰一下。你们有哈利波特的光盘吗?

52. I go to school at 7 am. My cousin goes to work at 7 pm. 我早上七点去上学。我表哥下午7点去工作

53. — What does she do? 她是做什么的?

54. I can play the flute, too. 我也会吹笛子。

55. After the show, we went to a restaurant. We all ate hamburgers and chips. 演出之后,我们去了餐厅。我们吃了汉堡包和薯条。

56. See you soon! 希望尽快见到你!

57. — Will you help me? 你会帮我吗?

58. — Where did your grandpa work, Xiaoyong? 小勇,你爷爷之前在哪工作?

59. — What did you put in your bag? 你在你的包里放了什么?

60. Let’s make a birthday card for him. 让我们给他做张生日贺卡吧。

61. Harry Potter is our favourite. 哈利波特是我的最

62. — How will we get there? 我们怎么到那?

63. Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

64. My favourite season is spring. 我喜欢的季节是春天。

65. — Does Lingling like English food? 玲玲喜换英国食物吗?

66. — What did she have for dinner? 晚餐她吃了什么?

67. I saw a dog. It wore a coat. 我看见一只。它穿着一件外套。

68. — What did she have for breakfast? 早饭她吃了什么?

69. Please give the books back in two weeks. 请把这些书在两周内归还。

70. I’ll make a paper fish for her. 我将要做一条纸做的鱼给她。

71. Daming usually has meat, vegetables and rice for dinner. But today he has noodles and an egg. 大明通常晚餐吃肉,蔬菜和米饭。但是今天他吃了面条和一颗鸡蛋。


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