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日期:2024-09-23 10:25:04来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:英语动词造句简单【一】1 . Once you have been introduced to someone, the next time you see that person it is imp...


1 . Once you have been introduced to someone, the next time you see that person it is important to greet them We also greet people as we leave people In English (as in all languages, there are different ways to greet people in formal and informal situations

2 . 在打招呼或者告别时候,我们使用的问候语也不同。

3 . Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?

4 . He’s my father 他是我的爸爸

5 . Here are some short example conversations for you to practice greetings in English Find a partner to practice and take a role Next, switch roles Finally, make up your own conversations

6 . 不一会儿,同学们就干得满头大汗,有些同学把外衣脱掉,可还是汗流侠背。

7 . Yes, I am / No, I&#;m not 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

8 . 先生/太太日安(非常正式)

9 . 早上好/下午好/晚上好。

10 . Hello Ms Anderson How are you today?


1 . Are you ready? Yes ! 你准备好了吗? 好的!

2 . To you, sweetheart, with all my love

3 . Childhood naive, the youth romantic, flower season is no time together, but I will never forget your special day, "happy birthday to you!"

4 . 你好

5 . The question &#;How do you do&#; is only a formality In other words, the question does not need to be answered Rather, it is a standard phrase used when meeting some for the first time

6 . Tom: Peter, I&#;d like to introduce you to Mr Smith Mr Smith this is Peter Thompsen

7 . Maria: See you later

8 . 这无日终止,与日俱增。

9 . Mom, where is my car ? 妈,我的小汽车在哪里?

10 . When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time This is not atrain in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by It is the truth that we&#;ve all grown up And we become different


1 . Open your books and turn to page 打开,翻到第页。

2 . Hi / Hello

3 . 你的生日,魔鬼在笑,使在哭泣!呵呵,生气了?别误会,我说的那个天使不正是你吗?笑了没有,希望我可以让你不再哭泣!

4 . The black one is a bird 那个黑色的是一只鸟。

5 . We can never get it by working for it directly It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher It is a byproduct of great, simple living The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it

6 . I’m from America /Canada /China 我来自美国/加拿大/中国

7 . I&#;m just (watching TV, hanging out, cooking dinner, etc

8 . 我们学校组织我们班去社区清扫街道,大为能够帮助社区做一点情都高兴极了。在班主任的带领下,我们分成了个小组。小组长带领我们去各自的地方打扫卫生。我的任务是清扫坛。我带着套,钻进花坛中央捡起了垃圾。我捡了箩筐垃圾,花了个半小时,虽然很累,但是里却乐滋滋的。

9 . 非常好。

10 . 早上好,史密斯先生。


1 . 祝你生日快乐!

2 . Excuse me,Amy Can I use your pencil?

3 . Wish you to eat the big fish big meat; To sing the beauty accompaniment; Make enough; Dare and the tortoise than longevity。 Happy birthday!

4 . What about pears? 梨怎么样?

5 . 轻飘飘的一根针,在我手里好像很重很重似的,每缝一针都让我费很大的劲儿,刚缝了几针就累得我开始冒汗了。

6 . 介绍之后的问候

7 . Look out != Watch out! 小心!

8 . 正式场合的问候

9 . Here! 到!

10 . A: Can I have an apple,pplease? 请问我能吃一个苹果吗?


1 . 爸爸站在高高的垛顶上,像战场上奋力拼搏的勇士,木权在他手里上下舞动,麦捆随着木权的舞动上下翻飞。

2 . Have a very happy birthday!

3 . лечь:лягу,ляжешь,лягут;лёг,легла;ляг(те)

4 . 你这段时间过得怎么样?

5 . Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life&#;s way

6 . 当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。

7 . Where&#;s the company? 那个公司在哪儿?

8 . How do you do这个问题只是一种礼节性的提问。也就是说,我们不需要进行回答。也就是说,它是在第一次见到某人时使用的标准短语

9 . 俄语中大部分动词有未完成体和完成体两种形式,叫做体的对应。一个动词的未完成体和完成体形式,词汇意义是相同的,因此不能看作是两个不同的动词。

10 . 我们来到街上,马上就开始扫的战斗。大家扫的扫,铲的铲,推的推。虽然天寒地冻,但我们浑身热烘烘的,一点寒意也没有,同学们有一股使不完的劲。只一会儿,街道露出了干干净净的泥地面,一堆堆白雪堆放在两边的根旁。


1 . ВаняпрочиталраманВойнаимир

2 . How funny! 真有趣啊!

3 . It&#;s nice to meet you

4 . Hello (name, how are you?

5 . Tom: How is your sister?

6 . Good day Sir / Madam (very formal

7 . 无论如何,这种孤寂却令人欣慰。我仿佛脱离了尘世。坐在边,仔细聆听。只有从头顶掠过,卷走几码远的干枯树叶。在我心中,这是大自然给人安慰令人难忘的声音

8 . 擦岗楼和护栏的同学也不轻松,手里拿着湿抹布,被早春的寒风一吹,手指冻得像通红的小辣椒,手背就像刀割一样疼??…

9 . 我拿起面皮,用筷子夹起馅,小心地放在面皮上,两手使劲一捏。只觉得粘乎乎的,仔细一看,“哎呀!”我不禁喊出声来——原来是我用力过猛,挤破了面皮儿,馅冒出来了。我赶紧“急救”,又从另一边冒出来了。我急忙又用另一块面皮儿裹住那一边,才算堵住了“漏洞”。我终于用三块面皮包了一个饺子。

10 . No, it isn&#;t It&#;s a bus 不,那是一辆公共汽车。


1 . 体的基本意义是:指明动作是否完成,是否达到一定的结果。完成体指明动作已经完成,达到一定的结果;未完成体只指出动作的进行和过程,不指明动作是否完成,是否达到某种结果。试比较:

2 . ороться:орюсь,орешься,орются;

3 . As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for hours It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements; I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming

4 . See you later 待会儿见。

5 . I want some apples,bananas and oranges我想要一些苹果香蕉和橙子

6 . 天还没有亮,工厂里就开始热闹起来了。工人们陆陆续续的进了厂,不多久就听见了机器的轰鸣声,工人们穿好自己的工作服,开始了一天的忙碌。

7 . 儿时的天真,少时的浪漫,花的季节却无缘长相厮守,但我永远忘不了你那特别的日子,“祝你生日快乐!”

8 . Pray receive my sincerest congratulations on this auspicious day

9 . You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!

10 . On your desk ? 在你的课桌上吗?


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