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日期:2022-12-12 14:05:38来源:人气:我来评论

导读:1、我不是一个恶心的老男人,她只是需要一个人和她谈话。 I'm not a nauseous old man. She just needs a person to talk to her. 2、我用光了所有表情,从人群中仓皇逃走。 I spent all my expression and fle...


I'm not a nauseous old man. She just needs a person to talk to her.


I spent all my expression and fled from the crowd.


When you stop coming to see me, I die.


We failed. The meaning of failure is that we disappoint everyone, including ourselves.


I have never felt so deeply that I am far apart from the soul, but my existence is so real.


A sense of humor is the key. I don't have that talent, ha ha. I mean, I have a sense of tragedy in my sense of humor.


How did he die? No one knows nobody cares.


It doesn't matter too much. It takes courage to care.


Do not care who will, how much courage can learn to care.


I am young and old, and my soul is boring.


Don't you have enough time to think of letting someone go?


Before attempting to become a parent, one should first determine that he has reached the standard. Don't do experiments at home.


The meaning of failure is to let everyone down, including himself.


All we have to do is to hug each other.


We all have problems to solve, problems to follow us home at night, to go to work in the morning, helplessness, feeling like wandering on the sea, without a life buoy, without a life jacket, and you thought you were throwing a life buoy at someone else.


Eager to integrate into the crowd, it became a social herd again. No matter how lucky or unhappy, your struggle can be seen without anyone.


We fail and fail. The meaning of failure is to disappoint everyone. Including ourselves.


I have never felt so deeply that the distance between my soul and me is so far away, and my existence is dependent on this world.


The distance between my soul and me is so remote, but my existence is so real.


At the end of each day, maybe you are the one who is paranoid and crazy in ordinary people. You are eager to integrate into the crowd, so once again become a social herd. The price you pay for this is a long, detached pain.


She used to be a sweet girl, but she always demanded too much of life, and what qualifications she was not satisfied with, her mother and I tried to meet her needs, why she suddenly became so perverse, so crude, so mean, we do not understand, frankly, it has nothing to do with us, we are competent Parents, but she paid back our efforts by committing suicide.


We must learn to read in order to protect our minds against the forces that invade our minds and silence us. In order to activate our imagination and cultivate our own consciousness and beliefs, we need these skills to defend and maintain our thoughts.


I realized one thing. I am not the same person as you. I shouldn't be here. My soul is not here. You can see me, but I am just a hollow body.


You shouldn't be here because I'm not here, you see me, but it's just an empty shell.


We all need something to get us out of the tedious and the real world, to think more or less about the root of things, no one wants to think, how much effort is needed to get us out of the sea of suffering, we all need to get out of it.


This feeling has never happened to me so cruelly - my soul is so far away from me, and my existence is so real.


We all have problems, things we have to deal with right now, and we all take them home at night and take them to work during the day. I think this helplessness, the awareness of courage, like drifting on the sea, no life jacket, no sense of security, suddenly you suddenly realize that it is yourself, throw away the life jacket.

标签:超脱 中英文 经典

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