日期:2022-12-12 10:30:44来源:人气:我来评论
1、我无法呆在家里。我觉得我的房间太小,容纳不下我的幸福,我需要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。 I can't stay at home. I think my room is too small to hold my happiness. I need to pour out my heart to the whole nature. 2、我无福消受握一握你那双手的幸运。 I am blessed and blessed by the power of your hands. 3、坟墓里蛆虫啃着我心爱的人儿,如今她早已不在人世,如今她早已消亡。 In the grave, maggots gnaw at my beloved, and now she is no longer alive, and now she has long been dead. 4、随后,她对我露出微笑,不过很勉强,因为她不由自主地泪水盈眶。 Then she smiled at me, but reluctantly, because she could not help crying. 5、这些灵魂在等待着一只友谊的手来包扎他们的伤口,治愈他们心头的创伤。 These souls are waiting for the hand of a friendship to bind their wounds and heal their wounds. 6、娇媚、温柔、多情,玛格丽塔什么都不缺,我不得不时时提醒自己,我没有权力再向她要求什么了。 I had to remind myself from time to time that I had no more right to ask her for anything. 7、我不愿意你因为跟我在一起而有一分钟的遗憾。 I don't want you to have a minute of regret because you are with me. 8、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。 My heart is not used to happiness. Perhaps, living in your heart better, in your heart, the world will not see me. 9、你对女人不忠,她们有时不会追究。但如果你伤她们的自尊,她们绝不答应。 You are unfaithful to women, and sometimes they will not pursue it. But if you hurt their self-esteem, they will never agree. 10、但是你并不知道,别人对我这样姑娘的爱情,在心中是由多么纤细的线维系着。 But you don't know how thin a thread holds the love of a girl like me in your heart. 11、上帝对她还相当仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的惩罚,而让她在年轻貌美和奢华生活中香消玉殒,须知年老色衰,是交际花的第一次死亡。 God was kind enough not to punish her as usual, but to let her perish in beauty and luxury, knowing that old age was the first death of a communicative flower. 12、像一个好朋友那样爱我吧,但是不能超过这个程度。 Love me like a good friend, but not to that extent. 13、我环顾着四周,见到旁人并没有关心着我的不幸,他们依旧照常地生活,我真是奇怪透顶了。 I looked around, and it was strange to see that the others were not concerned about my misfortune. They were still living as usual. 14、真正的爱情总是使人变得美好。 True love always makes people beautiful. 15、我感到需要迷恋上某种东西,以便消磨时间,让时间过得飞快,一直察觉不到韶光流逝。 I felt the need to be obsessed with something to kill time, to make time go by so fast that I couldn't detect the passage of time. 16、我活得时间再短,也总比您爱我的时间要长些啊。 I live longer than you love me. 17、如果做女人的还有一点点自尊心的话,她就应该忍受所有可能的牺牲,也绝不像她的情人要钱,否则她的爱情就跟**无异。 If a woman has a little self-esteem, she should endure all possible sacrifices and never ask for money like her lover, otherwise her love will be like prostitution. 18、太阳就像照耀着一个最纯洁的未婚妻那样照耀着我的情妇。 The sun shines like a pure fiancee to shine on my mistress. 19、我的要求就是你爱我,而且没有马匹,没有开司米披肩,没有钻石首饰,你也同样爱我。 My demand is that you love me, and that you love me without horses, without cashmere shawls, without diamonds. 20、我们就像沉没在爱河之中的两个顽强的潜水员,只是在换气的时候才浮出水面。 We are like two stubborn pers in love, only surfacing when we breathe. 21、因为我怕我的自尊心会再一次激起我的倔脾气,而我身边又不宽裕,我请他们记下我的姓名,把书留在一边,就下了楼。 Because I was afraid my self-esteem would stir up my stubborn temper again, and I was not well off, I asked them to write down my name, leave the book aside, and went downstairs. 22、所有聪明睿智的人,都朝着同一目标努力,一切伟大的意志,也都遵从同一原则:我们要善良,要保持青春,要真诚! All wise and wise people strive towards the same goal, and all great will abide by the same principle: we must be kind, we must maintain youth, we must be sincere! 23、你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。 The pain you want to make me is your proof of my love. 24、如果你的回来不能将我挽救,这世界再没有能够挽救我的事情了。 If your return can not save me, the world can no longer save me. If a man knows the value of tears, he will be more lovable. 26、我认为只有深刻地研究过人,才能创造出人物,如同只有认真地学习了一种语言才能讲它一样。 I think that only by studying people deeply can we create characters, just as only by learning a language carefully can we speak it. 27、人生只不过是反复完成持续不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶贞女。 Life is but the repeated fulfillment of a constant desire, and the soul is but the chaste who keeps the flame of love alive. 28、这些残疾逼得那个不幸的受苦的女人发疯,使她无可奈何地看不到善良,听不到天主的声音,也讲不出爱情、信仰的纯洁的语言。 These disabilities drove the unfortunate suffering woman mad, leaving her hopelessly unable to see kindness, hear the voice of God, and speak the pure language of love and faith. 29、只有她们在日常生活中满足她们情人的各种微小的虚荣心,才能巩固情人对她们的爱情。 Only by satisfying their lover's small vanities in daily life can they consolidate their love for them. 30、不了解别人的痛苦,又要去安慰,那总是很困难的事。 It is always difficult to understand the pain of others and comfort them. 31、她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。 She was slightly taller and slimmer, but she had a remarkable ability to conceal this artificial negligence with a little effort in her dress. 32、赢得一颗没有谈过恋爱的心,这就等于进入一个没有设防的城市。 To win a heart that has never been in love is to enter an undefended city. 33、人毫无爱情的时候,只好满足于虚荣,一旦有了爱,虚荣就变得一文不值了。 When a man has no love, he has to be content with vanity. Once he has love, vanity becomes worthless. 34、她可能把她的青春年华给了你,而你却把她遗忘了。 She may have given you her youth, but you have forgotten her. 35、别人有多贪婪,她就有多无私。 How greedy others are, how selfless she is. 36、由于我们无忧无虑,尤其我们一往情深,我们看到前景光灿灿。 Because we are carefree, especially when we love each other, we see bright prospects. 37、我望着飘过的云彩,任由神思在荒野上驰骋。 I look at the clouds that float across, and allow my mind to ride in the wilderness. 38、像这样各色人等混杂,环境喧闹不堪的集会倒是从未见过。 Such a mixture of all kinds of people, the noisy noisy assembly never seen. 39、什么都猜测到了,真情却除外。 Everything has been guessed, except the truth. 40、你是我唯一可以推诚相见的人,在你面前我可以自由思想,自由交谈。 You are the only person I can trust. I can freely think and talk freely before you. 41、我不可能再在家里待下去了。我的房间似乎太小,容纳不下我的幸福。我要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。 I can't stay at home any longer. My room seems too small to accommodate my happiness. I want to pour out my heart to the whole nature. 42、我喜爱一路上遇到的每一个行人。爱情会给予人们一种与人为善之感! I love every passers-by on the way. Love will give people a sense of kindness. 43、已经是四月份了,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,坟墓不再像冬天时那样显得阴森凄凉了。 It was April, and the weather was clear and sunny, and the grave was no longer as gloomy and desolate as it was in winter. 44、不错,有时候一分钟发生的事,比一年的追求还起作用。 Yes, sometimes what happens in one minute is more effective than the pursuit of the year. 45、一个人的**和心灵都像这样地爱上一个月的话,就只能剩下一具驱壳了。 If one's body and mind are in love with one month like this, there will be only one shell left. 46、这种男人们第二次,也是最后一次的爱情,成了你一切事业的累赘,它不容于家庭,也使你丧失了雄心壮志。 This man's second and last love has become a burden on all your career. It is not conducive to your family, but also makes you lose your ambition. 47、我面对威胁比面对祈求更加坚不可摧。 I am more invulnerable than facing a prayer. 48、没有悔罪,哪儿来的赎罪。 No redemption, where is the atonement. 49、当爱情成了生活中的一种习惯,再要想改变这种习惯而不同时损害生活中其他所有方面的联系,似乎是不可能的。 When love becomes a habit in life, it seems impossible to change it without compromising all other aspects of life. 标签:茶花女 中英文 经典 |
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