日期:2022-12-12 10:15:15来源:人气:我来评论
1、阔别多日,愿在这祥和的春节里带给你快乐无数!祝你春节过得开心! Many days away, wishing you happiness in this peaceful Spring Festival. I wish you a happy Spring Festival! 2、以真挚热诚的祝福,在春节之际表示思念之情。祝春节快乐,新年快乐! With sincere wishes, I would like to express my thoughts on the occasion of the Spring Festival. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy new year. 3、愿我是一盏灯笼,曳动的火光映红温暖你的心,愿我的一生美丽你的一世! May I be a lantern, a warm red flame that warms your heart, and may my life be beautiful! 4、继往开来迎新岁,举金杯春满万户;与时俱进贺丰年,传笑语喜盈千家。 Carry on the past and open the road to meet the new year's age, carry the golden cup of spring to 10000 households, and keep pace with the times. 5、我送你的短信:物超所值,质量上乘。欢迎你尽情享受我的温馨祝福! I send you the message: value for money and quality. You are welcome to enjoy my warm wishes. 6、愿你在今后的日子里烦恼少一点,直到消失,幸福多一点,直到永远! May you be less upset in the days to come, until it is gone, happiness is more, until forever! 7、在这辉煌快乐的春节佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意! I wish you all the best wishes for a brilliant and happy Spring Festival. I wish you all the best. 8、老朋友,新年好!祝身体健康,万事如意!带上礼物,来拿红包! Good old friends, happy New Year! I wish you good health and good luck. Bring a gift to get a red envelope! 9、春节到了,祝你新年交好运,前程似锦绣。 The Spring Festival is here. I wish you a good luck in the new year and a wonderful future. 10、新年祝福,那些难忘的日子,是我永远吟唱的旋律。你如今还好吗? New Year greetings, those unforgettable days are the melody that I will always sing. Are you all right now? 11、谢谢您对我的帮助,让新春带去我的祝福,祝您身体健康,万事如意! Thank you for your help. Let me bring my blessing to you in the Spring Festival. I wish you good health and all the best. 12、新年到了,我的祝福不能错过,在新的一年里,祝愿你睡觉不做噩梦! New year, my blessing can not be missed, in the new year, I wish you to sleep without nightmares! 13、愿快乐围绕在你的身边,平安与你同行,好运永远与你相伴!祝你新年快乐! May happiness be around you, safe and well traveled, and good luck always with you! I wish you a happy New Year! 14、新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,新的起点。 A new year, a new beginning, a blessing in heart, a new starting point. 15、在新的一年里,送上我最真挚的祝福,祝你新年新春愉快,万事如意! In the new year, I would like to send my best wishes to you for a happy new year and all the best. 16、新年的钟声就要响起,愿这吉祥的钟声能为您及家人带来平安! The bell of the new year will ring. May this auspicious bell bring peace for you and your family! 17、新年将到,祝你在新的一年里:所有的希望都能如愿,所有美梦都能成真。 The new year will be here. Wishing you all the best wishes in the coming year. Every dream will come true. 18、您像一支红烛,为后辈献出了所有的热和光!老师,新年快乐! You are like a red candle, giving all the heat and light to your posterity. Happy new year, teacher! 19、在这欢乐的除夕夜里,我把最美好的祝福送给你,祝你新年快乐,幸福到永远! In this happy New Year's Eve, I give you the best wishes, I wish you a happy New Year, happiness forever! 20、初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!春节快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。 Early spring snow, everywhere new! Happy Spring Festival and happy New Year! Let's talk about the old and welcome the new. 21、祝你春节快乐,万事如意,财运滚滚,一生平安! I wish you a happy Spring Festival, everything goes well, fortune is rolling, and life is safe! 22、转眼新年又来到,真诚祝愿快送达。愿你合家幸福生活美,财源滚滚数不完! Now, new year is coming again. I wish you a happy family life and endless financial resources. 23、新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。 The bell of the new year is ringing, and my blessing is haunting you. 24、亲爱的朋友,除夕到了,愿你合家团圆,幸福安康。 Dear friend, on New Year's Eve, I wish you a happy family. 25、幸福藏在美味佳肴里,全家老少欢聚在一起。祝除夕快乐,与幸福甜蜜嬉戏! Happiness is hidden in delicacies, and the whole family is gathered together. Happy New Year's Eve and sweet fun! 26、新年来临,祝你新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐! Wishing you a happy new year and wishing you happiness all the year round. I wish you a lot of luck in the new year. May you smile every day, happy new year to you. 28、新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。 The new year opens up new hopes, new gaps carry new dreams. 29、祝福您春节快乐,财源茂盛,万事如意,合家幸福!新年快乐。 Wishing you a happy Spring Festival, a prosperous financial resource and a happy family. Happy new year. 30、新年捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的新年。 I wish you a warm and sweet new year. 标签:英语 祝福语 |
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