日期:2022-12-11 21:14:51来源:人气:我来评论
1、凡事不能只看表面,要有凭有据才能作准。为人处世,这是头一条金科玉律。 We must not only look at the surface, but only rely on evidence. This is the first rule of law. 2、人能尽自己的责任,就可以感觉到好象吃梨喝蜜似的,把人生这杯苦酒的滋味给抵消了。 If one can do one's duty, one can feel as if he were eating pears and drinking honey, and counteract the bitter taste of life. 3、一个人,快乐舒畅地作了今天的工作,同时快乐舒畅地迎接明天的工作,是应该受到人们的赞扬和鼓励的。 One should be praised and encouraged to do today's work happily and to greet tomorrow's work happily. 4、我现在已做的远比我所做过的一切都美好;我将获得的休息远比我所知道的一切都甜蜜。 What I have done is far better than what I have done; the rest I shall have is far sweeter than everything I know. 5、凡可以献上我的全身的事,决不献上一只手。 For every thing that may be presented to me, I shall not offer one hand. 6、仁爱先从自己开始,公正先从别人开始。 Ren Aixian starts from himself and starts with others first. 7、这是一个最坏的年代,却也是一个最好的年代。 This is the worst time, but it is also the best era. 8、如果过了若干岁月以后,我能使自己相信我的凋零的命运,做了你的前车之鉴,我就会觉得我不是完全白做了一世人了。 If, after a few years, I could convince myself of my withering fate and learn from your past experience, I would not have been a man for all my life. 9、就跟一个根本不懂绘画的人批评我的一幅绘画,一个根本不懂音乐的人批评我的一首曲子一样,我一点也不恼火。 Just as a person who doesn't know anything about painting criticizes one of my paintings, a person who doesn't know anything about music criticizes one of my songs, I'm not annoyed at all. 10、不管我到什么地方去,我是去找快乐的。我决不会到什么地方去找痛苦,因为我生来就是个寻欢作乐的人。只有痛苦找到我头上,我才会痛苦。 No matter where I go, I am looking for happiness. I would never go anywhere to find pain, because I was born to be a merry person. Only when pain is found on my head, can I be miserable. 11、我们得到生命的时候附带有一个不可少的条件;我们应当勇敢地捍卫生命,直到最后一分钟。 There is an indispensable condition in our life; we should defend it bravely until the last minute. 12、用温柔的手段来处理人家**上的创伤,用温柔的态度来安慰人家精神上的痛苦。 Use gentle means to deal with physical trauma, with a gentle attitude to comfort people's mental pain. 13、我当时实在比鲁滨逊还要孤单,因为他虽然也孤单,却没有人看着他,没有人看到他的孤单。 I was really lonelier than Robinson, because although he was lonely, no one looked at him, no one saw his loneliness. 14、要有一颗永不变硬的心,一付永不厌倦的脾气,以及一种永不受损的风格。 We must have a heart that never hardens, a never weary temper, and a style that will never be damaged. 15、但愿他不要和自己作对才好。专和自己作对的人我讨厌。 I hope he doesn't want to be against himself. I hate people who are right with themselves. 16、虽说路途遥远,但已经上路,正在走来。告诉你,它决不会后退,也不会停下。 Though the road is far away, it is already on the way and is coming. Tell you, it will never retreat, nor will it stop. 17、对早年的第一个恩人、幸运的缔造者忘恩负义,当获报应。 To be ungrateful to the first benefactor and lucky founder in the early years should be retribution. 18、只有真心朋友才肯和你说这种话。如果你不能顺着直道正路做到不平凡,可千万别为了要不平凡而去走邪门歪道。 Only a true friend will say this to you. If you can't be extraordinary along the straight road, don't go out of your way just to be extraordinary. 19、宽恕是一种高贵的品质,一种崇高的美德,绝不是你所能控制、所能左右的。 Forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue that is beyond your control and control. 20、我没有权利对他的财产提出要求,于是我便打定了主意:决不要自寻烦恼,缘木求鱼,去提出这种要求,后来我便始终没有改变过这个主意。 I had no right to ask for his property, so I made up my mind not to ask for trouble, but to ask for fish, and I never changed my mind. 21、亲密无间的爱,也像疏远的隔阂一样,会让人猜不透,而且前者更是神秘莫测,难以捉摸。 Intimate love, like estrangement, is unpredictable, and the former is even more mysterious and elusive. 22、世界上有许多苦难在那儿等着我呢;一旦置身其间,就许可以显出几分英雄本色。 There are many miseries in the world waiting for me; and once in the midst of them, it is permissible to show some heroic qualities. 23、永远不要把你今天可以做的事留到明天做。延宕是偷光阴的贼。抓住他吧! Never leave what you can do today until tomorrow. Procrastination is a thief who steal time. Catch him! 24、无论好或者坏,无论可原谅或者不可原谅,事已铸成,再也无可挽回。 No matter what is good or bad, whether it is forgivable or unforgivable, things have been cast, and no longer can be recalled. 25、如果一个人自己具有某种品质,就具备对那种品质的鉴赏力。 If a person has a certain quality, he has the appreciation of that quality. 26、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座**! Stubborn perseverance can conquer any summit in the world. 27、在社交场合,干起杯来可不能太认真,不必那么一丝不苟的,杯底朝天翻过来往嘴里倒,酒杯边儿都压到了鼻子上。 On social occasions, you shouldn't drink too seriously. You don't have to be so meticulous. The bottom of the glass flips upside down into your mouth and the rim of the glass is pressed down on your nose. 28、没有无私的自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠。 Without the help of a selfless self sacrificing maternal love, the child's mind will be a desert. 29、没有强烈的爱,没有仁爱的心,没有以慈悲为怀为准则、以对世间众生的爱心为伟大的特征的上帝感激之忱,是永远得不到幸福的。 Happiness can never be achieved without strong love, without a loving heart, without God's gratitude, which is guided by compassion and characterized by great love for all living beings. 30、我现在已做的远比我所做的一切都美好;我将获得的休息远比我所知道的一切都甜蜜。 What I have done is far better than what I have done; the rest I shall have is far sweeter than everything I know. Extremely monotonous life can make people lose interest and courage to survive. 32、不管是什么身分和地位的人,对于美的事物,都不乏精鉴的能力;对于天赋的才能,都不乏淋漓的表现。 No matter what status and position of people, for the beauty of things, there is no lack of ability to learn; for the talent, there is no lack of incisive performance. 33、父亲造了孽,往往会报到孩子身上,而母亲积了德,也会报在孩子身上。 When a father makes a sin, he often reports to the child, and his mother gains virtue and reports to the child. 34、如果自以为凭着一股热情,不论什么大小事情都能办到,那你还不如趁早打消这种错误的想法。 If you think you can do anything big or small with a passion, you might as well get rid of the wrong idea. 35、我远在海外的时候,眼睛老是望着家乡。我在那边虽然发了财,日子过的可乏味了。 When I was away from abroad, my eyes always looked at my hometown. Though I have made money there, my days are boring. 36、大量的善和大量的恶,总是混合在一起,交互错综着的。 A lot of good and a lot of evil are always mixed and interacted. 37、一只眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,而另一只眼睛却燃烧着自私的慾火。 One eye twinkled with love, while the other was burning selfish desire. 38、辨是非,重证据,用冷静的头脑去比较。 Distinguish between right and wrong, heavy evidence, compare with a cool head. 39、只要他和蔼可亲,那比他有学问要好得多。 As long as he is amiable, that is much better than his learning. 40、自从我见到你以后,我才为一种原以为不会再谴责我的悔恨所苦恼。 Since I saw you, I have been troubled by a regret that I thought I would never condemn. 41、许多好心肠的人,往往会一厢情愿地过分夸大自己所做的好事,从而产生了过分乐观的幻想。 Many good-hearted people tend to exaggerate their good deeds wishfully and excessively, resulting in over-optimistic illusions. 42、从事慈善事业的人有两类:一类是光说不做的人,另一类是光做不说的人。 There are two kinds of people engaging in charity: one is a person who says nothing, the other is a person who does not speak. 43、我们应该勇敢地面对这一切,我们要忘掉不幸,在挑战中生活下去,而不是被逆境给打倒了。 We should face all this bravely. We should forget our misfortune and live in the challenge instead of being overwhelmed by adversity. 44、他自己是一个小小的吃公事饭的,但他在这个圈子里却找不到幸福。真的,幸福只能在幸福的家庭里才能找到。 He himself is a small official meal, but he can not find happiness in this circle. Really, happiness can only be found in happy families. 45、这个世界是个立身创业的地方,而不是游手好闲无所事事的地方。 The world is a place to start a business, not a place to idle about. 46、爱情能持之以恒才是一件好事;可是,如果在别的方面没有恒心,那么爱情方面的恒心也就一文不值,毫无意义了。 Persistence in love is a good thing, but if there is no perseverance in other ways, perseverance in love is worthless and meaningless. 47、人在精神方面受到了最可怕的打击时,往往会丧失神志。 People often lose their mind when they are most horrible in spirit. 48、想想看,我们是因为很幸福才如此坚强;而他是因为很不幸才如此脆弱! Think of it, we are so strong because we are very happy, and he is so fragile because of his misfortune. 49、各人的事情只有各人自己最了解。 Everyone knows everything except himself. 50、回首往事是徒劳无益的,除非这对于当前的事会发生什么影响。 It is useless to look back on the past, unless it will affect the current events. 51、一个真正的爱人总是希望来到他心爱的人身边,或者附近,哪怕失去与其他人在一起的乐趣也在所不惜;他念念不忘的是与她在一起。 A true lover always wishes to come to his beloved, or near him, even if he loses the pleasure of being with others; he never forgets to be with her. 52、要延长白天的时间,最妙的办法莫如从黑夜偷用几个钟头! The best way to prolong the daytime is to steal a few hours from the night. 53、一句话,先是太胆小,明知不该做的事却不敢不做;后来也还是太胆小,明知该做的事却不敢去做。 In a word, first too timid to do what you know you shouldn't do, then too timid to do what you know you should do. 54、说实话是我恪守的金科玉律,不管便宜还是吃亏,我都要这样做,可惜的是我常常吃了亏。 To tell the truth, I abide by the golden rule, whether cheap or lose, I will do so, but unfortunately I often lose. 55、再一次播下一样是掠夺和压迫的种子,结出来的必然是相同品种的果实。 Sowing again is like the seed of plunder and oppression, and it must be the fruit of the same species. 56、我的生活单调沉闷,正在一点一滴的消耗着我的生命。 My life is monotonous and boring. It is consuming my life bit by bit. 57、天下最苦恼的事莫过于看不起自己的家。 The most annoying thing in the world is to despise your own home. 58、如果你作事缺乏诚意,或者迟迟不愿动手,那你即使有天大本事,也不会有什么成就。 If you lack sincerity or are reluctant to do something, you will not achieve much even if you have great ability. 59、浑身刻板死沉、满面阴惨抑郁的人,不论其生相如何,衣饰如何,都是天上人间最坏的人。 A man of stiffness and gloom and depression, no matter how he was born or dressed, is the worst man in the world. 60、我有个原则:想到要做一件事,就一定要做到,而且要做得彻底。 I have a principle: to think of doing one thing, we must do it and do it thoroughly. 标签:英文 查尔斯 狄更斯 |
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