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日期:2022-12-10 21:16:37来源:人气:我来评论

导读:宫崎骏作品语录英语版宫崎骏经典语录:我们别无选择,只能从这个流感盛行的世界出发。——宫崎骏谈《on your mark》 我们用毒品、体育竞技或宗教等逃避对现实的关注。——宫崎骏谈《on your mark》 即使是在憎恨和杀戮中,仍然有些东西值得人们为之活下去。一次美丽的相遇,或是为了美丽事物的存在。......



我们别无选择,只能从这个流感盛行世界出发。——宫崎骏谈《on your mark》

我们用毒品体育竞技或宗教等逃避对现实的关注。——宫崎骏谈《on your mark》
















We have no choice but to the prevalence of influenza from the start of the World.

We have to use drugs, sports or religion to avoid the reality of the concerns

Even in hatred and killing, some things are still worth it to live. A beautiful meeting, or to the existence of beautiful things. We depict hatred, in order to describe more important things. We depict a curse, to describe the joy of liberation

Mongolia is on the grass for a living, a variety of biological eat grass, and then again from the people who made biological salt, meat and skin. The death of the biological body is also to other organisms, attributed to soil, and nourished the grass. Mongolians in this huge food chain and life cycle system to survive, but also see their own existence. And their spiritual life than we face now is how the spirit of the poor?

When I decided to become an animator, I am determined not copying anyone.

We have children born in a drug and AIDS around the world, there are others who would like to know what else. Even if the world's population up to 100 million, we will still survive - we may be disturbed, struggling, screaming, but still alive.

When it ended, my view is a kind of co-existence. It can not be too arrogant. We have to realize that we are many species on this planet in a small species. If we want humanity to survive longer on the millennium, we must create an environment for it. That is exactly what we are trying to do.

There is not a cat who grew up in the kitten, when they grow up himself gave birth to kittens, a kitten climbing out of the nest, it strained the child to go back and Diao. The kitten gradually increasing the scope of activities, but they will still try to go back and Diao. In the end, the kitten did not listen to it, then, it was mad, running in the house died.


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