日期:2022-12-10 21:06:49来源:人气:我来评论
夜幕降临前的经典台词I am that child with the round, dirty face who on every corner bothers you with his can you spare a quarter? I am that child with the dirty face no doubt unwanted that from far away contemplates coaches where other children emit laughter and jump up and down considerably I am that unlikeable child definitely unwanted with the round dirty face who before the giant street lights or under the grandames also illuminated or in front of the little girls that seem to levitate projects the insult of his dirty face I am that angry and lonely child of always, that throws you the insult of that angry child of always and warns you: if hypocritically you pat me on the head I would take that opportunity to steal your wallet. I am that child of always before the panorama of imminent terror, imminent leprosy, imminent fleas, of offenses and the imminent crime. I am that repulsive child that improvises a bed out of an old cardboard box and waits, certain that you will accompany me. - Reinaldo Arenas (1943-1990) Cuban revolutionary poet & author, exiled in NYC under Castro 求最终幻想核心危机和降临之子里的经典语句,最好中日语都有拥抱自己的梦想,无论何时,都不能放弃作为战士的荣誉! 为了我的梦想和荣誉,你要活下去。你就是我活着的证明你好! 因为将的是一整个故事的前半部分和后半部分. 游戏的主要角色,最后一路背着顺序是最终幻想7降临之子——最终幻想7——最终幻想7核心危机,降临之子是 我的回答你还满意吗~~ 标签:降临经典语录(爱在午夜降临前经典语录) |
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