日期:2022-12-10 20:48:14来源:人气:我来评论
Honesty is the first chapter of wisdom. 2、老老实实最能打动人心。 Honesty is the best way to move people. 3、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。 What honest people say is as reliable as his collateral. 4、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。 No legacy is as rich as honesty. 5、忠诚的高尚和可敬,无与伦比。 Loyalty is noble and respectable. 6、千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。 Thousands of religions teach thousands of people to seek truth. 7、伟大人格的素质,重要的是一个诚字。 The quality of great personality is a word of sincerity. Sincerity is the best way to do things. 9、坦白真爽最得人心。 Frank and cool. 10、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。 Even God helps those who are honest and brave. 11、语言犹如枝叶,行为犹如果实。 Words are like leaves and branches, deeds are fruits. 12、我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。 When I ask others to be honest, I have to be honest. False confession is a terrible thing. 14、人类最不道德处,是不诚实与怯懦。 The most immoral part of human beings is dishonesty and cowardice. 15、没有比正直更富的遗产。 There is no richer legacy than integrity. 16、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence. 17、一切的美德都包含在自我信赖里。 All virtues are in self trust. 18、轻诺必寡信,多易必多难。 It is much harder to trust than to promise. 19、真诚与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。 Sincerity and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius. 20、内不欺己,外不欺人。 Do not deceive yourself, but do not deceive others. 21、言而必有信,期而必当,天下之高行也。 Words must have faith, but time must be. 22、信用是成功的伙伴。 Credit is a successful partner. 23、失去信用而赚的钱应结算在损失里。 Money lost in credit should be settled in losses. 24、没有一种遗产能像诚实那样丰富的了。 No legacy can be as rich as honesty. 25、不信不立,不诚不行。 No faith, no honesty. 26、君子养心,莫善于诚。 A gentleman should not be good at heart. 27、对自己的忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。 To be true to oneself is not to cheat others. 28、不宝金玉,而忠信为宝。 Treasure is gold, but faith is treasure. 29、诚实是科学家的主要美德。 Honesty is the chief virtue of a scientist. 30、真诚才是人生最高的美德。 Sincerity is the highest virtue in life. 31、人无忠信,不可立于世。 No man can be faithful, nor should he be in the world. 32、坦白使人心地轻松的妙药。 Confessing the magic pill that makes people feel relaxed. 33、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。 False sincerity is more terrible than devil. 34、闪光的东西不一定都是金子。 All that glitters is not gold. Honesty and integrity are great in the world. 36、对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈。 If you are true to yourself, you will not cheat others. 37、信用既是无形的力量,也是无形的财富。 Credit is both invisible and intangible. 38、精诚所至,金石为开。 Sincerity is the key to success. 39、失掉信用的人,在这个世界上已经死了。 Those who lose credit are dead in this world. 40、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。 If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest. 41、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕黑暗。 An honest man is neither afraid of light nor afraid of darkness. 42、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。 The world is no more valuable than a sincere man. 43、难听的实话胜过动听的谎言。 A bad truth is better than a good lie. 44、意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。 Those who are weak will never be honest. 45、蚜虫吃青草,锈吃铁,虚伪吃灵魂。 Aphids eat grass, rust, iron, and hypocrisy eat their souls. 46、诚实是人生永远最美好的品格。 Honesty is the best quality of life forever. 47、以实待人,非惟益人,益已尤人。 To treat others with sincerity is not only beneficial, but also beneficial. Honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep. 49、处己事上临下皆当以诚为主。 Where we are, we must be honest. 50、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。 To live is to make others better. 51、人而无信,不知其可也。 There is no faith in people. 52、诚实是最丰富的传代物。 Honesty is the most abundant passer. 53、言必诚信,行必忠正。 Words must be faithful, and deeds must be faithful. 54、失去信用是一个人的最大损失。 Losing credit is the biggest loss for a person. Honesty wins the trust of the soul and promotes the rule of law according to law. 56、欺人亦是自欺,此又是自欺之甚者。 Deceiving others is also self deception, which is also self deceiving. 57、用诚信美化心灵,用法治规范社会。 Use good faith to beautify the mind and rule the society with the rule of law. 58、人不守信,无异于叫旁人对他失信。 If a man does not keep his word, he will call someone else to break his promise. 59、没有诚实何来尊严。 No honesty, no dignity. Life is impossible to make brilliant flowers out of lies. 61、坦白真爽,最能得人心。 Frank and cool, the most popular. 62、你必须以诚待人,别人才会以诚回报。 You must treat others sincerely and others will repay them honestly. 63、守信用胜过有名气。 Trustworthiness is better than fame. 64、土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。 The wall of the earth can be thick and thick. 65、马先驯而后求良,人先信而后求能。 Ma first tame and then seek good. 66、坦白是诚实和勇敢的产物。 Confession is the product of honesty and courage. 67、失去了真,同时也失去了美。 Lost the truth, at the same time lost beauty. 68、诚实是最好的政策。 Honesty is the best policy. 69、不相信任何人人的人知道自己无信用。 Anyone who does not believe in everyone knows that he has no credit. 70、若有人兮天一方,忠为衣兮信为裳。 If someone comes to heaven, he is loyal to his clothes and his letters are his clothes. 71、没有一种罪恶比虚伪和背义更可耻了。 No sin is more disgraceful than hypocrisy and back righteousness. 72、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。 The most unethical subscribers are dishonesty and cowardice. 73、轻千乘之国,而重一言之信。 In light of the state of 1000 times, it is a word of faith. 74、才者,德之资也;德者,才之帅也。 Only those who are virtuous are also handsome. 75、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。 Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates. 76、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。 Sincerity is also the way of heaven. 77、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。 The truth may be sad, but it is better than a lie. 78、欺人只能一时,而诚信才是长久之策。 It is only a temporary way to deceive people, and honesty is the long-term policy. 79、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。 Confession is a magic pill to make people feel relaxed. 80、当信用消失的时候,**就没有生命。 When credit goes away, there is no life in the body. 标签:英语 诚实 |
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