日期:2022-12-10 20:22:01来源:人气:我来评论
你见过哪些惊艳的作文开头无论你是刚接触留学考试的菜鸟,还是久经沙场、横扫托福、ACT考试的老兵,提到写作,这样的开头一定不会陌生: With the development of..., more and more people….Some people think… Other argue….In my opinion, …. 没错,这是陪伴我们走过无数条险峰狭路的“万精油”开头模板。而对于阅卷人来说,看到这样的开头,他们的感受可能是这样的: 他们早已被这千篇一律的模板开头麻痹神经,也期待突然的一针兴奋剂刺激大脑。要从芸芸众生中脱颖而出,同学们不妨参考以下这种开头段的吸睛大法: 提!问!法! 传授方法前,我们先看一段CCTV10《走进科学》节目预告词: 七旬老太为何惨死街头? 数百头猪为何半夜惨叫? 民宅房门为何夜夜被敲? 是疯狂的爆发还是饥渴的无奈,是人性的扭曲还是道德的沦丧? 敬请关注今晚8点CCTV10年度巨献《走近科学》,让我们跟随着镜头走进变态狂的内心世界… 《走进科学》的预告,总是能十足地吊起人的胃口。究其原因,就是因为用了特别出彩的“提问法”。精心设计的提问可以刺激读者的好奇心,并激发读者去寻找答案。这个方法我们也可以灵活运用于ACT写作的开头段中。 请记住提问法开头结构: 提问+分析+观点 举两个例子: 【例题1】 Place for education: Perspective1: Schools are better places for education because institutions like schools are more likely to combine a myriad of resources for better use. Perspective2: Education does not necessarily take place in schools as long as the educated can be imparted with valuable things that might do favor for their future. Perspective3: Home schooling can also be an alternative for education because receiving education at home helps the educated to be free from unnecessary disturbance. 【开头段Sample】Are schools the best place for children to receive education? Or are there any other alternatives available? When talking about places for education, the first thing that comes into our mind is classroom education. However, recently, more and more parents have chosen home schooling for their teenagers. Parenting, surely, counts in education system; whereas, education can take various forms as long as the educated could be enlightened or inspired during the process. 【解析】开头利用两个问题“学校是否是接受教育的最佳场所”“有没有其他选择”引发读者思考。紧接着利用该问题引发的深思进一步分析有关受教育场所的问题。最后正式过渡到作者的立场,即Perspective2:教育可以有不同的形式。 看完这个开头,如果你觉得两个提问还不过瘾,没关系,我们还有下面的高能版。 【例题2】 STEM education: Many people believe that a background in STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — is needed to succeed in the 21st century. As technological advancements continue to reshape society, people with STEM training are more likely to be in increasing demand as they apply for colleges or seek a job. However, students do not seem to share the enthusiasm for STEM education. Research suggests that their interest and participation in such fields are declining. Given that students are not interested in STEM, it is worthwhile to value STEM education. Perspective1: The purpose of education is to prepare students to get a good job. Highest-paying jobs require knowledge in STEM. Perspective2: It is much more than a high-paying job to be fulfilled in life. The happiest people work at what they love. Perspective3: No one can predict what a job in tomorrow will require. The basic, well-rounded education is best for most people. 【开头段Sample】Do you remember the joy of solving a difficult equation on your own as a student? Do you remember the pleasure of listening to those greatest immortal souls in science? Do you remember the excitement when you finally discover how CPU works as an integrated part? These experiences keep reminding us how fun STEM education is. To students who have great interest in STEM, it would be an ideal gift if they continue to learn STEM. 【解析】开头3个“Do you remember…?”将提问法和排比修辞相结合,语气瞬间增强3倍。一句话简短分析了理工教育的趣味后,引出了立场:对于喜欢理工科的学生来说,学习使它们快乐,即观点2。提问数量控制在3个以内为宜,既不会造成虎头蛇尾的感觉,也不会耽搁太多时间,毕竟文章重点还是要放在中间段。 以上就是ACT开头段提问法的精髓。妙用提问法,主动调动起评卷人的兴趣,会使你的文章画龙点睛。 如果你以为这就是开头段吸睛大法的全部,那就太单纯了。除此之外,还有画面法、背景法、故事法、引言法、让步法、历史法…欲窥全貌,可以问她↓。 半命题作文惊艳了时光500字我总想起第一次遇见你时的表情,如恍惚中,在沙漠中发现水源一般惊艳,也许你刚好出现在最恰当的时候。 那是不期而遇的爱情,狭路相逢的命运。我总记得,那时每天相遇的我们,我把它解释为缘分,我总记得我向朋友描述你时,一回头,竟看见了走在我身后的你。这就是命运吗?也许你不知道你在这段青葱岁月,惊艳了我的时光,像一场季候风,仓促而凌乱,而我不知所措。 终于,在无数次相遇后,朋友把你堵在街口,问你要电话号码,而我在你看到我的瞬间早已落荒而逃。我听见你说:原来是你。所以你永远看我不知我是否走进你的记忆,也许从那天开始,我们有了联系。 你待我很好,我时常在你的眼神里看见微笑,我喜欢你宠溺的摸着我的头,喜欢看你靠在我的腿上安然入梦,喜欢你背着我仿佛就是全世界的满足,喜欢你握着我的手时的坦然。 只是你从不知道,你在我心里留下了那么多回忆,以至于后来我看见相似的场景就会想到曾经的我们。我总是把一切隐藏得很深,包括我对你的眷恋,所以你总说猜不透我,而我只能静静微笑。我把自己包装的很好, 以你永远看不到我的悲伤。 我们在一起不足两个月,而你却要离开三个月,当你说出你舍不得时,我只能云淡风情的说一句:我等你。三个月的时光如期而过,你会给我打电话,听着我抱怨心烦的事然后安慰我。我还记得你回来的那天,很冷,很冷,我的手一直很冰凉,这是不是也意味着即使我们握在一起还是不会温暖呢?我想到了那个词:物是人非。 我不敢想象那种悲伤,我记得我说过,我想做你手心的太阳。我记得每当我说:我怕握不住你的手时。我会泪流满面。你永远不会知道,在你第二次离开前我写的那封信,从我们的相遇一直说到现在,我依然会怕有一天,会握不住你的手。结果却还是印证了我的猜测,我不知道分离后的结果是什么,这一天终于还是到了,曾经惊艳了时光的你,在青春的末尾退出了,我终于握不住你的手了。 往事如一场惨烈的厮杀,曾经的一切,无论有过怎样的误会,这一刻我却可以坦然接受。拥有了美好的时光,如今该还你一个两厢情愿了。 当我转身后,我看见了曾经的烟火掠过我的少年,那惊鸿般的绚烂,如很久以前的某一天,你出现在我的视野。 标签:毕业作文惊艳文案(神仙句惊艳作文开头文案 |
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