日期:2022-12-09 20:13:53来源:人气:我来评论
当你悲伤的时候,请不要迷茫,花儿不会因你而不谢,地球也不会因你而不转,不如给自己一个微笑,踏实过好接下来的每一分每一秒。 When you are sad, please don't be confused. The flowers won't die because of you, and the earth won't turn because of you. It's better to give yourself a smile and live the next minute. 理想是个顽皮的孩子,爱情是场不能回避的悲剧,远行是出流动的木偶表演,失去才是人生如影随形的伙伴 Ideal is a naughty child, love is an unavoidable tragedy, travel is a flowing puppet show, loss is life's companion 在这个不知所措的年纪,好像一切都那么不尽人意。 At this age of bewilderment, everything seems so unsatisfactory. 把时间花在自己身上,便会收获希望。把时间花在别人身上,注定换来失望。 If you spend time on yourself, you will gain hope. Spending time on others is doomed to disappointment. 你无意中闯入了我的世界,我不小心打扰了你的生活,你说会给我最美好最难忘的爱情,可你却忘了,最美好最难忘的背后,是最伤感最疼痛的回忆。 You inadvertently intruded into my world, I accidentally disturbed your life, you said you would give me the most beautiful and unforgettable love, but you forget that behind the most beautiful and unforgettable is the most sad and painful memory. 爱是痛苦,是煎熬,是寂寞,即便你是爱得死去活来,她不以为然,甚至更不相信。唯有纯真相爱才是世间最美好的东西。你我都应该去争取,去努力,去珍惜。 Love is pain, suffering, loneliness, even if you are the death of love, she does not think so, even more do not believe. Only pure love is the best thing in the world. You and I should strive for, work hard and cherish. 缺氧的爱,窒息的痛。感情谈了,不是撒点盐就能恢复从前的。其实,当一个人主动走出那个爱的世界时,大门就早已关闭,一个在外面,一个被留在里面独自伤心地等待。 Anoxic love, suffocating pain. When we talk about feelings, we can't recover from the past by sprinkling some salt. In fact, when a person takes the initiative to go out of the world of love, the door is already closed, one is outside, the other is left inside, waiting alone and sadly. 爱你真的太卑微了 我以前明明很嚣张的 Love you is too humble, I used to be very arrogant 谎言和誓言的区别在于,一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了。 The difference between lies and oaths is that one is the one who listens and the other is the one who speaks. 明明什么都没做,却揽了所有的错。 I didn't do anything, but I took all the mistakes. 有些爱,只是一份默默的深情,不求任何回报,也许不会有人会懂,也许他也并不能体会到这爱有多少,此爱深藏于心而无处能诉。 Some love, just a silent affectionate, do not ask for any return, perhaps no one will understand, perhaps he can not realize how much this love, this love is deep in the heart and nowhere to tell. 时间不会治愈你,反而会让你念念不忘 Time will not cure you, but will make you remember 标签:失望落寞的句子 现实伤感 句句虐心 |
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