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日期:2022-12-09 17:42:07来源:人气:我来评论

导读:喜欢的人碰巧出现在你的脸上,如果你和我一般,就是碰巧。The person you like happens to appear on your face. If you are like me, it's just a coincidence.天气如清晨的柠檬水,冬日如太阳,梦中如大海,天如初见你......

  喜欢人碰巧出现在你的上,如果你和我一般,就是碰巧。The person you like happens to appear on your face. If you are like me, it's just a coincidence.气如清晨的柠檬,冬日如太阳中如大海,天如初见你。The weather is like lemonade in the morning, the winter is like the sun, the dream is like the sea, and the day is like seeing you for the first time.


  520人节可以发朋友圈的句子,温情浪漫,你最喜欢哪一句?你努力工作什么时候有空和我结婚。You work hard. When are you free to marry me.我是个孩子,想要草莓布丁,你可以帮我买吗?找到那首藏诗没有?I'm a child. I want strawberry pudding. Can you buy it for me? Did you find that Tibetan poem?我设定了只有你才能看到的温柔。I set the tenderness that only you can see.如果你同意,未来的我将奉陪到底,如果你离开,我将藏在你看不到的记忆中。If you agree, I will accompany you in the future. If you leave, I will hide in the memory you can't see.


  520情人节可以发朋友圈的句子,温情浪漫,你最喜欢哪一句?我一看见你就中箭了,丘比特这个小伙,真是下毒了。I got shot as soon as I saw you, Cupid. He's poisoned.不要因为生活而皱眉,只有吻你才是最好的。Don't frown because of life, only kiss you is the best.实上我不知道喜欢什么,我只知道遇见你之后,整个世界都是甜蜜的。In fact, I don't know what I like, I only know that after meeting you, the whole world is sweet.来日方长,你所需的与感激,我将慢慢给予。I will give you the love and gratitude you need.


  520情人节可以发朋友圈的句子,温情浪漫,你最喜欢哪一句?我要说的,很多时候都不知道该如何表达,爱总是藏在眼睛里,你知不知道也藏在这个眼里。I don't know how to express what I have to say. Love is always hidden in my eyes. Do you know it is also hidden in the eyes of this word.我是一条大鲨鱼,非常凶猛凶猛,喜欢吃小朋友,你就是小朋友。I am a big shark, very fierce, like to eat children, you are children.伴你青丝白发,伴你朝阳夕阳,我们三餐四时,煮茶赏。With your green hair, with your sunrise and sunset, we cook tea and enjoy flowers at four o'clock.没在你身上,我却醉得像条。Without you, I'm as drunk as a dog.

标签:520情人节可以发朋友圈的句子 温情浪漫 你最喜欢哪一句?

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