日期:2022-12-08 21:40:12来源:人气:我来评论
1、虽然远隔千山万水,但我仍然看得见你那明镜般的心灵,感觉到你那柔丝般的温情。 Though thousands of mountains and rivers are far away, I can still see your mirror-like heart and feel your tenderness. 2、故事的开头总是这样,适逢其会,猝不及防。故事的结局总是这样,花开两朵,天各一方。 The beginning of the story is always like this. It's easy to get caught. The ending of the story is always like this, and the flowers bloom two. 3、倚靠着栏杆,抬头望着夜空,你走了。没有挽留,没有说话,也没有看你。 Leaning against the railings, looking up at the night sky, you left. No retention, no words, no see you. 4、如果我不联系你,别以为是我忘了你,那是我再为我们的约定而努力。 If I do not contact you, do not think that I forget you, that is, I work hard for our agreement. 5、我不敢回头,我不敢跟你道别,是因为也许有了这些举动我会控制不住自己! I dare not look back, I dare not say goodbye to you, because perhaps with these actions I can not control myself! The wind blew gently, and the water flowed silently, carrying memories and sending away the time. 7、相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,愿我们的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。 The gathering is always short, but the difference is long. May our hearts be closely followed and never separated. 8、你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。不舍离别,心中只有你,愿时间在此停留,不再向前。 The moment you turn around, my depressed life. If you don't give up, you will only have time to stay. 9、我静静地摘下圆月中的那金桂新枝,编织一个相思的好梦,遥寄给远方肄业的你。 I quietly picked the golden cinnamon twigs in the full moon, weave a good dream of missing, and send it to you from afar. 10、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We laugh and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is not in sight. 11、今天我在遥远的地方,把你给予我的昨天,折叠成记忆的小船,任其漂浮在思念的海洋上。 Today I am far away, folding the yesterday you gave me into a boat of memory, floating on the ocean of longing. 12、每一次的离别都在夏天,明明是最火热的季节,却承载着最盛大的离别。 Each departure is in the summer, obviously the hottest season, but carries the most grand departure. 13、有一种相聚,叫离别。有一种离别,是为了更好的相聚。 There is a kind of gathering called farewell. There is a kind of separation, in order to better get together. 14、人生路上何须忧伤,天涯海角总有知音,把握机会珍惜好运,祝愿我们友谊长青。 There is no need to be sad on the road of life. There are always bosom friends around the world. Take the opportunity to cherish good luck and wish our friendship evergreen. 15、在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一睛,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 Don't forget to take the time in your busy life to relax and keep a happy young heart forever. 16、从别后,忆相逢。几回魂梦与君同。今宵剩把银缸照,犹恐相逢是梦中。 From behind, we will meet each other. A few dreams with God. It's a dream to see each other in a silver bowl tonight. 17、离别是暂时的,共度人生是永远的,离别滋生相思情,使我们的爱情更炽热。 Parting is temporary, sharing life is eternal, parting breeds love, make our love more fervent. 18、别离,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为相逢的希望在安慰。 Parting, a bit difficult to give up, but not disappointed; a little sorry, but not pessimistic. Because the hope of meeting is comforting. 19、这些岁月里的人来人往,我们站在来路也站在去路。 In these years, people are coming and going, and we are standing on the way. 20、你走来的时候,我的期待在远方;你离去的时候,你就是我梦绕魂牵的期待。 When you come, my expectation is far away; when you leave, you are my dream. 21、人世间最珍贵的,莫过于真诚的友情,深切的怀念,像幽香的小花,开在深谷。 The most precious thing in the world is sincere friendship, deep longing, like fragrant flowers, blooming in the deep valley. 22、高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。 The mountains and oceans separated us, but I can only meet you in memories, meet you in dreams. 23、揣一颗欢乐的心上路,带一份真诚前走,朋友,愿我们的友情天长地久。 With a happy heart on the road and a sincere departure, my friend, may our friendship last forever. 24、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,是往日欢乐的终结,未来幸福的开端。 To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future. 25、白浪给你献花,阳光与你拥抱,海鸥与你话别,啊,生活的大海托着你青春的船只启航了。 White waves offer you flowers, sunshine embrace you, seagulls say goodbye to you, ah, the sea of life sets sail on your young ship. We always meet at the fork in the road and then go our separate ways. 27、你走了,在那漫长的时刻里,我的心就像秋树,叶片无奈地飘洒一地,只把寂寞挂在枝头。 You go, in that long time, my heart is like an autumn tree, leaves helplessly drifting on the ground, only hanging lonely on the branches. 28、如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就!而我不愿意将就。 If there was ever a man in the world, everyone else would become a man. And I don't want to. 29、情依依,别依依,千言万语化作无语;你忘不了我,我忘不了你,相逢会有期。 Love, do not rely on, thousands of words into silence; you can not forget me, I can not forget you, meet for a period. 30、我最亲爱的朋友,你的快乐我会为你加倍,你有苦衷我就会分担,祝你快乐! My dearest friend, your happiness I will double for you, you have pains I will share, I wish you happiness! 31、没有信的日子,好像一堆温柴,被回想点着,一脑子的浓烟。 A day without letters is like a pile of warm wood. It is recalled to mind, thick smoke in one's brain. 32、即便无法再见面,即便时间慢慢模糊了你的脸,但我们的友谊却永久那么清楚地存在着! Even if we can't meet again, even if time blurs your face, but our friendship is always so clear! 33、在怀念的季节里,请不要忘了我,就好像我时时没有忘了你一样。 In the season of remembrance, please don't forget me, as if I never forgot you. 34、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见;心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给我一份深厚的友谊。 We had to part and say goodbye softly, thanking you for giving me a deep friendship. 标签:英文 送别 祝福语 |
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