日期:2023-02-07 11:57:46来源:shualue.com人气:我来评论
一、Don't ask for wenda, but feel at ease. 二、promote the spirit of cattle and do ordinary work. 四、正人先正已,身教重言教。 七、Listen to children's voices, learn to smile and treat students kindly. 八、用真情教书,用真心育人。 九、愿作园丁勤浇灌,甘为烛炬尽燃烧。 十一、Teach with true love and educate with true heart. 十二、天道酬勤。 十三、Love yourself, love others, discipline others. 十四、细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。 十五、一切为了孩子,为了孩子一切。 十六、严以律己,宽以待人。 十七、执着杏坛,乐于奉献。 十八、有所尝试,就有所作为。 十九、学生的需求,咱们不懈的追求。 二十、Bend your head and be willing to be a cow, and wave your hoofs to be a thousand miles horse. 二十一、Be strict with yourself and lenient with others. 二十二、俯首甘为孺子牛,挥蹄勇做千里马。 二十三、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。 二十五、Do your best and live happily. 二十六、enthusiastic spirit, open-minded and open-minded. 二十七、The needs of students, we unremitting pursuit. 二十八、persistent apricot altar, willing to dedicate. 二十九、If you try, you will do something. 三十、我们要善于发现学生的亮点。 三十一、事在人为,境由心造。 三十二、小鸟展翅看大鸟,学生成长靠教师。 三十三、好人有好报,即使没好报,也要做好人。 三十四、我热爱这份事业,无论平凡,无论贫穷。 三十五、You can't control them, but you can control yourself. 三十六、Details determine success, and every bit of it makes brilliance. 三十七、give students a world, give teachers a sky. 三十八、all one's life depends on diligence, only diligence can succeed. 三十九、consciousness is the foundation of successful education. 四十、good shoots make good bamboo, good teachers make good apprentices. 四十一、Those who are not complacent benefit, those who are not complacent are informative! 四十二、The righteous are the first and the teaching is the most important. 四十三、everything for children, everything for children. 四十四、Birds spread their wings to see big birds, and students grow up by teachers. 四十五、Real love teaches and educates people. 四十六、昂扬振奋的精神,豁达开朗的心胸。 四十七、你不能控制他们,但你可以掌握自已。 四十八、不计得失,努力工作。 四十九、一切尽力就好,活得开心就好。 五十、work hard regardless of gain or loss. 五十一、扬黄牛精神,做平凡工作。 五十二、不自满者受益,不自是者博闻! 五十三、we should be good at discovering the bright spots of students. 五十四、Heaven rewards diligence. 五十五、good people have good rewards, even if they have no good rewards, they should be good people. 五十六、wide view and approximation, thick accumulation and thin hair. 五十七、I love this career, no matter ordinary, no matter poor. 五十八、wish to be a gardener diligently watering, willing to burn the candles. 五十九、everything is man-made, but circumstances are made by heart. 六十、不求闻达,但得心安。 六十一、好笋出好竹,好师出好徒。 六十二、以其昭昭,使人昭昭。 六十三、with its zhaozhao, make people zhaozhao. 标签:座右铭 英文 老师 |
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