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日期:2023-04-29 06:14:27来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、如果你是对的,你没必要发脾气;如果你是错的,你没资格发脾气。If you are right, you don't have to lose your temper; If you are wro...


If you are right, you don't have to lose your temper; If you are wrong, you have no right to lose your temper.


That's what life is like when you grow up: neither too happy nor too disappointed.


Life is a telephone, you hang up first or I hang up first.


Why reluctantly and road different people do friends, yangguandao, single-plank bridge, strangers meet, polite is enough.


Some scenery can only like but not collection, some people are only suitable for meeting but not suitable for a long time.


Don't expect everyone to understand you, because every man has his hobbyhorse. If you make turnips, you can't make greens.


Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and you'll be fine.


Work out if you have the time. You can't be single and overweight.


Try harder, no one will accompany you to a long time, I hope you will soon have the ability to “carry”。


When you do not even have the courage to try, you do not deserve to have happiness, and will never get happiness, hurt, hurt, just know how deep.


?If it makes you ugly, don't do it. If a person makes you unlovable, leave him.


One day the world will grind away your edges, you will pull out the thorns, you will learn to smile at the people you hate, and you will become a quiet person.


I like money, because I have never suffered from money, do not know the disadvantages of money, only know the advantages of money.


I've always been good at protecting myself: once I sense the other person's icy attitude, I walk away, never trying to warm up the relationship.


Do not stay people do not need to stay, inappropriate people will eventually separate, can not be smart but do not not sober.


If you are living well, it is because God wants you to have faith in him. If you are not living well, it is because God has faith in you.


Life to their own, bitter to eat, why see others face to life.


When I was a child, my pillow was full of saliva. When I grew up, my pillow was full of tears. When I was young, smile was a kind of mood. When I grew up, smile was a kind of expression.


Because loneliness is a normal part of life, company is very precious. Never throw away the people who always accompany you because of the freshness.


Don't love you, don't bother, lose dignity and laugh; If the shoes don't fit, don't try to jam them. They rub your feet and leave a pile of blood blisters.

标签:D 英文 尊严 人。Because

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