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日期:2023-04-24 10:51:10来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、长大后,感觉最遗憾的事,莫过于辜负了小时候的梦想,没能活成那时候想象的人。When I grow up,I feel the most regretful thing is that I fail...


When I grow up, I feel the most regretful thing is that I failed to live up to my childhood dream and become the person I imagined at that time.


When we were children, crying was our solution to problems. As we grow up, laughter is our weapon against reality.


The world is so small, it's like when you turn around, you don't know who you will meet. The world is really big, like a turn around, don't know who will disappear.


For everyone you meet in life, the sequence of appearances is really important. Many people would have different endings if they had known each other at a different time.


The wisest art of dealing with the world is to look askance at it, and to go along with it.


Once upon a time, when I lost someone for the first time, I always felt That I would hate them for a lifetime, and I would never know what to do. Now, people come and go, and I gradually get used to it.


May you become what you like, not complaining, not settling, with freedom and light.


I hope you can do a mixed world big devil, don't cry, don't be a person sad, to walk chic, don't be emotion around, the fresh feeling is over and then find a new love, never silly and so on a person.


In all jokes, there are serious words, and those that seem not to understand the response, is probably the most tactful rejection.


When someone is distressed, tears are tears, or they are only salty bodily fluids; Being cared for, sajiao is sajiao, or death.


I will not retain any attempt to abandon me, just as will not spit things chew again.


There is no such thing as good or love without any reason or cause. Don't trample others' efforts under your feet. No one should do so.


People, can not live too clear. Is the so-called, out of the heart out of the lungs, heartless live not tired.


Don't worry too much about the present, don't worry too much about the future. When you go through something, the scenery is not the same as before.


Life can drift, can be lonely, but the soul must have refuge.


You can unbridled scold me, but don't touch my bottom line, otherwise you will regret, after all, everyone angry, are unable to resist.

标签:绝招 面对现实 问题 problems 人。When

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