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日期:2023-04-24 06:11:32来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、无论在世界什么地方,钱,永远都是最有效、最直接的通行证。No matter where in the world, money is always the most effective and d...


No matter where in the world, money is always the most effective and direct passport.


Once people have to rely on, it will become the kindergarten and others to pick up the children.


When you are not strong enough, everything you do is just a joke in the eyes of others.


People in the time, think that the future everything has a chance, in fact, life is subtraction, see one side, less one side.


Cheer up, you'll be someone else's treasure sooner or later.


Most of the time, there is no comfortable sofa, no beer, no friends, no strangers to talk about, no love, no faith, no enthusiasm, nothing.


When you are not strong enough, you can only learn to get along with the people you hate, this is the reality!


If you ask God for help, show that you believe in His power. If God doesn't help you, god trusts in your ability.


All the good in the world, summed up, but also “get what you want” four words.


Anyone who wants to see you is free 2四、hours a day. Want to help you, again difficult also will try every means to help you! Remember: you can do whatever you like for the one who likes you, and nothing for the one who doesn't like you.


A woman's charm is not enough to feel a man, a man's strength is too poor to feel a woman reality!


All people and things, oneself have a clear conscience is good, not your also don't insist, anyway leave, is the scenery, leaving, is life.


Life is either this or that. In short, it won't be what you think.


Make the circle smaller, make the language cleaner, make the grades higher, take the story to heart, what you want now will have in the future.


Don't treat a girl as childish, if she doesn't like you, she is more mature than your mother.


Enemies become friends, more reliable than friends, friends become enemies, more dangerous than enemies. It is good to know some things, not to mention. It's good to know some people, but you don't need to know them.

标签: 永远都是 敌人 passport.二、

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