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日期:2023-04-24 06:11:10来源:说说网人气:我来评论

导读:一、胖就少吃,困就早睡;穷就多赚,分就远离;你不拯救自己,上帝也很为难。Fat eat less, sleepy early to bed; If you are poor, you earn mor...


Fat eat less, sleepy early to bed; If you are poor, you earn more; if you divide, you stay away. God is in trouble if you don't save yourself.


Instead of putting on AIRS and trying to influence others, it's better to gnash your teeth and repair yourself.


Someone will teach you how to grow up, but not in a way that deserves your thanks.


Remember this truth: don't expect too much of what hasn't happened yet, and don't worry too much about what hasn't.


Don't let bad things ruin your day. Be optimistic, be happy. Life is too short to waste time on unimportant things.


The world, smiling at you too many people. Sincerely for you to tolerate everything you, too little. Too much of the time, we are a person, remember, can finally heal yourself or yourself.


Success is going from failure to failure without changing your enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill


Nothing you want, nothing you like, is effortless. Like the rainbow always after the wind and rain, so, must try.


All men's strength is a cocoon of softness. - jia-jia zhang


My life is mine, your life is yours. As long as you know what you're looking for, go ahead and live your life as you wish. What others say is none of your business.


Life is like a play, everyone wears a mask.


Three rules for Adult Happiness: 1. Not asking too much in a relationship is the rule for being happy. 2. Never place your hopes in someone else. 三、suggest always believe in love, do not suggest that love will be forever.


Don't buy a late-night drink for anyone who doesn't love you. Since you don't love her anymore, why not spend more time managing yourself to become a better person and more worthy of love?


No one CARES how you cry in the middle of the night, no one CARES how you toss and turn to endure the autumn. Outsiders only look at the results, their own support process. When you understand that, you won't be in front of people, crying out for comfort.


Not everything will go as you wish, as long as you are willing to work hard, the world will always surprise you.


Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. No matter how hard life is, keep a curiosity. You will always find your own way and your own success.

标签:总会 魅力 事情 英文

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